JOTV mod requiering more members



JOTV= Journey of the vortigaunt

We were almost dead. But thanks to a realy nice programmer we are now back on track. I have made a total re-work of the old story, to make it more interesting.

As the portal storm rages on earth, and Dr.Breen takes control under the combines, a small group of vortigaunts hides away, trying to flee from the horror they have seen on Xen.

Deep under the human city that will be known as C17, they made their city of Voric. And through tests and experiments they managed to create the perfect soldier to protect their city.

Vex is one of these soldiers. A sargeant in the last desperate army the vortigaunts have.

The force is assigned to scout out an area around airlock E13, however this is failed due to a fierce combine ambush.

Taken to a prison especially made for his race, the combine try to find the answer to Vex's power, but their efforts go unrewarded. He manages to escape, with the help of the electric sources inside his cell. On his way out, he learns that an insider in Voric will give the city's location to the combines, which would guarantee invasion, and slavery again to all the vortigaunts. The Combine would get access to the source of Vex's power, making an army stronger then the forces they already have.

Its your job to save both Vortigaunts and humans. Are you up to the task?

Thats the story, so far.

This mod will take place a little time befor Gordon comes to the town, and will offer new weapons, new areas in and around C17, maybe some new monsters (depends on the programmer) and boss fights. You can also use the combine weapons, meaning your arsenal will be big enough.

But we need a little help to get this mod alive. And even though we do have a few people, we need more.

Positions open:

Animation modelers and maybe static prop modeler. We also need someone that can work with faceposer, and if he/shes a modeler too, then its just brilliant.

Texture artists. We would need a heap of new textures so the texture artist will get more then enough to lay hands on.

Sound artist. To make sound effects and music.

Level designer. Have to know how to work with SP maps. Dont need to be perfect. As long as you know something you can learn as we go.

We have a good programmer, 2 level designers, concept artist, web master, story writer and static modeler.

Our pages and forum should now be open.

Our modDB page:

A little note at the end: You dont have to be perfect in the position you apply too. All we requier is that you know what your doing, at a medium level. What you dont know can be learned but then you have to want to learn too.

And excuse my english if its not so good. Writing english is not my strongest side so dont say anything about it, i have a englishman that reads through the story and correct it for me :p
Then why don't you let him read through your post before you post it?

Threads with very bad written english often scares people away. So get a post written in perfect english and more people will see you as a serious mod.
If people cant take me serious just becaus of my english then there is something wrong with them and not me. Everyone aint from England, so you cant expect everyone that post here to write in perfect english.
i had no problem reading his post at all. Just a side note thou... it's better not to comment on your english language skills. If you spell stuff wrong, people will just assume it's a typo, or just not care, but if you draw people's attention to it, they'll make it a point to tell you about it :D

gl with the mod thou :) i look forward to playing it, but sorry, i can't be of help to you right now :D
I've always thought the premise to this mod sounded neat. Good luck guys.

Bad english is often the sign of young irresponsible and immature teenagers, which is why many of us try to steer clear of it. I usually attibute it to laziness, which is also bad, but I do understand that many of us are from different countries.
I saied my english was no good becaus im a little tierd about people making comments on that instead of what im posting. If they manage to read it and understand it then i have gotten my point out.

The story has been read by a englishman and corrected but the rest have not been corrected. If anyone cant read it then i have to correct it.

And a little quote: Bad english is often the sign of young irresponsible and immature teenagers

Im 21 and not a immature teenager. Im just plaine bad in english writing, im more of a talker.

THanks for the feedback, i do hope we will get this mod out, though some forums seem to think its a bad mod idea in general.
bear^ said:
Im 21 and not a immature teenager. Im just plaine bad in english writing, im more of a talker.

Didn't say you were, note my usage of the word "often".
bear^ said:
If people cant take me serious just becaus of my english then there is something wrong with them and not me. Everyone aint from England, so you cant expect everyone that post here to write in perfect english.

Though I know people who are from UK and have terrible spelling. It's their mother tongue and still they can't do it right!
CommandoSR said:
Though I know people who are from UK and have terrible spelling. It's their mother tongue and still they can't do it right!

Exactly. No one is perfect.
Still, its a sign of proffesionalism, plain and simple. If you are asking for people to be involved in your project, they are going to be observing every facet of whatever it is that you present. Your writing is an aspect of that presentation. If you think that skilled modders aren't going to be turned off by a poorly composed help wanted post, then you're sorely mistaken.
professionalism in a mod 0.o
now i see what erik johnson was talking about
zyd zyd is offline

Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 48
Then why don't you let him read through your post before you post it?

Threads with very bad written english often scares people away. So get a post written in perfect english and more people will see you as a serious mod.
this was unnecessary and downright rude and shame on the rest of you for jumping on it - his english was of a very high standard and surely the game is far more important than occasional spelling errors
bear^ said:
Exactly. No one is perfect.
exactly. I thought it was a good post... I know english speakers who can't post that well....

as for your call for help... I'm useless to you for any of those positions...
Analognovelist said:
Still, its a sign of proffesionalism, plain and simple. If you are asking for people to be involved in your project, they are going to be observing every facet of whatever it is that you present. Your writing is an aspect of that presentation. If you think that skilled modders aren't going to be turned off by a poorly composed help wanted post, then you're sorely mistaken.

Why should it be like that, they read the story, find it interesting, but wont join or do anything becaus the write couldnt wirte english at perfect stage?

How you wirte is not the same as what you can with mod making. Im a level designer for this mod and if you can tell out from my english how good i am as a level designer, then your realy good.
hes not saying that you can tell how skilled they are by there spellling and grammer just that it isnt professional to make mistakes in a post trying to recruit team members. dont be ignorent.
crackhead said:
hes not saying that you can tell how skilled they are by there spellling and grammer just that it isnt professional to make mistakes in a post trying to recruit team members. dont be ignorent.

So in general, its not "professional" to make mistakes when recruting? What a load of bullshit is that. If people didnt understand what i wrote, then i would understand. But a few spelling mistakes and grammar errors, is that enough to judge this mod as unprofessional?