Jesus ****ing Christ...

i didn't say you couldn't be mad about fallout3 being cancelled...and of course you have the right to talk about whatever you want.

my original post (and point) stated that you were going nuts about it and you shouldn't make posts that have more *'s than anything else...i only stated my opinion about fallout2 later.

and i didn't tell anyone to get out of here and discuss things on another forum, i merely suggested (perhaps strongly) that you complain to someone who might actually have something to do with it.

i just didn't like the original tone of this thread...a "bash interplay" thread just isn't productive and it's not necessary. if you want to complain about it, go to interplay's forums. if you seek fellow gamers who are also mad and disappointed, by all means post about how it sucks that fallout3 is cancelled.

my point is that this was gone about all wrong...and Mr.Reak realizes what he did. fine...but back to my opinion of the game:

Originally posted by Mr.Reak
I bet you just rushed through the game, because you didn’t like graphics. I bet you missed a lot of areas, because you didn’t try to explore the world. I am sorry, but this game has more freedom than even KOTOR has.

how can you presume to tell me how i played the game? you have no just "bet" that's what i did. i found the game very boring to play through a second time...that's my opinion. just because a game has 2349823 ways to do something doesn't mean it has replay value.

notice the word "value" here...a bunch of different ways doesn't make it fun. and to say that it has more freedom than KOTOR...who cares? freedom doesn't mean it's a good game. being able to do whatever you want in an RPG isn't necessarily a good thing.

i'm not trying to somehow convince you that the fallout series sucks, i was just trying to diffuse your anger a bit by making you realize that the fallout series isn't necessarily the best ever, and that there are other games to be exited about that are actually going to come out.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
I am truly depressed right now, and will be for the rest of the week. I was waiting for Fallout… I love Fallout series. Instead… There weren’t any CRPG that ever came close to Fallout series or Planescape: Torment, and there never will be. Ah **** internet…

You'd want to try Arcanium, it has Fallout feel when you play it, perhaps because it also has technology, though it also has magic and it's made on Fallout engine + it's more complex than normal RPGs and has good dialogs and quests.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Look at KOTOR’s success, it followed in the steps of Fallout (maybe not completely), and people now declare it to be the best RPG ever created. Fallout had the same principals, and it did the same thing and batter in 1997. It is just not popular because of the settings.

In my opinion KotOR is more like Baldur's Gate series, it has many similarities to them.
Yup Arcanum was quite fun, you just gave me the thought of playing it again :cool: Anyway, I loved Fallout and Fallout2. I replayed through them numerous times and could probably do so now. I bet there are places and quests I haven't even done in the game since it's so big! It's a shame that Fallout3 is going to be coming our way as I'm sure it would've been fantastic. Ah well, such is life.
Anyway, to anyone who hasn't played the Fallout series you can get a box with Fallout, Fallout2 and Fallout: Tactics for £10! Superb price for three great games, I suggest you check them out!
Nethack is better than all of your games with "graphics" (actually there are a couple of versions that add some basic images to make it easier to play) and "sound" because text = top of cool!

... I have never heard of anyone beating Nethack, though it is technically possible.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
Nethack is better than all of your games with "graphics" (actually there are a couple of versions that add some basic images to make it easier to play) and "sound" because text = top of cool!

... I have never heard of anyone beating Nethack, though it is technically possible.

Dunno why, but everytime I try to play nethack or some of the other text based games I get bored in about 5 minutes.
Originally posted by Faravid
You'd want to try Arcanium, it has Fallout feel when you play it, perhaps because it also has technology, though it also has magic and it's made on Fallout engine + it's more complex than normal RPGs and has good dialogs and quests.

Heh, I know, already tried it and loved the game. I am a RPG fan, at least PC wise, so I tried a lot of different games :)

Maskirovka well that’s the point, I was waiting for Fallout 3 since I completed Fallout 2, and it was awhile ago. Fallout 3 had hard times getting on track and when it finally was under development, half way done, it got canned in favor of sequel to FOBOS (a game that didn’t even come out yet), lame console action game, a “brilliant” attempt to cash in by Interplay.

As for Fallout. It did make it fun choosing different ways to complete, because it wasn’t 100% good or 100% evil (ala KOTOR), and it had consequences on the world (not like Dues Ex 2). I still can’t see how can you find this game boring, when it had so much in it.
Originally posted by Faravid
Dunno why, but everytime I try to play nethack or some of the other text based games I get bored in about 5 minutes.
I usually get down to the 8th level of the dungeon and get killed (it can get a bit frustrating)... it's one of the rare games that I don't really play to get to the end. I just try to beat my high scores and find things I haven't seen before (which is pretty much every time I play).
Fallout 3 cancelled? That's a damn shame :(

I hope some other proper developer has the wits to see the value of the series and buys the rights to it.

If that's possible at all.

Makes me want to play part 1 and 2 again...
I just read gamespy...found out the news.....and to be honest, this sucks big time.

I loved the Fallout games, i mean i hated RPG's in those days, but i loved fallout, it was new, fresh and totally different to all the other RPG's. I knew Fallout 3 woul of been a great game, and the fact its been canned is a great loss to the gaming comunity, we've been depreaved of a possibly great game.

And could people please stop flaming Mr.Reak for being angry, he is very passonite about the fallout series (as he's demonstrated), and he has every right to be angry and swear, just becasue you dont like the game, doesnt mean Mr.reak or anyone else cant be angry about it being canned.

I think this is very depressing, becasue a good games company has been dissavolved, and good games, and possible good games will now never be.

Imagine how you would feel if Valve disbanded, and hl2 was canned, and any possibilty of HL3 or any other new game they have ideas for were lost. It would be a terrible loss, like it is now that weve lost Black Isle...

...So dont flame people, just because they have a view, freedom of speach for gods sake....