Jesus of Nazareth Arrested, faces death penalty

I want to have Jesus's baby.

Marry me oh lord! Make me pregnant.
I'd bet that I can make Jesus an atheist if you gave me the authority and tools to rectify his current unstable mental status. Starting with electroshock therapy, perhaps transocular lobotomy..
Who else sometimes /facepalms when they read posts they made a long time ago?
I believe Jesus is coming back to judge all things, Believe in him and trust in him and repent of yours sins. Give him your whole heart and you will see him one day in heaven. We are sheep and he is the shepherd. If you need to talk about anything let me know I was saved about a year ago. I'm sold out to the lord now and obey his commands.
I believe Jesus is coming back to judge all things, Believe in him and trust in him and repent of yours sins. Give him your whole heart and you will see him one day in heaven. We are sheep and he is the shepherd. If you need to talk about anything let me know I was saved about a year ago. I'm sold out to the lord now and obey his commands.

There's medicine for that now.