Jesus ****ing Christ...


May 24, 2003
Reaction score
I have no ****ing idea what to say... well **** YOU INTERPLAY!

Hey... Fallout 3 is dead, Black Isle, guys who created greatest CRPG of our time, are no more.

"Van Buren/Fallout3 has been "shelved," as the geniuses at IPLY have put it. Console only is the word of the day now. Even though Van Buren was half-way finished, the 'tards in charge have decided they want to do Exalted console and FOBOS 2. The simple fact they are making FOBOS2 even when FOBOS when hasn't shipped and is hated by the Fallout community says a lot about their intelligence. Not to mention Van Buren would be the only game they could possibly ship by X-mas next year."

ah shit...
I am truly depressed right now, and will be for the rest of the week. I was waiting for Fallout… I love Fallout series. Instead… There weren’t any CRPG that ever came close to Fallout series or Planescape: Torment, and there never will be. Ah **** internet…
i'm going to reply to this only to tell everyone else to please not reply to it and let it die...don't make the mods close it.
Goddamnit!!! What the hell are they ****ing thinking!!!

Edit: Oh, didn't see your post there.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
i'm going to reply to this only to tell everyone else to please not reply to it and let it die...don't make the mods close it.

You know, I don’t really care, if they close this one, I will start new thread. I just can’t let it go like that. Will admin ban me, they can go right ahead. It’s not easy to piss me off, but this new sure did. I don’t act like this a lot, but sometimes I burst right open, and there is no stopping of cursing. I edited my post, but still, news is very important to be ignored.
just make a thread that doesn't have more *'s than letters to avoid it getting closed.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
just make a thread that doesn't have more *'s than letters to avoid it getting closed.

Stop being such a dick :p They cancelled Fallout 3, I think he has the right to some cussing, especially if it's just *'s.

Anyway can't say I ever got into the Fallout series but I know one person who'll be REALLY pissed when they hear this.
No, actually, I found it highly offensive as to how he wrote the subject to this moronic thread. It itself actually makes me want to curse.

Im sorry they canceled your game, but get over it.
Originally posted by *_-SpAcKeL-_*
No, actually, I found it highly offensive as to how he wrote the subject to this moronic thread. It itself actually makes me want to curse.

Im sorry they canceled your game, but get over it.

Offensive my ass, how about that? I want to see if Half-life 2 would be canceled, you would see a lot more of cursing. So, when something shitty happens in your life, you just say “get over it” and that’s about it? Games are games, part of our lives, and we get emotionally attached to them.
Fallout Pwned
Fallout 2 Pwned
Fallout Tactics: Sux
Fallout 3 Would have pwned.

Fallout 3 could be a Half-life 2 mod
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
well **** YOU INTERPLAY!
Hmmm... seems like I said that recently... oh yeah... way bring back sour memories of a few months ago, man. ;(
fallout kind of sucks. oh well. :cheese:
Originally posted by gh0st
fallout kind of sucks. oh well. :cheese:

Coming from the guy who has a Lunix penguin as his avatar. Ha…
Linux pwns all. Its the next Windows soon as people begin useing it more after the microsoft Communistic government falls in eastern europe.
WTf am i talking about?

Screw it, look at my sig
Originally posted by coolio2man
Linux pwns all. Its the next Windows soon as people begin useing it more after the microsoft Communistic government falls in eastern europe.
WTf am i talking about?

Screw it, look at my sig

Yeah, and after Microsoft falls, Linux geeks, with their car stickers, will take over the world… Oh wait, there are so few of them that nobody will notice bunch of fat guys in glasses screaming about how evil Microsoft was.

Cool sig, I like pancakes too… mmmm
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Coming from the guy who has a Lunix penguin as his avatar. Ha…

whats wrong with linux? or penguins? i could just say youre too stupid to use it, but i wont.

oh wait i already did.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Yeah, and after Microsoft falls, Linux geeks, with their car stickers, will take over the world… Oh wait, there are so few of them that nobody will notice bunch of fat guys in glasses screaming about how evil Microsoft was.

whoa dont blame ME that fallout sucks and no one cares that they are cancelling your game.
Originally posted by gh0st
whoa dont blame ME that fallout sucks and no one cares that they are cancelling your game.

Ah yeah, this why it always listed as one of the greatest RPG ever made? Uh, sorry, maybe your brain doesn’t comprehend games with freedom of choice and depth.

I don’t blame you, I am just laughing that it comes from you.
i almost didnt, but i decided to call your bluff.

where is any fallout game listed as one of the best RPG's ever. and where is it "always" listed.

fallouts always been the ghetto game that walmart or fred meyer sold for like 8 bucks. get a grip.
yeah but iw ouldent go to a bunch of other forums venting my frustration.

edit: \/ for this
Fallout was a great game, as was it's sequel. Fallout 3 would have been excellent, but they shelved it! Please, some of you need to look at this from another point of view. Imagine if HL2 was cancelled right now so Valve could focus 100% of their efforts on CS:CZ for the X-BOX, wouldn't you be pissed off?!?
Originally posted by gh0st
i almost didnt, but i decided to call your bluff.

where is any fallout game listed as one of the best RPG's ever. and where is it "always" listed.

fallouts always been the ghetto game that walmart or fred meyer sold for like 8 bucks. get a grip.

From your looks, you are a Gamespot kind of guy, so check their section for Greatest Games and see for yourself.
As for what kind of tops I am talking about, game websites always do some kind of “best RPG ever” once per year. Not surprisingly you see Fallout there, near the top.

But hey, general audience will buy some crap like Halo, so this why you see Fallout for $8 in Wal-mart.
haha look at the other games they have there. just because some editorial team on the internet say a games good doesnt make it good. or popular. and where else is fallout located. you said its always up there.

...and what the hell youre just like throwing out insults because youre an asshole, stop, you dont need to be so damn angry at everyone you cant even see me. i might as well call you a bloated fat greasy youngster but im not.

since when is halo crap?
Flame wars are funny to read. Most people dont like them but i do.
With that....Continue on Gentleman.
Originally posted by gh0st
what the hell youre just like throwing out insults because youre an asshole.

you cant even see me. i might as well call you a bloated fat greasy youngster but im not.

since when is halo crap?

Since it didn't come out two years ago, and when it did, it became another generic FPS on PC. Tribes 1 had everything Halo had. Plus Halo has the most boring single player experience ever created, with copy + paste job. Yeah, must be fun to run in the same god damn room for the half of a game. Even Doom, which came out in 1993, has different levels, and much more fun to play.
Oh yes, one point I wanted to make. When, last I checked gh0st, price did not equal quality. In fact, upon my last visit to the store I was able to find Thief, and Thief 2 the metal age in one package, all extras included, for 15 dollars. Do you know why I found those two excellent games for 15 bucks, because they are old, just like Fallout. Fallout is really a very old game, that would explain it's low price, and limited distribution (Walmart seems to be a haven for old games). Please, price != quality.
haha look at the other games they have there. just because some editorial team on the internet say a games good doesnt make it good. or popular. and where else is fallout located. you said its always up there.

Editorial is not much different of “Best RPG EVER” feature other websites do, it’s basically the same. And if you had any experience in RPG world, you would know where, because when you ask people at CRPG boards, what RPG worth of my time, they will always list Fallout as one of them, amongst Final Fantasy VII (I hope you played that game), Baldur’s Gate and Planescape: Torment. And popular doesn’t mean good. Look at Britney Spears, she is sure a popular musisan, but one of the best? Ha…
britney spears isn't a good example. she's popular because a lot of people like her music and because (unfortunately) young girls see her as a role model.

if game developers saw the fallout series as a role model, i think games would get worse.

i played fallout 2 and i thought it was merely ok. a 2-star rating at most. it was entertaining, but not a great game. notice that there are about 3 people who agree with your frustration, a TON of people who don't care enough to comment, and a bunch of people who bothered to post just to tell you to get over it.

so get over it. fallout 3 wasn't going to be the best game of the decade. in fact, you have no idea what the game was going to be like since it was barely developed at all.

also maybe you should consider complaining on the interplay forums, where more people might actually care.

and on top of all that, i'm not "being a dick" because i suggested that he make a post with less cursing and more constructive criticism.

not to mention that people might find his post title offensive (i don't, necessarily, but it's still uncalled for)
Originally posted by Maskirovka
britney spears isn't a good example. she's popular because a lot of people like her music and because (unfortunately) young girls see her as a role model.

if game developers saw the fallout series as a role model, i think games would get worse.

i played fallout 2 and i thought it was merely ok. a 2-star rating at most. it was entertaining, but not a great game. notice that there are about 3 people who agree with your frustration, a TON of people who don't care enough to comment, and a bunch of people who bothered to post just to tell you to get over it.

so get over it. fallout 3 wasn't going to be the best game of the decade. in fact, you have no idea what the game was going to be like since it was barely developed at all.

also maybe you should consider complaining on the interplay forums, where more people might actually care.

and on top of all that, i'm not "being a dick" because i suggested that he make a post with less cursing and more constructive criticism.

not to mention that people might find his post title offensive (i don't, necessarily, but it's still uncalled for)

That’s because I needed to think where I was posting it, in forums full of FPS fans. I know there are people who care about Fallout series here, because I seen them before here. As for the title of this topic, I hear people using that expression all the time in real life, so what the hell.

So tell me, what was so bad about Fallout that it got two stars from you? Please tell me you can come up with better answer than graphics?
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
So tell me, what was so bad about Fallout that it got two stars from you? Please tell me you can come up with better answer than graphics?

i can respect a game even if it has cheesy graphics, so don't try and tell me that i'm gonna knock the graphics alone. yes the graphics were dated even for their time, but an RPG can easily be forgiven for having average graphics.

it was entertaining, but it didn't have anything innovative or special about it. the story was pretty lame, and most of the missions consisted of just going around, shooting stuff, and opening lockers and crap.

the game had no replay value, imo, and it was just flat out average to me....hence the 2 stars.

2 stars doesn't mean a game is bad, it just means that it wasn't particularly good either. get off your fanboy wagon and get excited about a different game. your penis will still be attached even though fallout3 got cancelled.
so get over it. fallout 3 wasn't going to be the best game of the decade. in fact, you have no idea what the game was going to be like since it was barely developed at all.

Not trying to flame you here or anything, but Fallout 3 was (from what I have heard from the developers on message boards) halfway completed.
Chances are that since this game was in the hands of such talented individuals (IMO ok), it would have came out great, meeting the excpectations of Fallout fans. Of course, it could have ended up sucking, but we will never know now will we. All because one company decided to cater to the console market and leave their PC fans in the dust.
Originally posted by qckbeam
Not trying to flame you here or anything, but Fallout 3 was (from what I have heard from the developers on message boards) halfway completed.
Chances are that since this game was in the hands of such talented individuals (IMO ok), it would have came out great, meeting the excpectations of Fallout fans. Of course, it could have ended up sucking, but we will never know now will we. All because one company decided to cater to the console market and leave their PC fans in the dust.

who are you "not trying to flame"?

my point is, no matter what, fallout 3 wasn't going to be a great overall game. it might have been great to fallout fans, but they are a small group. interplay made a choice and you can go complain to them about it if you want...they have forums.

i'm just saying that if you want to bitch, bitch to people who care...and bitch in a constructive way that doesn't involve massive amounts of cursing.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
i can respect a game even if it has cheesy graphics, so don't try and tell me that i'm gonna knock the graphics alone. yes the graphics were dated even for their time, but an RPG can easily be forgiven for having average graphics.

it was entertaining, but it didn't have anything innovative or special about it. the story was pretty lame, and most of the missions consisted of just going around, shooting stuff, and opening lockers and crap.

the game had no replay value, imo, and it was just flat out average to me....hence the 2 stars.

2 stars doesn't mean a game is bad, it just means that it wasn't particularly good either. get off your fanboy wagon and get excited about a different game. your penis will still be attached even though fallout3 got cancelled.

Ahaha, funny...

Not innovative? Oh my, how many games do you know that gave you so much freedom (and it came out in 1997), where you can be good or evil (not just black and white, but in gray, like in real life), where you can solve quests in different ways, where you can go to final boss from the start? I bet you just rushed through the game, because you didn’t like graphics. I bet you missed a lot of areas, because you didn’t try to explore the world. I am sorry, but this game has more freedom than even KOTOR has. So here goes your “not innovative and no replay value” theory right out the window. There is so many different ways how you can complete the game, or how you can lose. (Yes in Fallout you could lose in many different ways, not just by getting killed).
Maskirovka, it was you I wasn't trying to flame. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea or anything.

What are you talking about telling us to go post somewhere else? This is an offtopic forum. We can talk about whatever we like in here, right? So what if Mr.Reak ranted a bit? There are other fallout fans here on the OT boards.
Look at KOTOR’s success, it followed in the steps of Fallout (maybe not completely), and people now declare it to be the best RPG ever created. Fallout had the same principals, and it did the same thing and batter in 1997. It is just not popular because of the settings.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
who are you "not trying to flame"?

my point is, no matter what, fallout 3 wasn't going to be a great overall game. it might have been great to fallout fans, but they are a small group. interplay made a choice and you can go complain to them about it if you want...they have forums.

i'm just saying that if you want to bitch, bitch to people who care...and bitch in a constructive way that doesn't involve massive amounts of cursing.

I already said, that all that cursing stuff was not needed, and I apologize. I got mad, really MAD.
Well, I liked both Fallout RPGs a lot. They're right up there in my books with the Baldur's Gate series (which I am currently replaying), Planescape: Torment, The Avernum games, Arcanum and Geneforge.

I think that one of the most interesting things about Fallout and Fallout 2 was the skills/perks system. Sucks that they've cancelled Fallout 3.