Jimmy Carter: Bush worst president in american history


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
well duh!

Former president Jimmy Carter called President Bush's international relations "the worst in history" and also took aim at Bush's environmental policies and the administration's "quite disturbing" faith-based initiative program.


In his interview with the Democrat-Gazette, Carter, who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, criticized Bush for having "zero peace talks" in Israel. Carter also said the administration "abandoned or directly refuted" every negotiated nuclear arms agreement, as well as environmental efforts, by other presidents.

"I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history," Carter said. "The overt reversal of America's basic values as expressed by previous administrations . . . has been the most disturbing to me."

Carter said that Bush's policy of preemptive war, "where we go to war with another nation militarily, even though our own security is not directly threatened," was "a radical departure from all previous administration policies."

Carter also offered a harsh assessment for the White House's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, which helps religious charities receive billions in federal grants.

"As a traditional Baptist, I've always believed in separation of church and state and honored that premise when I was president, and so have all other presidents, I might say, except this one," he said.


good points all around

in researching this story, I ran into tons of editorials, opinion pieces and news articles critical of Carter's comments ..so much so that Carter sort of apologized when he said his words were taken out of context ...some of the criticism leveled at carter is rediculous kneejerkists reactionary nonsense calling into question Carter's presidency or defending bush by saying that he's extremely popular world wide:

Presidential historian Doug Wead returns from an around-the-world trip and finds to his surprise that U.S. President George W. Bush is more popular worldwide than the United States is led to believe....

" Yes, George W. Bush and his whole family are very respected, even popular, with the man on the street in China. It is a country he visited as a teenager and a country that respects both he and his father. China is the largest nation on earth, population 1.3 billion." [therefore all 1.3 bil must love GW]

..." India is the second most populous nation on earth, with 1 billion, and George W. Bush may be the most popular American president ever in that country."

"This administration is widely respected in Eastern Europe, very popular in Poland, for example, and Slovenia. I just came back from Saratov, Russia, my third trip in a year to that country, Bush is respected by Russians everywhere who see him as a gutsy guy, a leader, and they like that.


what rock did he crawl from under?

other headlines:

Look in the Mirror, Mister Carter
Huckabee cancels Covenant speech over Jimmy Carter's criticism of Bush
Carter Takes the Prize Among the Worst Presidents: Amity Shlaes
Is This A Joke? Jimmy Carter Says Bush Is 'Worst In History' on ...
Did Jimmy Carter Dig Himself in Deeper Over his Criticism of the Bush Administration
Carter backs off blowhard remarks

the media is completely idiotic for editorializing instead of reporting .. the backlash against carter proves how completely blind partisan politics allows americans to sweep Bush's horrible record under the proverbial carpet ..they would have hung Clinton by now
Lol popular in Poland my ass. I have family over there, everybody hates him. The prime minister was not allowed in to the parliment after he allowed Polish troops to do into Iraq, he actually had to climb in through a window (I am not making this up) :LOL:. That's how unpopular this war is over there, how these idiots get their "facts" is amazing.

My coworker here in the office is from India (where else will you find good programmers :cool:) and he despises Bush.

Anyway, Carter is backing away from his statements, don't know what the hell he is thinking.
oh and where the hell did they got the "popular" in Slovenia thing.
except for the ass kissing politicians, nobody likes him.
Lol popular in Poland my ass. I have family over there, everybody hates him. The prime minister was not allowed in to the parliment after he allowed Polish troops to do into Iraq, he actually had to climb in through a window (I am not making this up) :LOL:. That's how unpopular this war is over there, how these idiots get their "facts" is amazing.

My coworker here in the office is from India (where else will you find good programmers :cool:) and he despises Bush.

Anyway, Carter is backing away from his statements, don't know what the hell he is thinking.

Yea, i have a friend who hails from there, he gave me the impression that Poland isn't too big on Bush, also....why would they be?

"Gee..thanks for getting us into this unjust unpopular war that you have no idea how to handle...****tard"
Jimmy Carter wasn't any good either though.

CptStern said:
in researching this story, I ran into tons of editorials, opinion pieces and news articles critical of Carter's comments ..so much so that Carter sort of apologized when he said his words were taken out of context ...some of the criticism leveled at carter is rediculous kneejerkists reactionary nonsense calling into question Carter's presidency

now I'm not saying you're a "kneejerkist(s) reactionary" ..I just found it funny you should say that ..but not funny in a ha ha sort of way
no in general....deficit.....unemployment..and and a bucnh of other shit.
no in general....deficit.....unemployment..and and a bucnh of other shit.

in comparison to starting a pre-emptive falsely justified war that cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people? ya that's a valid comparison
We can argue all day which was the worst president and we will always come back to it being Bush lol. Carter's opinion is valid, hell, the man won the noble peace prize, something i would suspect that bush is incapable of winnning.
in comparison to starting a pre-emptive falsely justified war that cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people? ya that's a valid comparison

Bush is a dick too,Im not saying I wub Georgie,but I would have more respect for these words if they came from Clinton,instead of Carter.
Why does it matter who uttered the words in order to respect them?
because Jimmy Carter was a terrible President.
Bush sucks as well.Clinton on the other hand was a very good president. Whats so hard to understand?
I mean the statement should be considered on it's own merits.

However I guess the level of hypocrisy of the speaker could have a bearing.
But the point is that eventhough Carter was a bad president (something I do agree with) Bush is a million times worse. So his words do have merrit.

And besides, since Carter left office he's done a lot of great things around the world.
Good for Carter.

He's a relative of mine, you know (though pretty distant). He came to our family reunion and gave a speech, then signed books and took pictures.

Carter was a mediocre president, but not a bad one. He was overall quite timid, and was more of a president who desired harmony over change. I feel that the Iran hostage crisis was rather out of his control, as well as the deficit. The poor guy was just overwhelemed while in office.

Bush, on the other hand, deliberatley makes terrible descisions and then never admits that his actions were wrong. His foreign policy is utter crap, and his domestic policy is some strange mix of reaganomics and compassionate conservatism that simply doesn't work. I don't know if he's the worst president in history, but he's definatley down there.
I can never understand the perception of Carter as a disaster; he was a non-event. He didn't do much that was interesting, but he didn't exactly bring about the end of the world.
I think the bulk of his perception has to do with him being a democrat, i highly doubt he would have such a frantic image if he ran as a republican.
/me kicks Nemesis in the nuts

shut up, you're a broken record
Oh God, tell me he didn't bring "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid"! :upstare:

I wish :p

He talked about his family being poor peanut farmers near where we were having the reunion. He didn't talk about his presidency at all (why would he, anyway?) He did have some badass looking bodyguards there. They kind of scared me (because I was like 7 years old at the time)
Carter is, IMO, the greatest living President this country has had...Bush would rank among Nixon, IMO...secret illegal actions, pushing this BS war on us, etc...

For God's sake, more Americans love the Queen of England than Bush (when she was here, 67% of Americans polled liked her, opposed to the 43% that liked Bush).

He should just go back to making baked beans on his ranch...
If you're asking me if I'm a primitive form of a robot, then no, I'm not. Robots can't drink blood and be racist, you see. Anyway, Carter pretty much declared himself pretty much uniformly a tard when he gave his loony views on the Middle East in his book. Don't know that much about the guy other than he's a former president turned leftist attention seeker -- And he's worse than Al Gore at that.
If you're asking me if I'm a primitive form of a robot, then no, I'm not.

I believe you're a sophisticated Conservo-bot ..developed solely as a mouth piece for partisan rhetoric

..It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead or become a republican

Robots can't drink blood and be racist, you see. Anyway, Carter pretty much declared himself pretty much uniformly a tard when he gave his loony views on the Middle East in his book. Don't know that much about the guy other than he's a former president turned leftist attention seeker -- And he's worse than Al Gore at that.

so you admit ignorance yet tow the official partisan line without knowing even a shred of fact surrounding him? ...comedic gold I tells ya ..you just cant make that level of stupidity up
Oh I actually know a bit about the guy, unfortunately: http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/02/01/carter.hamas/index.html
"Give Hamas a chance" he says. He also said that the Palestinian election was "completely honest, completely fair, completely safe and without violence." I guess democratically electing murderers is a nice example of democracy for Carter, huh?

Sometimes, a picture paints a thousand words, like this one: http://www.davidproject.org/images/carterhitler_window.jpg
Mere coincidence that those books are next to each other, of course, but it says a lot about a part of his audience he's trying to appease - Trying searching for his past with the "Zayed Centre".

He doesn't seem very intelligent now, does he? He was nothing special as a president, and now he's just insignificant.
jimmy carter was a coward..bush is a hero..yeh he wastes a lot of money on paying over the odds for meals for troops in his ol` boys network...but thats america, a country where politics and big buissness cannot survive if they are not in bed together..so thats that.

we should get rid of all the left wing hippy lovers and send them all to saudi arabia. then we can have some Common sense..i hope bush invades iran as they are evil everytime i see them praying they are calling for the death of something..thats some peacfull religion they have there man...

i cant remember the last time i went to church and was asked to call for the death of someone or an entire nation or race...they are evil ppl..id join the army right now if i thought id get a chance to do my duty by my country and kill some of them persian racists and anti-westerners
Lol, Nah I`d vote bush anyday...its not wrong to be proud mate...if we had hippies in world war two wed all be speaking german now
What stopped Germany from invading us was the bravery of RAF pilots, the failures of the Luftwaffe, and the superiority of our tactical situation (they had to turn back quick to refuel and we didn't; we had a large superior navy and they didn't). I very much doubt the presence of a few peaceniks would have affected the outcome of that battle.

On the other hand, had 'hippies' stopped us from declaring war on Germany, they might never have bothered us, so we probably wouldn't have been occupied.

Meanwhile, our Prime Minister before WW2 was not, in fact, a 'hippy' of any description, but he did attempt to appease the Germans as did his fellow 'world leaders' who essentially sold Czechoslovakia away to the nazis. Meanwhile, much of the political establishment of Britain was all for keeping Hitler sweet while refusing to help out the legitimately-elected (leftist) government over in Spain even as thousands of people from all over the country volunteered to fight in the Independent Brigades.

Who mentioned hippies anyway? What do 60s hedonists have to do with any of this anyway? Do you even think about what you're saying?

I could try to parody you, but it'd be pointless, because you're doing it yourself as you go along. Everything you say could be an ironic piss take of the particular brand of cliched retardo-politics you seem to have embraced.
The RAF could not hold out against the German airforce indefinitely, Sulkdodds. You would eventually be pounded into submission by the largely unhindered bombardment of your cities and your limited airforce. Without the Germans shifting their attention elsewhere, you would have fallen.
jimmy carter was a coward..bush is a hero..yeh he wastes a lot of money on paying over the odds for meals for troops in his ol` boys network...but thats america, a country where politics and big buissness cannot survive if they are not in bed together..so thats that.

we should get rid of all the left wing hippy lovers and send them all to saudi arabia. then we can have some Common sense..i hope bush invades iran as they are evil everytime i see them praying they are calling for the death of something..thats some peacfull religion they have there man...

i cant remember the last time i went to church and was asked to call for the death of someone or an entire nation or race...they are evil ppl..id join the army right now if i thought id get a chance to do my duty by my country and kill some of them persian racists and anti-westerners
Funny, I thought Saudi Arabia was an ally of yours.

Remember: Iran and Syria = bad, Egypt and Saudi Arabia = good
The RAF could not hold out against the German airforce indefinitely, Sulkdodds. You would eventually be pounded into submission by the largely unhindered bombardment of your cities and your limited airforce. Without the Germans shifting their attention elsewhere, you would have fallen.
I didn't say otherwise. I was merely using actual facts to undermine his stupid assertion.

Understanding of the tactical situation with relevant application of information > stupid, cliched generalisation.

Note that the Germans did indeed come very close to 'pounding us into submission', though they didn't know it - but just as they were about to take out RAF high command, they switched tactics and started bombing London, which was generally ineffective for the purposes of paving the way for an invasion.

They needed total air superiority over the channel or else their invasion fleet, which consisted mainly of flat-bottomed barges, would never even have gotten to the other side. There were plans, if it became necessary, to use a huge wedge of big ships to ram the German invasion formation and overturn the barges.

Not to mention that the channel was really the only place they could invade at that time, and invasion depended on good weather...
jimmy carter was a coward..bush is a hero..yeh he wastes a lot of money on paying over the odds for meals for troops in his ol` boys network...but thats america, a country where politics and big buissness cannot survive if they are not in bed together..so thats that.

we should get rid of all the left wing hippy lovers and send them all to saudi arabia. then we can have some Common sense..i hope bush invades iran as they are evil everytime i see them praying they are calling for the death of something..thats some peacfull religion they have there man...

i cant remember the last time i went to church and was asked to call for the death of someone or an entire nation or race...they are evil ppl..id join the army right now if i thought id get a chance to do my duty by my country and kill some of them persian racists and anti-westerners
He's not a hero, he's a daddy's boy and you are an utter moron. :rolleyes:

So far you have displayed to us as loyal Bush supporter that genocide will fix all of your problems. Great job.
jimmy carter was a coward..bush is a hero..yeh he wastes a lot of money on paying over the odds for meals for troops in his ol` boys network...but thats america, a country where politics and big buissness cannot survive if they are not in bed together..so thats that.

we should get rid of all the left wing hippy lovers and send them all to saudi arabia. then we can have some Common sense..i hope bush invades iran as they are evil everytime i see them praying they are calling for the death of something..thats some peacfull religion they have there man...

i cant remember the last time i went to church and was asked to call for the death of someone or an entire nation or race...they are evil ppl..id join the army right now if i thought id get a chance to do my duty by my country and kill some of them persian racists and anti-westerners
Did you forget an 'ia' after the 'n' in your name when you signed up? Bush's approval ratings are the worst ever.

At least Carter had more than 34% of the nation behind him.
not bothered and no the raf didnt save britain you silly boy lolz...half of the raf were polish by 44.......and if the americans didnt enter the war it would have been lost without a doubt...dont get confused..btw churchill was an alchoholic.
In wargames, it was concluded that without Luftwaffe air supremacy, the invading forces of Operation Sealion would have been forced into submission by the arrival of the Royal Navy cutting off German supply lines to the UK. Never underestimate the power of the Royal Navy (except for Iran, of course).

Given that Hitler was very much a tactical blunderer, I wouldn't be surprised.


not bothered and no the raf didnt save britain you silly boy lolz

Didn't they? They postponed Operation Sealion significantly.

...half of the raf were polish by 44.......

Even if that was true (I have never heard that before) it makes no difference. The Polish were our allies from the beginning.

and if the americans didnt enter the war it would have been lost without a doubt...

The Soviets would have crushed Germany. And Western Europe probably.

dont get confused..btw churchill was an alchoholic.

Yes, he was. He was also half-American. What relevance does either point have to anything at all? He did the job at the end of the day (including fostering support from the yanks).

Since you started posting here, I haven't seen anything constructive here from you at all, Mancurian Troll.