Jiffy Lube Scam - Caught On Tape! *Must Watch*

That is some shady shit.

I will never be going there.



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Dang...I watched the whole thing and couldn't believe how much they were charging people for stuff they didn't even do.
I'm not very car knowledgeable but its a good thing that my dad usually fixes everything that happens to any of the family's vehicles. Also, I saw that video response of the computer repair scams...thats even worse. All they had to do was connect the IDE cable back into the hard drive yet Best Buy said they needed a new power supply.
Yeah, this is pretty old. And on the other side...while I'm not a commercial mechanic I fix a lot of people's cars and the knee-jerk assumption that people always seem to make about how their mechanic is cheating them irks me.
Yeah, this is pretty old. And on the other side...while I'm not a commercial mechanic I fix a lot of people's cars and the knee-jerk assumption that people always seem to make about how their mechanic is cheating them irks me.

I think what happened here is blatantly obvious and hardly a "knee jerk assumption"
Good thing the only thing we ever get changed are the tires. Got a nice old neighbor giving us a bargain for everything else.
There's a show in the UK called Rogue Traders where a team purposely rig something, then the repairman they bring in ends up making up 100 other problems that don't even exist.

For example, they loosen one bolt under a kitchen sink creating a leak, which takes 10 seconds to fix, then the repairman ends up replacing every single pipe and charges them $300 instead of just the call-out charge.
Why did we make a video forum?

thanks mod of the day...

anyway, I will NEVER go there, since learning that my local Jiffy Lube likes to stiff people on oil changes by not actually changing the oil...PLUS they basically hire anybody
HOLD ON! I used to work at Jiffy Lube for 6 months before leaving because my manager and assistant manager were insane. My main manager used to take away our bonuses and buy Snap-On tools with our money. My assistant manager had a person come up to him with a gun and he urged the guy to shoot him because "he wasn't man enough to fight". Another co-worker threatened to stab him with a knife. I also figured this was a gang violence area (even though we were right next to the street) so I suggested video camera's. The managager said it wasn't neccesary. :hmph: The method they would teach you is at the computer terminal they use in the bay's. It was a general program to quickly get new guy's up to speed. They even went into facial sign's of showing anger, boredom, etc with the customer. I was a "courtesy technician" at Jiffy Lube. I had to clean the floors at the end of the day, wash the car windows, vacuum carpets, air tires, put on the mileage sticker. Over time though my asshole manager would put on more work and I had to do like 3 cars all at the same time. It looked like the show Double Dare especially on hot Summer Saturdays. I was paid mininum wage also which is why I also quit. I always saw people doing the correct way of doing everything. That's my experience though and no, I was not paid to say this. Granted I sometimes never vacuumed the carpets or aired the tires, but heck you're gonna miss a few and does it really matter? *Oh when they say you are part of the "team" when you work there, they are right. There is so much going on at one time that you depend upon your fellow workers to get things done, fast and right.
HOLD ON! Granted I sometimes never vacuumed the carpets or aired the tires, but heck you're gonna miss a few and does it really matter?

Yes, when a customer is paying for something and doesn't get it, especially in the automotive industry when so many people can be taken advantage of.
Yes, when a customer is paying for something and doesn't get it, especially in the automotive industry when so many people can be taken advantage of.
Because heaven forbids your paying something that you would get for free at a gas station. :dozey:
Because heaven forbids your paying something that you would get for free at a gas station. :dozey:

But your paying for somebody else to do it. Way of the world, people are too lazy to pay for someone else to do it, but when they don't do it, you COULD have done it yourself and paid money for! Are you condoning Jiffy Lube 'stealing' money?
I think what happened here is blatantly obvious and hardly a "knee jerk assumption"
Yeah, not in this case, but it seems to be peoples general reaction to having to pay for anything a mechanic does sometimes.
Yeah, not in this case, but it seems to be peoples general reaction to having to pay for anything a mechanic does sometimes.

its due to the fact that most people who bring there cars to a mechanic no little to nothing about cars in general, so would have no idea if they are being ripped off. A mechanic is in the best position to squeeze money out of people.
But your paying for somebody else to do it. Way of the world, people are too lazy to pay for someone else to do it, but when they don't do it, you COULD have done it yourself and paid money for! Are you condoning Jiffy Lube 'stealing' money?
I don't think you people understand though. I was the only (well there was another but he did nothing) courtesy tech. You had to do things fast because people expect Jiffy Lube to do things fast. You expect me to do all those things with 3 cars in 5 min or less? :laugh: They want trash removed from the side panels (like snot rags) and their carpets are like sandlots. That alone takes about 5 min for one car! I noticed the average Jiffy Lube customer never took care of their car because they figured I would do their cleaning every 3k in miles. I had one guy who smoked so much I compared it to Mount Vesuvius. Another guy bitched at me because I didn't clean every single honey nut Cheerio that his son had to dump the entire box on the carpet. To make things worse they stuck to the carpet for some time and baked to the carpet. Don't even get me started on the SUV drivers who parked their car outside, got out and checked if I did every single part of their huge SUV. Then they drove around again, waited in line, and made me vacuum the car again all while doing 2 other cars at the same time! :angry: The point is, you go to this place for an oil change or something changed that's minor. Not to get your car cleaned and for some people they would say I was wrong.
Regardless....You go to Jiffy Lube and they tell you they'll do something in exchange for money....and don't do it, that's stealing. There is absolutely no way you can justify such actions. And, you can't say "well, i can't work that fast" because at that point you should be informing management that they're quotas are unacceptable.
Having 3 cars to do in 5 minutes isn't the fault of the customer that is paying you, but the shitty management skills of the company. I'm not saying Jiffy Lube is a horrible place, it's just what you are trying to say that "forgetting" is fine even if the customer payed for it. That's like paying for sex, but just watching TV instead.
Yeah, a while ago my window broke on a roadtrip and I called my friend (who was a mechanic) and asked him what to do and he said, "whatever you do, dont go to jiffy lube." I ended up making a makeshift window out of cardboard and duct tape. It worked out nicely but now I dont know who I can trust to fix my window. D:
okay, so it's cool to post videos in general forum now right? Cause less people look at the video images forum, it just makes sense.
how is this surprising at all?!?! the vast majority of people that go there are unsuspecting and completely ignorant about how cars work. The 95% of the time they get away with it trumps the 5% they get caught.
okay, so it's cool to post videos in general forum now right? Cause less people look at the video images forum, it just makes sense.

Doesn't make sense why you care so much. If the mods want to move it, they will move it.
I used to work at Jiffy Lube too, and agree with most of what Hool is saying. But I definitely saw my share of customers get ripped off. It was never as purposeful as this investigation found, but sometimes techs would put the incorrect weight of oil, or even grade of oil (standard, blend, synthetic, etc.) into a customers car, and simply leave it when they noticed their mistake and charge the customer the same price. Or the transmission fluid machine would be broken, so a half-assed manual flush would be performed for the same price.

Generally there were just a lot of cut corners at the store, and a lot of people who really didn't care about their jobs. My manager was a convicted child molester and most of my co-workers were assholes. We put buckets of oil filters in the normal dumpsters and didn't have them picked up. Etc. etc.

I quit after a few months, needless to say :cheers:
Last time I got an oil change, hey didn't replace the fuel filter, or the oil . . . all they did was add a quart of oil (it was full before, making it over-full).

I would have bitched them out, but I had it done 2 states away from where I live. A lot of mechanical repair shops are also sloppy about their work, often causing more problems that need to be fixed. How many times have you had a car that worked mostly fine...one simple problem, then all the sudden everything goes to hell within a month after it's repaired?
That's sickening...it really makes me want to vomit, knowing thousands of people who don't know much about cars getting ripped off.