Jewel Staite apreciation thread .

What the **** is going on in here?
A whole lot of behaviour that Jewel Staite would be initially flattered by, and then quickly unappreciative of.
hue, I think the 'appreciation' part has lost all meaning
Did anyone expect it to go anywhere else?
I expected it to go to page 2 and thus never be seen again. Then Uno bumped it with a pointless, kinda creepy pic and brought it back just in time for Kadayi's return to the forum, thus presenting him the opportunity to post about her whore-tat.

Vegeta's post made it worth it though.
Why does it look like its bulging her skin out on the edges?

Also, what Maestro just said is the lamest, dumbest, most overused quasi-joke in the world. It doesn't even make sense.

taking bets that krynn has a girlfriend with a big ugly tramp stamp
I expected it to go to page 2 and thus never be seen again. Then Uno bumped it with a pointless, kinda creepy pic and brought it back just in time for Kadayi's return to the forum, thus presenting him the opportunity to post about her whore-tat.

Don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily object to ladies with tattoos (there are some fine looking Suicide Girls out there), I just think it's a particularly awful tattoo.
My favorite part was how dumb Maestro was, and then him getting mocked for it.