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Jan 3, 2008
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Well for the last year I've been totally slipping I stopped going to College and I work a stupid $9 an hour job with shitty hours.
I'm 20 years old I play way to many video games and watch too much porn,I eat to much crappy food etc.

Starting tonight I will delete all my Porn and have a daily schedule where working out and getting ahead comes first I will also limit myself from jacking off more then twice a day (currently around 14 times a day) I don't have any social contacts aside form people at work so as soon as I get my self cleaned up I'm gonna start going out on the weekends. and will have a strict diet during weekdays

and only indulge myself and Fridays and Saturdays. and I will get up at 8am every day now :D

I know I'm not the only that just flows through the day without any real purpose from now on I will improve myself on a daily basis:bounce:

join me guys!

also in before: "omg you looser !!!!!"****

I'm about to delete over 8,000 pics...... it hurts :(
Don't delete, mail it to me! :D

I've been slipping too, studies and attendance wise.
omg 8156pics....gone 14 gigs of videos...gone D:

it hurt so bad deleting them I think I might be an addict D:
14 times a day?! How does it not fall off?

Also my work is only slipping because of Heroes 3, but I'm not deleting that because it's either that or ****ing Solitaire, and I may kill myself if it comes to that.
EDIT: nm, that sounded really arrogant.
ugh I can't believe I had like 40gigs of porn across 3 hard drives.
I did keep some though.....

dekstar 14 times is really that much?
Yea, I don't really play any games (once ep3 comes out...I guess I'll be done). I workout almost daily, I hate school with a passion but I'm determined to see it through, and I do look at a lot of porn--oddly though sometimes I do it just when I'm bored, not even to masturbate. My girlfriend looks at porn too and we'll end up sending each other ridiculous pictures we find.

I probably need to be more motivated about school, but my god I just hate everything about it (and I'm not even bad at it), everyday I dream about walking out of here.

This weekend I'm going to run some cable for a law firm, then go to an auto-x for some driving and to take some pictures for my friend who's trying to get sponsorship. I've got dinner with a car club at school here tomorrow at hooters, and I probably do need to hang out with my friends more...that's what I need to work on I think.
14 is a lot. How are you not shooting blanks by the end?
I have a girlfriend. I go out for dinner with friends once a week. I relax for at least one day on weekends. I like having tea and working on the New York Times crossword. I am finishing a degree in engineering. I play badminton and swim and jog. I eat mostly vegetables and meat that I cook myself. I don't keep porn on my hard drive. I don't eat fast food. I read a lot of books. I like to build canvases and paint them. I don't play many computer games.

I am happy with my life, so I don't think I'll be changing it.

well im happy for you dude,I didn't ask anybody to fix something thats not broken :)

edit: the end of the day it's just "smoke" :p but its not like I'm trying to impress somebody,so yeah....
well... i could never watch the same porn twice so i don't even have 1mb of porn in my hd... besides that i eat well enough... goodluck with your new goals!
First of all there's no 'norm' for masturbation, people do it at different frequencies. However I do recommend that if you continue to do it that often, you invest in a good lubricant and refrain from using the 'death grip' as these can lead to health complications.

Also, it's nice that you've set this altruistic goal for everyone, but the reality is you're only going to get harassed making a post like this. You want to help yourself; good, do it for yourself and not some people on an internet forum. Good luck.
yeah now that I think about I kinda sound like a preaching dick.
any who I will definitely go forward with this.
yeah now that I think about I kinda sound like a preaching dick.
any who I will definitely go forward with this.

Don't worry about it, I think those are good goals for people to set... just know that people will probably come in here specifically to harass you.
Raptor Jesus said:
I know I'm not the only that just flows through the day without any real purpose
Yeah, I'm like that. I'm a motivation-less person. My philosophy on life has always been to coast, so that's where I've been at. I plan to change it real soon, but only in the motivation department. Everything else I'm good on, all the other things you've mentioned:

Already completed college, I have a good work ethic (when I actually bother to work :LOL:), I got too many friends who bother me to hang out ALL the time. On food, like I said in the fast food thread that's 80% of my diet; but see, I can eat unhealthy food and lose weight. I lost thirty pounds recently, went from a size 38 pants to a size 32, and I didn't exercise one bit. I sat on my ass and ate Big Macs, and I lost thirty pounds. Bully for me I ain't gotta do SHIT to lose weight. :LOL: I couldn't diet anyway because I love fast food, I love snack foods...I get down on fruits and SOME vegetables too though. I just got done eating an apple for breakfast.

As for the porn, I will die before I give up porn. That isn't hyperbole or exaggeration. I WOULD DIE BEFORE I GAVE UP PORN.
Heh Darkside; Pacific rim.

Heh. I would never have figured you for a porn person, Dark xD.
Well, I don't talk about it on here unless the topic is brought up; there's no reason to. But if you want to know Darkside, know me truly, the pornography is one of those parts that makes up my core being. People have hobbies and interests, and those might be important to them but very few people will say, "my such-and-such hobby is a necessary, integral part of who I am and if you remove that part, I am no longer the same person." If you took away the porn, I would be a completely different person. There's probably a version of myself from the multiverse who has never experienced porn, or quite possibly disdains porn; in either case I would probably be forced to kill him. I would have to, because he would be an abomination, some sort of perverse not-me who bears my name and likeness. It would...sicken me.

So yeah, it's not something I can just say, "Lemme delete all the porn on my hard drives and get rid of all my books and drawings and tapes." Some of my stuff's worth fat money too, no joke. I own the world's first musical porno from 1976 and it's worth nearly $300. All my stuff's like that too, really rare expensive stuff. One of my HDs is even labeled, "Porn 1." One of my friends always introduces me to other people by saying, "Oh yeah, this is my friend Darkside. He draws porn." I've even been recognized IRL for some of my work.

My friends wrote a song about me and porn to the theme of Trogdor, but we all forgot what the lyrics were (to which I recently joked, "Now we have to write a Tribute.")
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the thread starter sounds a lot like me, with the exception that i have no intentions of changing my lifestyle. and i don't watch that much porn. but we're similar in the loser aspect.
Yeah, I'm like that. I'm a motivation-less person. My philosophy on life has always been to coast, so that's where I've been at. I plan to change it real soon, but only in the motivation department. Everything else I'm good on, all the other things you've mentioned:
My personal philosophy is that life is pretty pointless anyway, so just do what gives you the most entertainment at any given time.

Sometimes it's watching movie after movie for days, sometimes it's learning a new language (programming language, of course :p) or reading book after book till I fall asleep involuntarily. I really abuse my body a lot. I've never had a girlfriend and have never had the inclination to make one. Most people irritate me way too much, especially girls (dunno why).

Most of what I do is actively hurting my future prospects and letting my family down. Eg- Studying Java, .NET and then almost flunking my own Electronics & Communication subjects. But I'm hoping that some day when I have a job all this learning and reading will pay off. I know that when I find a project interesting and useful, I can do it better than anybody else.
OP - that's friggin' awesome and good for you. I'd go with BHC's advice about letting people know this kind of stuff. Realistically, I think most people won't give a damn if someone on the internet makes it in life or not - but for what it's worth, do it for yourself, not a bunch of isolated sociopathic individuals like I and me. ;)

If you get a chance, start talking to random people. It helps a lot in building your self esteem, and not only knowing who others are, but knowing yourself.

vikram, communications is very important.

Now that we're all talking about ourselves I fail at communication. When walking a path packed with students I feel paranoid, or careless. Some people look at me curious-wise and I'll either return an unconcerned look or gtfo kind of thing.

Then I blurt out things that make me sound unfriendly (religion has no evidence, that kind of stuff). And messing with people's values, however absurd they may seem, is a "dont-go-there-sister" kind of thing.

It's really no wonder my friend count is 1, and he's the only one who truly knows me for who I am - an insecure acne-ly but mostly open-minded person.

But at least I know now that I am unconsciously incompetent and am in the process of transforming my character from the ground up. It's a seriously cool thing to do, see your self from the eyes of others sometimes.
My dick started hurting when I read the 14 faps a day bit. Good thing you're changing that, because if you kept going then one day you'd find yourself fapping with a disconnected penor.
Well for the last year I've been totally slipping I stopped going to College and I work a stupid $9 an hour job with shitty hours.
I'm 20 years old I play way to many video games and watch too much porn,I eat to much crappy food etc.

Starting tonight I will delete all my Porn and have a daily schedule where working out and getting ahead comes first I will also limit myself from jacking off more then twice a day (currently around 14 times a day) I don't have any social contacts aside form people at work so as soon as I get my self cleaned up I'm gonna start going out on the weekends. and will have a strict diet during weekdays

and only indulge myself and Fridays and Saturdays. and I will get up at 8am every day now :D

I know I'm not the only that just flows through the day without any real purpose from now on I will improve myself on a daily basis:bounce:

join me guys!

also in before: "omg you looser !!!!!"****

I'm about to delete over 8,000 pics...... it hurts :(

small, more realistic steps, day by day until you've conquered each ..OMG YOU THREW AWAY PRON!!!
First of all there's no 'norm' for masturbation, people do it at different frequencies. However I do recommend that if you continue to do it that often, you invest in a good lubricant and refrain from using the 'death grip' as these can lead to health complications.

Also, it's nice that you've set this altruistic goal for everyone, but the reality is you're only going to get harassed making a post like this. You want to help yourself; good, do it for yourself and not some people on an internet forum. Good luck.

rubbing any part of your body vigorously 14 times a day would cause problems I think. I don't know if you can get calluses down there though.
On the contrary. Rumor has it your gets hard as a diamond.
I am trying to give up pronz to focus on school, but each day I don't see a decent looking boob makes me want to see double the next day.

My longest time is a week, it was a cold, dark, lonely week too.
Wow... this is very interesting...

As for me, I'd give up porn without a thought. Hell, I don't even like it. It's just people having sex and losers gawking at it and wishing thier dick was as big as that. Raptor, you have my unending respect. You have made a hard decision in letting yourself change your lifestyle. Most people wouldn't dream of it. How did you make your decision? Did something happen?


EDIT: Bowsniper you loser.
Wow... this is very interesting...

As for me, I'd give up porn without a thought. Hell, I don't even like it. It's just people having sex and losers gawking at it and wishing thier dick was as big as that. Raptor, you have my unending respect. You have made a hard decision in letting yourself change your lifestyle. Most people wouldn't dream of it. How did you make your decision? Did something happen?


EDIT: Bowsniper you loser.

I doesn't wank, its a check on updates to see if there is any good material, usually nothing good happens, which is why I want to quit.

I am actually going on with another withdrawal that Raptor_Jesus inspired in me with this thread.
