Join my HL2 Multiplayer Sever!

yo infamous, whats ur server ip EXACTLY, i keep trying and getting connectionf ailed after 4 tries :'(
i got tired of waiting for ppl to make a i made my own!


the map is hl2mp2 or something...go!
COM_CheckGameDirectory: game directories don't match (hl2 / hl2mp)Netchannel: failed processing message svc_ServerInfo.

this happened when i tried to connect to urs jrdn grn.. any clue why?
Now that was funny... especially when you spawn the antlions..
donno, but we had like a 6 man match going on! with antlions and zombies! lol..whats the command to spawn enemies? (BTW MADE A NEW SERVR, jUST WANTED TO RESTART MAP) GO BACK!

wow u morons, stop spawning so much shit, it just crashed hl2...are you THAT DUMB? How bout spawning like 2 queen ant lions at a time..and we can kill together..not ****ing 50 zombies at once
im not gonna make any more server for was fun when we were doing deathmatch and NOT spawning enemies.
dam man , i come here and read a servers up ,i go to connect and can't and come back to find its not up anymore. someone needs to make a server and actually have it up for more than 5 mins.
ur missin a port there buddy...

after you make your server type status in console
it will come up with server info..
itll say like server ip: (thats what mine is..dont go server isnt up..just an ex.)

Thats the server that your connected to and that other ppl connect to.
27015 is the standard port for HL, CS, Hl2, CS:S, etc. etc. I expected people to know that...
I'm getting connects from people, but this is what the console is spitting out:

Dropped JIGsaW from server
Reason: Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket(server was
unable to contact the authentication server, 27).
i put a limit of 4 players

and someone just made the server crash :p
i was in but it crashed, do you know how to spawn enimies cause shooting players with no models is stupid and doesnt seem to work very well if at all. hey atleast i finally connected to a server
...can u make the server again plz ?... i wanna play :D
OK, instead of making all these, anyone really rich on here on which we could set up a dedicated server, which of course could evolve as the support for Multiplayer evolves.....
I'll start mine up again, but please don't try to spawn stuff unless you're absolutely sure it won't crash the server. Last time, I had to reboot...
Why Valve, something so easy, couldn't just put an MP ?
well, someone crashed the server again. I'm not starting it up anymore.