Joims' Random Tangents of Art Work

baron insig

Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
It started off with me playing aorund with my tablet i decided to draw a muzzle and i kinda got into it and kept on goin :o

Be nice!

btw havent a clue which links makes image appear in thread so im gunna try all of them n Edit!


direct link
Interesting sketches. I love your shading.

Now draw a full fledged piece!
Looks like something with a 256 color depth...:dozey: cool ayway :thumbs: I love color-banding! (or cutouts, or shtupid 16-bit ugliness, whatever it's called)
look cool, did you draw it and scan it? I hope it's not made by computer... :P
meh graphics tablet and photoshop :o

ill do the entire weapon tonite but right now i have a splitting head ache

that's really good. I like the crazy shading.
its a concept for my final study for AS art

its gotta be a genre liek veiw points so yeah im jsut knocking out images
T h e r e s o l u t i o n ' s t o o b i g...... s c r o l l i n g l i k e c r a z y O M G!!!
Everything 56K warning init! :P

Here Is everything else ive been getting up to since i saw TDE and his immense skills!










Colouring ^ for a friend first ever thing i did with my graphics tablet :)
awsome! is that sephiroth?
ant the first face is really cool.
but for some of those environmenmts, try to clear yup some lines, cause its hard on the eyes to figure out what they are.

good work though
Woo, all great, but a bit big. Love the gun one
I started Another Peice !

Its HL2 Related and thats all im telling you till its done :P

Thos i might give you a WIP to C&c
/ ouch

Tohse were just me toying around and concepts for other things

so shh unless your gunna Contribute to it plzkthx.
Ill be happy to give my C&C, just post your WIPs :D

as u can see creamtor i REsized it for you, im so nice :P

THIS IS A WIP no final positioning so please just Talk about layout of stuff its gunang et updated considerably as u lovely lot suggest stuff so that you can compare it with originals :)

if i get the day off tomorow im gunan finish of this :P (edit : this being the layout and gather all the bloody references i need :P )

it took 8 minutes to save cos originally its 10000 x 10000 pixels :cool:
nice, but the canyon edge is too sharp, an the tree should be either smaller, or lower down, cause the roots come too far up.
and maybe do something cool with the tree, cause it looks like the center of attention. like, you could have a lambda carved into it and then a stack of health and ammo in a knot in the tree.
I love your finished pieces, like the woman's face and Sephorioth. The smooth brushes used on those pieces complements your simple drawing style. Your use of light and shade is also excellent, although I think you should go over some of your sketches in detail and make them look better. They show potential, but the rough edges hide their simple charm.

I would recommend you go over the guns again, as they show a good sense of perspective and shading, but use smooth, straight lines and blur the light and shade into flowing highlights. It would'nt take too long and I'm sure it would be very satisfying.

Oh and about your W.I.P... In my opinion the painting seems to portray lost hope across the city, and if this is the feeling you want to portray, I think the tree should look more... dead :) hehe
U got it in one
almost.. :P

basically i wanna put across that after all loss something survives(whihc in this case is going to be an ivy like plant stretching up the now dead tree :P)

tho im torn wether or not i should have the strider Zapping a sole reisistance sniper! :p
I just love pics with dead trees and combine-related stuff in it, could use more strider, IMO :P
CREMATOR666 said:
I just love pics with dead trees and combine-related stuff in it, could use more strider, IMO :P
agreed :upstare:
day off :) gunna sketch the final version on paper :D put it to PS and probs do base colours/tone :)
aww :P ive made some changes to its shading :P already so it has more tone across it should i just crete a layer and just paint brown over the top to just almost put a brown filter over it ( not the filter ish kind but a light filter)
Excellent Start

CREMATOR666 said:
Too green!!!!! :P

Perfect color green! I love this color. You use a mac dont you, do you use a light pen, or whatever they are calling them this decade (touch pen?) I'd like to see it further along, maybe even on my desktop. I just got Paint Shop Pro9, it reminds me a little of the beatiful art on the box. You've got alot of skill! I made quite a few desktop pics, no idea yet how to post them...
Anyway it wouldn't take much to put something at the top of the tree and leave it like that, you could make several versions.

what kinda thing would u want at the top of the tree ?? im up for putting sumat in for you :)

i like it green aswell :P
i use a pc with a graphics tablet if i go to uni and do 3d digital design tho i want a mac and a powerful one ( cos that sourse is in 3dsmax photoshop and autocad )

new version - i like the tree i got the reference colours off of a tree its based o na dipteryx tree ( i thinky ).

Nice work Joims, i should really get a tablet soon, the pictures below are about the best i can do with a mouse on PS....... both took around 2 hours or so from scratch.


wow thats good :D the best i could do with a mousewas the pic of Alex on the first page ( the drawing of the Girl )

only had this tablet since end of jan so im starting to get used to it now :)
Hehe, guess what brush was used in the second one? :laugh:
Nice tree though Joims, needs a bit more dimension though methinks