Joke thread because I need a laugh or suicide you f*ckers

Oh, I thought you meant the "azn" part and I was kinda like wat.
It's clever though right! Admit it!

(I tried too hard :( )
God dammit vegeta ruined it, once you have to explain a joke it's humour factor goes down 75%. ATLEAST.

God damn vegeta and his lack of grammar knowledge. ****!
It wasn't a lack of grammar knowledge, I just didn't get what the hell you were talking about.
Okay okay I've got one.

Remember that time Dog-- made a grammar joke except he didn't know grammar

Two old ladies went to pick blueberries, but the another one didn't fit inside.

If that doesn't make you laugh it means you are dead inside.

Grammar much?

Why did the boy fall out of the tree.

Because someone threw a fridge at him.

Two sausages in a frying pan.

One says to the other 'Damn its hot in here'

Other one says '***k, a talking sausage!'
What's the first step in making an apple pie from scratch?

First, invent the universe.
I think we can all agree (again) that Dog-- is lame.
I think we can all agree that we need to have a pizza party.
And Dog-- isn't invited.

EDIT: God damn Dog--.
What did I do?! I think Danimal is just mad because he couldn't make an awesome joke like I did with my awesome joke.
Warps What Not to Say to Women Jokes:

"No I'll pay this time, but the sex is on me (wink wink)"
"Simon say touch your nose, Simon says touch your ears, Simon says touch your shoulders...touch my dick"
"Oh wow are you pregnant?? thats a shame you aren't but I can help with brother's number is..."

and some others

One man calls 911:
- Come immediately, my little son has swallowed a condom!
After five minutes, the same man calls back:
- It is OK, I found another one.

- Why do dwarfs laugh while they play soccer?
- Because the grass tickles their balls!

An American:
- We have Barack Obama, Stevie Wonder, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash.
An Italian:
- We have Silvio Berlusconi, no wonder, no hope and no cash.

- Which animal has two gray legs, and two brown legs?
- An Elephant that has diarrhea!

A bachelor has no belly because when he opens a fridge he says:
- "**** it, the same again!" and then goes to the bed.
A married man has belly because when he comes to the bad he says:
- "**** it, the same again!" and then goes and opens the fridge.
I heard the Elephant Man died because a bearded woman shot a dwarf out of a canon and it landed on his elephant head.

Freak accident.
Whats the difference between a baby and a watermelon?
One's fun to hit with a sledghammer, and one's a watermelon.

How do you get 20 babies into a bowl?
A blender.

How do you get them back out?
A straw.

Whats funner then watching a baby spinning around on a rope at 100 miles an hour?
Stopping it with a shovel.

What the best part of running over babies?
Getting them off your tires.

Why did the baby cross the road?
It was stapeled to the chicken.

How many babies does it take to plain a wall?
Depends how hard you throw them.

Those are the one's that i can remember of hand.
I read this last night.

What's the hardest part of nailing a dead baby to a post?

My dick.
What's the difference between your paycheck? and your dick?

You don't have to beg your wife to blow your paycheck!
I read this last night.

What's the hardest part of nailing a dead baby to a post?

My dick.

What colour does a dead baby go in a microwave?

I don't know, I was too busy masturbating.