Jet Engine Exhaust

Aug 5, 2004
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Im making a realstic jet engine for hl2 and i want it to be as real as possibile im not sure what to use to make realstic engine exhaust (intense flames and smoke) what entites would work best for this and what effects would best suit this.

Heres a pic of my work.

Have you seen a jet engine running before? Flames and smoke would mean the thing was dying. Larger engines like yours would produce less visable exhaust than smaller variants.

env_steam with a long cone and the heatwave effect applied is the nearest you're likely to get without creating your own custom effect
Whoa. Looked at the picture and thouhgt it was a screenshot.... thought I found someone who could REALLY squeeze everything out of the source engine....

there should be and RGB setting for that somewhere, brighnes or whatever...

You could even hane a func_wind nearby this thing to blow stuff around.. that'd be a nice effect.. If the matter would ever arise...
I figured out how to change the color, thx. I tried the env_steam messin with the varables and the smoke coming from it no matter what i try just doesn't give that effect that this jet engine has has alot of power. Anyone know any ideas that would help with this or how to make flames shoot out of it?

This engine is a physics object it will be able to fly in the game. Should be fun in Garry's mod, it will have suction at the intake and thrust at the back and im adding custom sounds to it so u get that chilly feeling of the raw power its got lol. Whats the best way to add a few custom sounds to it anyhow?
I think the best way to get what you want will be to model it and use moving alpha textures on the model and code it with a timer etc etc.. not my field, but good luck!
for the sounds, just parent them to the back and the front. Thats all.
Unarmed said:
for the sounds, just parent them to the back and the front. Thats all.

I know that but the hard part is getting my custom turbine sounds to work. I've gone through about 7 or 8 threads about getting custom sounds to work but none of them helped very much.
Unarmed said:
And the problem you encounter is?

I can't get my custom sounds to work. I need to know what folder the sound file should be in. This topic of custom sounds has been brought up many times but has yet to be explained in enough detail to be of any use.
Isn't there a map in the hl2 story that has fire coming from a broken pipe and is shooting at an angle?

No one knows how to get the custom sounds to work?
After about an hour of messin around with several env entities this is what i managed to get.

Not too bad if i do say so myself :)

I still need help getting my custom sound to work in the map.
Well done, although I'd make it more blueish.

I have no idea when it comes to the sounds tho.
any custom sounds go in your
X:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\%username%\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\sound\ folder (DM)
X:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\%username%\half-life 2\hl2\sound (HL2)
Create this folder if it isn't already there. You can add a subfolder with the name of your map or mod to keep things organized.
In hammer use ambient_generic, for SoundName click browse and make sure your "sound type" is set to Raw, and locate your wav or mp3 file. You can make the sound come from the turbine by entering the turbine's name in the SourceEntityName field of the ambient_generic's properties.
Your sound file can be an mp3 or wav, but make note hammer doesn't play mp3's, you'll have to run your map to check any mp3's. If the file is supposed to be looped, you'll need to give it loop points in an audio editor, and make it an actual "looping" sound file. I believe various sampling rates can be used, but as a rule I keep mine 44.1 kHz, 16 bit stereo, (256kbps for mp3)
If you have a func_button, or some kind of trigger to start the jet turbine, you can add outputs to control the sound as well. If you have a button or trigger starting the engine you might not need me to explain the outputs tab.
If your ambient_generic sound is to be triggered, and coming from a remote entity, you'll want to make sure under flags tab that "play everywhere" is unchecked, "start silent" is checked, and if the file is looped, "is NOT looped" should be unchecked.
One last thing, if you want a different sound in the front than in the back of the turbine, you'll could possibly make two small very small brushes, one in front, and one in back of the turbine, texture them with nodraw texture, give each a name, parent them to the turbine, and assign each a sound.
Good luck
yeah, but how would you get an env_laser to be conical shaped? Also when you widen the lasers, they are obvious flat sprites, not at all 3-d or round. Lasers would be quick and easy, but I don't think the same effect could really be achieved with them.
How do you get the sounds to show up in the browser?? I can't get my sounds to show up at all! I have it set to RAW and i input the name of the sound file in the filter and nothing shows up. If the sound file isn't set to 44.1KHz will it not show up? is that why?

Notice how Enginestart2.wav isn't showing up in the browser window??

I manualy input the file name to try it and this is what i get in hl2 when i press the switch:

You must have placed them in the wrong folder.

HL2 mods
?:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\%YOURusername%\half-life 2\hl2\sound

?:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\%YOURusername%\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\sound

?:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\%YOURusername%\counter-strike source\cstrike\sound

?:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\%YOURusername%\day of defeat source\dod\sound

Like I said I'm not sure about the 44.1 kHz thing, it's just the settings I always use because they are the most standard for audio files, i.e. standard CD audio file types, 44.1 kHz, 16 bit stereo. But I don't know how flexible the source engine is when it comes to sampling rates, I think I read a while back that 22 kHz, 8 bit mono also works, but I haven't tried that.
Did you remember to restart hammer after adding any sound files to the folder? Hammer loads resources on startup, so if you added the file while Hammer was open, it won't show untill next restart. Any changes made to custom files (sound or material) won't show untill you shut down Hammer and restart it.
If you've done all this correctly, there is no reason it shouldn't work.
either a standard PCM WAV file, with whatever properties you want, or an MP3 with a sample rate of at most 44.1KHz.
As for the beam, there are various flags and options you can set to get some interesting properties. I think I'll try it ...
The sound files are in the SteamApps\@username@\half-life2\hl2\sound\turbinesounds\engine.

Yes i restarted hammer and i tried the reload sounds option and still don't show up. Im at a total loss here.
Can you play the sound from Hammer?

If not, I'd question whether you're working in the right mod, and whether the file actually exists, as a proper WAV.

You've set the Sound Name in Hammer to ...turbine/engine/..., but you say the sound is in ...turbinesounds/engine/...
Raeven0 said:
Can you play the sound from Hammer?

If not, I'd question whether you're working in the right mod, and whether the file actually exists, as a proper WAV.

You've set the Sound Name in Hammer to ...turbine/engine/..., but you say the sound is in ...turbinesounds/engine/...

What do you mean "can i play the sound from hammer?" how can i play the sound if it don't show up in hammer?

Well this is a map for hl2 not hl2dm or anything else so the files are in the right mod and i been using GoldWave to convert them into .wav files and/or mp3@ 44100hz

Yes i noticed that and corrected it lol. But it should still show up in hammer when i type "engine" in the filter part.
Totally confusing, dude. I have actually never mapped for Half-Life2, just DM, so tonight, in an effort to simulate your problem, I placed some custom sounds (wav and mp3) into a hl2\sound\turbinesounds\engine folder (just like yours), and fired up hammer under Half-Life 2 settings and, what do you sound files were all there (and I deleted them from my hl2mp\sound folder to boot), so I know what I'm telling you is correct.