You don't understand I really like the movie, I really do. I especially like the song that judas sings on the beginning, but the rest is pretty beautiful to.
I saw it in the 70's so I dont remember much ...ummm that song that I think Mary sings "I dont know how to love you" or something ...the most famous song from that movie (besides the main song)
My school performed it... twas fun (and definately better than doing Fame this year - Fame is utter shite...). We watched the film as background... all I remember was that Judas was one funky brutha and the Jewish Priests banged on scaffolding poles for kicks.
"He is Daaaangeroooousss!!!!" *dongerdongerdongerlong*
"Can you show me now that I won't be killed in vain!
Show me just a little of your omnipresent brain!"
And the vocalist who played Mary Magdalene on the film version has the bizarre tendancy to do something weird with her voice every five seconds... a music minded person would have a technical term for it. (Verbrato?)
Yeah he was black, it was an awesome movie. The only musical i enjoyed, other than Grease.
EDIT: Just started to download some music of it becuase you guys reminded me of it, good stuff, good stuff indeed.
Did that have a meaning that judas was black, like a critisizm. You know that blacks have been used as scapegoats in history, and in the musical by GOD himself.
Anyway if would say I also like the movies Resident Evil, and SW: attack of the clones, would that be going to far, and would you flame my ass. Cause like with this movie, those movies are like hated by everyone but me.
A friend of mine has been watching a live performance like 3 times a week for ages in Derry. Her friend is a little lovestruck with the guy playing Judas in it, and drags her along to every performance she possibly can.