Jobs For Final Escape



This is a new upcoming Half Life 2 Modification, as yet we have only released a forum and four media screenshots, seen below. On Monday 11th April we will be releasing a huge media pack with models and map shots and a huge new site. In the eman time we require moddellers/skinners and mappers.









(Sorry for stretching forums)

If you are interested at all in this Modification then check out our forum at:

Click Here

And dont forget to check back On Monday 11th April for the big release!

Craig Bullivant
Very nice, some information of the modification would be nice aswell.
Final Escape
Story - Public Version
You are a low key researcher for the research and development corporation Bioglobe.
Your Research for the most part is slow, tedious and boring, and today was the start of another night shift.
As you soon find out, a fire has flared up in a section of the building, and the evacuation process has begun, but will you and your colleagues escape before the fire engulfs the entire place....
During you daring and heated escape you stumble on a secret plot to steal a top secret bio-genetic experiment and as the episode draws to a conclusion you are entangled in an explosive and nail biting fight to stop the theft taking place, while the building collapses around you and a full blown attack is drawing to a conclusion, will you find a way to escape this hell, or will you choose to save the day by getting the virus back!!!

Thats all we are releasing at the moment, check back on Monday 11th April!!!!