Jesus... this climate change shit is ridiculous


Jun 25, 2004
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5 Ways to make the earth colder

Ummm... why the f*ck would we want to make it colder? It's not bad enough that we're worried about warming (which is great for growing seasons) but now scientists are thinking of ways to physically cool down the earth?

Does anyone else think this is a horrible idea to even think about?

And these seriously better be absolute last ditch efforts. All of them seem to have rather big risks associated.
I thought they were already trying the Carbon Capture stuff?

Edit: I like the idea of Artificial Trees, though.

-Angry Lawyer
nanotech + carbon dioxide consuming bacteria (which also could create polymers) = winz
Artificial trees would rock if there wasn't a risk of the CO2 leaking and killing some of us \=
wait...what's the problem with the trees?

The artificial trees will store the CO2 underground, and if something happens, and it leaks to the atmosphere, that's alot of straight CO2, and could kill whoever or whatever is near by.
But wouldn't the building of of many of those thing produce a lot of greenhouse gases, maybe even more then they would help reduce in the time they have. Have they researched that.
I heard on Daily Planet that, in order to fully construct the solar umbrella, they would need to send one normal-sized space shuttle every one minute for about ten years.
4 trillion dollars for an umbrella? Can't they just use a disposable anorak?
Things about the geritol effect is it's presently under experimentation and the results seem to be positive. However, they expressly said that they had no idea what the repercussions on other parameters of the ocean could be and to what extent it could modify the oceanic faun.
Climate change is the biggest piece of media hyper fear mongering BS ever. For some reason everyone has this idea that you have to accept that humans are evil and we are destroying the precious spirit of Mother Earth. If you don't believe that, then you must be a stupid redneck.

I am not denying that the climate is changing (it most definitely is, and always will change), or that humans may be causing it. But people make it out like we are facing the end of the world. We aren't.

First off, we aren't going to hurt "Mother Earth" whoever the **** that is. The Earth isn't Bambi, it doesn't feel pain. It isn't healthy or sick. It is a ****ing ball of iron. If it was personafied as a human, it would be better described as a retarded child that sits on a stool, spinning around, and ignores everything else. Life on the Earth isn't threatened either. Millions of species have gone extinct in the past. Over 90% of the diversity has been wiped out before. A few billion years ago the atmosphere changed from carbon, methane, and ammonium to toxic oxygen and nitrogen. Yet here we are today worried about a 5 degree rise in temperature.

Secondly, humans aren't that vulnerable either. We coat the entire earth like a splotchy paint job. We have the capability to harness energies far beyond our own muscles. We have brains to use this energy. A tropical storm won't wipe out humanity. A hundred tropical storms and a really bad winter won't wipe out humanity either. War won't wipe out humanity. You know all of the people that died in the first world war? The millions of dead? They show up as a blip on the demographics, eclipsed mostly by the deadly Spanish Influenza. And that too only killed a small fraction of the world population. We bounced right back. And no matter what, there are more than 6 billion humans. That means that no matter what happens that is so terrible, barring the destruction of all land based life by a giant meteor, there will be many millions of humans who survive it.
Climate Change would be unlikely to wipe out humans, but civilization and society on the other hand...
blah blah blah, unsubstantiated claims with no evidence.

Climate change is a huge threat to humanity. Just because its not "the end", does not mean it is not EXTREMELY important. A temperature rise of an average 4 degrees (projected by 2050) would be enough to case mass famine in India and China because of altered monsoon patterns. Millions, perhaps billions would die. Rising sea levels would threaten many coastal cities and islands, and much of the Earth's population resides in coastal areas. Many crops would not grow in increased temperatures in the central united states (where almost all of our food comes from).

With an average rise of 8 degrees (projected by 2100-2150), mass extinctions of most of the world's ecosystems would occur, especially in the oceans. They would not recover for hundreds of thousands of years. Think humans are immune? Think again. Our entire diet depends on the ecosystem. When people say "mother earth", they mean the biosphere. Every living thing on this planet is interdependent among one another. Mass extinctions of animals and plants will wreck havoc on the ecosystem and will mean extreme losses in the agricultural industry. Lower food production means famine across much of the world. Also, mountainous areas that depend on snowmelt for water will suffer water shortages and perhaps extreme flooding. The same holds true for areas currentley covered in permafrost.

Sure, humans will probably adapt. We will probably find new ways to cope with increasingly warm climate, but it will not be easy. It will cost us trillions of dollars, hundreds of millions of lives, entire ecosystems, coastal areas and our way of life. If you don't think thats a big deal, then I don't know what would phase you.

So the only thing that matter is that humans survive as a specie? And the casualty generated by that "trivial" increase in temperature is mundane and part of the process implanted by mother nature?

We are aware that we have an impact on the environment and it is our duty to use our advanced knowledge to repair what we have done in the past.
What happened to that article that showed some evidence that the rise in climate change may very well happen on the Earth every now and then, and it had something to do with Sunspots or something like that on the Sun?
If our time is up and it's our own fault, then oh well. We f*cked up. It happens.
Bunch of brain washed zombies, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and stop driving the **** everywhere and buying shit that has to be shipped all the way from China then. Oh right, you can't. But you can still bitch about the distant future that you somehow have the power to foresee.
Bunch of brain washed zombies, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and stop driving the **** everywhere and buying shit that has to be shipped all the way from China then. Oh right, you can't. But you can still bitch about the distant future that you somehow have the power to foresee.

Is it some sort of praiseworthy act to continue blithely on your way, uncaring of a danger is there or not?
Climate change is the biggest piece of media hyper fear mongering BS ever. For some reason everyone has this idea that you have to accept that humans are evil and we are destroying the precious spirit of Mother Earth. If you don't believe that, then you must be a stupid redneck.

I am not denying that the climate is changing (it most definitely is, and always will change), or that humans may be causing it. But people make it out like we are facing the end of the world. We aren't.

First off, we aren't going to hurt "Mother Earth" whoever the **** that is. The Earth isn't Bambi, it doesn't feel pain. It isn't healthy or sick. It is a ****ing ball of iron. If it was personafied as a human, it would be better described as a retarded child that sits on a stool, spinning around, and ignores everything else. Life on the Earth isn't threatened either. Millions of species have gone extinct in the past. Over 90% of the diversity has been wiped out before. A few billion years ago the atmosphere changed from carbon, methane, and ammonium to toxic oxygen and nitrogen. Yet here we are today worried about a 5 degree rise in temperature.

Secondly, humans aren't that vulnerable either. We coat the entire earth like a splotchy paint job. We have the capability to harness energies far beyond our own muscles. We have brains to use this energy. A tropical storm won't wipe out humanity. A hundred tropical storms and a really bad winter won't wipe out humanity either. War won't wipe out humanity. You know all of the people that died in the first world war? The millions of dead? They show up as a blip on the demographics, eclipsed mostly by the deadly Spanish Influenza. And that too only killed a small fraction of the world population. We bounced right back. And no matter what, there are more than 6 billion humans. That means that no matter what happens that is so terrible, barring the destruction of all land based life by a giant meteor, there will be many millions of humans who survive it.

theotherguy summed it up nicely.

i'd like to add, that if greenhouse gases reach a critical state, they'll turn earth into Venus II


i think i see the US.

ok but before all that happens we'll be all probably dead by starvation, flesh eating bacteria or some other really nasty thing.

i think that the goal of life is to have the least pain and the most fun.
but if you're into BDSM, enjoy.
1 word.


Look at the triangular interconnection shit you bitches.

Dig it.
Goddammit Dan!

Why are you so convinced, that a slight temperature change, WONT have any considerable effect on the world's ecosystem?

Do you really think, that it's "only a few degrees, what will that do?"

Well know that even the smallest change can have the most dramatic effects.
Even if we don't turn into Venus II, climate change is bad. We need to reduce our impact on the planet, lest it has drastic effect on the other lifeforms and subsequently, on us.
I'm still with Dan, it's overhyped bullshit, the world isnt going to end when the temperature fluctuates by 0.5 degrees. Temperature fluctuates all the time, and methane is the most notable greenhouse gas, CO2 doesnt do shit.
I'm still with Dan, it's overhyped bullshit, the world isnt going to end when the temperature fluctuates by 0.5 degrees. Temperature fluctuates all the time, and methane is the most notable greenhouse gas, CO2 doesnt do shit.

Evidence? Scientific proof? Oh wait, your coming out with random bullshit.:hmph: