
I am at present sitting back in my chair, relaxing with a cold can of beer.

I currently collect my weekly jobseekers allowance from the Job Centre which is unwittingly provided by you poor, misguided ignorant fools. Your misery and suffering being pushed around by "the man" is money in my pocket each and every week. How many of you pay your taxes? NONE OF YOU. That's right, your hard-earned cash is stripped from you by the government and then fed directly into my pocket.

What's even sweeter is "the man" believes that I am an invalid and unable to perform day-to-day tasks without pain and discomfort, which I play along with by limping around in public and complaining loudly when I'm too lazy to climb stairs or reach to the top shelf for that X-rated magazine I enjoy.

Each and every one of you is a poor sap, and I reap the benefits from it. AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.


I work in logistics, but more specifically, for
I applied at a local golf course, but nothing came of that.

I'm still contemplating applying for a job at a summer camp for kids. The only thing holding me back is the 24/7, living at the camp all summer aspect.
I applied at a local golf course, but nothing came of that.

I'm still contemplating applying for a job at a summer camp for kids. The only thing holding me back is the 24/7, living at the camp all summer aspect.

Don't worry - once they find out you troll the Internet as much as you do they'll fire you anyways. Can't risk havin' those pedos!

The Internet is EVIL folks, remember that.
Nah man, you get them everywhere :( Open offices are much better tbh, provides workers with an honest relaxing environment, doesn't give that caged in feeling.

edit: I heard there was a set of recommendations put out for this, to break up office demographics...meh in perth anyway

I want to work in an office, even if it's cagey. I sound insane, but, uh, yeah. I mean, Google's offices are amazing. They held a decorating contest and one of the zones was a full blown Super Mario theme. It was brilliant.
I want to work in an office, even if it's cagey. I sound insane, but, uh, yeah. I mean, Google's offices are amazing. They held a decorating contest and one of the zones was a full blown Super Mario theme. It was brilliant.

Google is an exception to the norm here, most offices are nowhere near as awesome as Google. Not to mention, it's near impossible to get into Google because of the amount of amount of competition it has for any one of their jobs.
Google is an exception to the norm here, most offices are nowhere near as awesome as Google. Not to mention, it's near impossible to get into Google because of the amount of amount of competition it has for any one of their jobs.

I think it depends a lot on your co-workers, office wise. Google is like utopia, but I know people who have some great office experiences even if they're just in cubicles. Still, my current goal is to work at Google or another company with a similar atmosphere.

My best friend works as a database admin for her college, and her co-workers are all 20 to 30-something gamers so as they work on the department's websites/gradebooks/online courses, they talk about gaming shit and prank each other. Likewise the guys I work with are all awesome. Another friend worked at a calling center for tech support, and surprisingly had a cool floor where they spent time between calls talking about movies.

It's not always as bad as Office Space. Though I do know some office jobs are just ridiculously boring and unfriendly.
Environment Artist at a game company : )

Crazy Clarks :>

For another year or two.
I am a backup (kettels + ovens) cook at a popular family restaurant chain that serves thousands of customers daily.

9 per hour.

I enjoy the social environment of the kitchen, but like any corporation it's not without a hefty helping of bullshit. There's a cohesiveness amongst the people there, and it makes work easier, plus every other day there seems to be something interesting happening such as:

- a regular customer with dementia shitting herself in the bathroom walking back into the dining area, putting her toilet paper on the table.

- industrial grade multi-rack oven's circuit board going up in flames and lighting the oven on fire, thus heroicly wheeled out the back door by our resident village idiot, family man manager screaming for employees get out of the way before we choke to death on toxic black smoke.

- old woman who eats at our restaurant daily, and has done so for many years. sometimes visiting twice in a day, always ordering the exact same meal. she has a thirst for perfection and her instructions for preparation are far beyond the normal protocol. the staff has entirely given in to her demands and now go so far as to form the turkey into a heart.

- deep friar water volcano --> grill line cooks diving for cover as hot grease and water plasters 1/3 of the kitchen.

- our entire morning dishwashing crew is either brain-damaged, autistic, or mentally retarded. one of them grabs grill cooks asses, talks to herself, goes into crouching tiger positions randomly. another has screams "wango tango" and does air guitar while babbling complete nonsensical stories and pretending to still be a firefighter while busing tables. one sounds like meatwad when she talks, and could try to tell anyone something, only to have them understand after 10 repetitions. seems to have an affinity for sorting silverware, and only sorting silverware.

- nymphomaniac prep cook gets fired for punching an gentle and slow elderly employee in the face.

- um, miscarriage.

yeah, work's not so bad.
What's your occupation?

I'm currently a freelance welder, I don't really work for any one company... but I always have an ad in the paper.
So, I basically get calls every day, gets irritating but the pay most of the time is great.
Usually it's about $15 an hour.


Welding man!? My nemesis!
Google is an exception to the norm here, most offices are nowhere near as awesome as Google. Not to mention, it's near impossible to get into Google because of the amount of amount of competition it has for any one of their jobs.

I might end up working for Google. They have a hiring office and server station on Carnegie Mellon's campus, and they are the second biggest hirer for our computer science graduates (Microsoft is 1, Apple is 3).
2 jobs

6 am-12 pm machine operator in an office depot warehouse $9.70 per hour.
2 pm - 10 pm compression technician at leiner health products $11.00 per hour. 5 days a week. weekends mean a shitload to me right now.
I do some "gigs" as a technician at sporting events around the country (and sometimes abroad). My job is related to timing the dudes and dudettes at the event and rigging computers and network for everything (sending timing data, rigging timing equipment, information terminals, changes to the database etc, showing results over SMS/Internet). I get about $16/h, all expenses paid (travel, food, hotels).

Other than that, University student :)
Well, I've decided I'm tired of waiting around for jobs.
So I'm going to be working as a bouncer at some club downtown.

$8.50 an hour, bleh.
I've got an internship at American Express as a programmer analyst. Got my first paycheck on Thursday... it was beautiful.
Which company? And post your finished final project jerk :D

EDIT: lol double post.
Lawl : D
Guerrilla Games, and no Krynn, im not posting ANYTHING untill i released the first media release.

Lawl : D
Guerrilla Games, and no Krynn, im not posting ANYTHING untill i released the first media release.


I meant your final project for your school. You made a thread on it with all the pre-production work, but never posted the final thing.
I meant your final project for your school. You made a thread on it with all the pre-production work, but never posted the final thing.
Yeah, its what im talking about. When i had to finish the school project, i stuffed it full of work i made for my mod, which i dont want to show the internets just yet. Anyway so i kinda cheated, but school doesnt know.
Once i released some more media of the mod, ill show you guys the poster aswell : )
You dig?

I want to get into CSS, AJAX and PHP.... any ideas where to start?