John Carmacks Son in Doom 3

That's too coinincidental to be intentional, but somehow also way too accurate to be an accident. Weeeird...
a tribute to all men so rich women will make babys with them.
kiwii said:
i dont see it ??? :frown:

Look at the right side of the planet that's in ruins/fire, and compare the shapes to the fetus
LOL, this is for real ? .................
:cheers: That would be kind of tight though, I mean if it was intentional and all.
Wow, thats really cool. I hope Gabe does something similiar.
No big deal, artists do this kind of thing all the time. Must admit I didn't spot that till this thread though, heh neat.
Pauly said:
Wow, thats really cool. I hope Gabe does something similiar.

Gabe will be the train conductor at the start who asks for your ticket, gives you a smile , then winks and waddles away :afro: .
clarky003 said:
Gabe will be the train conductor at the start who asks for your ticket, gives you a smile , then winks and waddles away :afro: .
Gabe = Alfred Hitchcock :)
clarky003 said:
Gabe will be the train conductor at the start who asks for your ticket, gives you a smile , then winks and waddles away :afro: .

But then people would use cheats, spawn a gun, and shoot Gabe :\
And just when I thought it was just the Half-Life 2 community that looks too far into things!! :p

I don't buy it to be honest :|
I thought it looked more like an evil face, or one of those flaming head thingies.
Wow, that MattSid guy had a good eye! :) I would never notice the similarity between that lava and a fetus otherwise, hehe..