JFK assassination: conspiracy?


  • Saw show(s), yes conspiracy

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • Saw show(s), don't believe evidence was legit

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • Didn't see, yes conspiracy

    Votes: 17 35.4%
  • Didn't see, not a conspiracy

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • I'm American and I don't care

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • I'm foreign and I don't care

    Votes: 7 14.6%
  • Who the hell is JFK? (this had better be 0 or retards joking)

    Votes: 3 6.3%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by dawdler
I thought you didnt get thrown back by a bullet, but maybe a rifle round in the head does that, hehe.

I've never shot anyone, so I wouldn't know. But I'd assume that if your shot you tend to move with the impact as opposed to against it. In the case of Kennedy's headshot the autopsy report states that the entry wound was in the back of the head (which would tie with oswalds shooting position). In which case I'd expect him to get thrown forward. In fact he get's violently thrown backwards as if he's been shot from the front.
All I know is that real life isnt quite like the movies.
But maybe that isnt true for the head, as it is a bit easier to move than an entire body, especially if its a larger rifle round.
Him being 'thrown' backwards could just be an involontary reflex, and nothing to do with the force of the bullet. But I dont know either. I only have a sword, not a rifle :)

Edit: and now when I think on it, it could also be that the bullet throwns him so much his head flexes back. Ah, the theories...
A bullet will knock you backwards, just not as much as in the movies. Depends on where it hits.
Originally posted by mrchimp
That diagram is wrong, for a start connally is sitting in the wrong position, not only was he lower down than Kennedy but he was sitting turned to the side and his seat was not directly infront of kennedy but instead slightly to the side. The bullet entrance location is taken from kennedys shirt not his actuall body and his posture is completely wrong.

In short, that diagram is complete bullshit and whoever made it knows it, or didn't if it's just a recreation from the diagram in JFK the movie.

that's an approximation of what happened...it's drawn to emphasize the fact that the bullet would have had to change directions up, down, and side to side in order to cause all those wounds...

the entrance wound on kennedy's body or shirt doesn't matter...the bullet still would have had to hit bones in order to change direction.

yet the bullet that was supposedly the one presented by the warren comission as being "the one" had almost no damage whatsoever, and lost literally none of its structure to fragmentation.

bullet fragments were found in x-rays of connally's wrist and in kennedy's head....they couldn't have come from that bullet.

see exhibits 840-843

this is a picture of 842:

those fragments were removed, but there were additional fragments that were not removed from connally's wrist for surgical reasons.

so here's the bullet as stored in the national archives:

no fragmentation at all on the magic bullet.

if you want to look at kennedy's head exploding over and over...here ya go:

EDIT: here's a clip of someone shooting a melon that jumps in the direction the shot came from.
Dude those autopsy photos were disturbing. Can a mod please mark them? This is a very interesting topic. Personally I think the government killed him.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Dude those autopsy photos were disturbing. Can a mod please mark them? This is a very interesting topic. Personally I think the government killed him.

i marked them by saying "official autopsy photos" before the link.
you didn't have to click....

i think anyone can handle seeing that...sure it's disgusting but i bet nobody will suffer long term trauma or anything like that from seeing those.
i shoot people in the head all the time, what's happening is that the force of the bullet (which is not all transfered into moving jfks bonce as one unit) knocks his head forward a bit, then the muscular spasmic reflex (caused by getting half his brain removed) causes jfk to jerk his head back. it's pretty simple really, not sure what all the fuss is about.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
nobody will suffer long term trauma or anything like that from seeing those.

how do you know?? but i'll grant you, it's not as disturbing as the german cannibal. has the cleansing begun yet? i was in class...
Originally posted by Maskirovka
what a horrible reason to believe it wasn't a conspiracy...why even vote when you're just voicing a random opinion?

i was totally kidding about the "thinking too much" part... i guess it wasn't that obvious in the post though, besides i posted that after midnight so my excuse is.... "i was too tired to post correctly" :cheese:
most of these people have seen a ceratin website whose title contains the word goat and ends with se.cx

i think they can handle a close up of a massive head wound...plus it was already clearly labeled as an autopsy photo...i don't see how anyone could click on it without knowing they might see something bad.

and if you're in the habit of clicking links before reading, you deserve to have your brain destroyed by horrible images.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
and if you're in the habit of clicking links before reading
maybe i'm illiterate, did you ever stop to think about that? huh? well then, little missy, i reckon an apology is in order!
I've only watched the BBC2 documentary as well, and I agree that it was pretty much conclusive.

As for the sewer theory, I don't think a planned assassination would have a hitman down there simply because it would be too risky. There wouldn't be the guarantee of a shot from that position compared to one in an elevated position such as Oswald used. I'd also suspect witnesses would have heard an echo of some sort from a rifle being fired in a sewer (not certain about that, I just thought it up).

The only factor that seems to point to a conspiracy to me is that some of the files are being kept back for up to 200 years (or so I've heard). I know they don't release files like this for a long time anyway (Jack the Ripper was only released in the 1990s), but there must be some sensitive information in there for the files to be retained for so long.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
maybe i'm illiterate, did you ever stop to think about that? huh? well then, little missy, i reckon an apology is in order!

stop hijacking threads...you're not funny anymore.
Originally posted by mrchimp
The blotted out sections in the documents concerning JFK are very small and are likely to be covering up phone numbers and addresses that can't be disclosed for privacy reasons. The UFO files on the other hand had upto a 1000 words blocked out in one go.

It's true that some buisinesess will prosper from a war but for the most part your average corperation will sufer from a nervous market. The war in Iraq proper ****ed up the market, apart from companys that directly benefit from mass military operations, it is really not a good thing.

I admit there are reasons why the FBI or CIA might have wanted JFK dead but they are very weak circumstantial evidence.

Sure its only small sections that are blotted out? Many businesses prosper in War, mainly the government and those who make the actual weapons. They have to keep those who actually manufacture the weapons busy, otherwise its a total waste of money. Think about it- we have people constantly making weaponry, tanks, jets...etc. to go to war.
If we dont use them we dont make any money back, but we gain money through war. It ofcourse doesnt go to us, only the up top bastards who only car about the top dollar as we run a proverbial rat race towards material "success".
Originally posted by Maskirovka
i didn't apologize and you're not stopping

[quitevoice]psst I think he's winding you up... hey wait a minute why am I stateing the obvious.

BTW there was no conspiracy, it's peoples imaginations let lose.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
On BBC2 they had a 1.5 hr long show that was about disproving the conspiracy theories, and it was pretty good, upto the point where Kennedy gets his brains blown out. They pretty much based their opinion on that shot coming from Oswald from the autopsy reports of a rear entry wound to the head. But when you look at the footage, it's hard to fathom how that can be so, he's so clearly thrown backwards by the impact.

yeah, that was an interesting documentary.... but I didn't like the fact that they spent so much time disproving the film JFK, which was obviously a work of fiction... ah well, still very good IMO :)
Originally posted by mrchimp
[quitevoice]psst I think he's winding you up...

i don't get wound up...it's a forum...but he does tend to hijack threads...just pointing it out

and saying it's just people's imagination...hmm

by saying that you're basically telling us that everything the government said about the assassination is true even though there are a ridiculous number of people (from that time period, not today) who believe and have circumstantial evidence for a conspiracy of some kind.

not only that, but this murder investigation has the highest number of "accidental" fires that consumed critical documents in the history of the world.

oswald was interrogated for 12 hours
-there was no stenographer...every interrogation has some kind of recording to prove no wrongdoing on the part of law enforcement. the excuse for not having a stenographer: "the room was too small"
i guess there weren't any other rooms available to interrogate the alleged killer of the president during that 12 hour span.

-one of the men interrogating oswald burned the notes he took....oopsie