Judge deals blow to Prop 8 sponsors, dooming it to failure


May 5, 2004
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A federal judge challenged the backers of California's voter-enacted ban on same-sex marriage Wednesday to explain how allowing gay couples to wed threatens conventional unions, a demand that prompted their lawyer to acknowledge he did not know.

The unusual exchange between U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn Walker and Charles Cooper, a lawyer for the group that sponsored Proposition 8, came during a hearing on a lawsuit challenging the measure as discriminatory under the U.S. Constitution.

Cooper had asked Walker to throw out the suit or make it more difficult for those civil rights claims to prevail.

The judge not only refused but signaled that when the case goes to trial in January, he expects Cooper and his legal team to present evidence showing that male-female marriages would be undermined if same-sex marriages were legal

this travesty of a law is being undermined by those that proposed it in the first place. their case will fall apart opening the door to challenging the law on constitutional grounds pretty much making it a certainity that Prop 8 will be repealed. huzzah for sanity prevailing

The question is relevant to the assertion that Proposition 8 is constitutionally valid because it furthers the states goal of fostering "naturally procreative relationships," Walker explained.

"What is the harm to the procreation purpose you outlined of allowing same-sex couples to get married?" Walker asked.

"My answer is, I don't know. I don't know," Cooper answered.

Walker made clear that he wants to examine other issues that are part of the political rhetoric surrounding same-sex marriage but rarely surface in courtrooms. Among the questions he plans to entertain at the trial are whether sexual orientation is a fixed or immutable characteristic, whether gays are a politically powerful group, and if same-sex marriage bans such as Proposition 8 were motivated by anti-gay bias.

oh this should be very interesting

Nice!! And I thought the addition of "Harvey Milk Day" was going to be it!! Ball is moving in the right direction now. Let's keep it going!!!
Jesus christ... Will be turning in his grave. Yeah.

But seriously, if you'r fighting same-sex marriage, then have a god damn point.
so they said that if a gay couple get married they will unleash a force that will stop normal marriages or what?
That hurts, man.


No im not.
But I am.
Not really.
I am sorry
I copy pasted the shit out of this, it goes on for a while.
I'm not sorry.
But I am.
Not really.
I am sorry
Not sorry
But I am.
Not really.
I am sorry
I really did copy paste the shit out of this, it goes on and on.
I'm not sorry.
But I am.
Not really.
I am sorry for this though, all the spoiler shit.
Not sorry
ur mean
no ur not
But I am.
Not really.
I'm sorry for calling you that
It was a lot easier this time because I just copied yours
not really
Yes you are
did you expect this to detract the previous one?
Okay, so you're not
Alright yes you are
Not really.
I'm sorry to put you through this
I really did copy paste the shit out of this, it goes on and on.
I'm not sorry.
But I am.
Not really.
I am sorry for this though, all the spoiler shit(again).
Not sorry
God I hate you.

There is no spoiler and I got banned for this post
Thank goodness something seems to be happening. One of the few issues that really gets me angry just hearing about it.
I would like to see same sex marriage accepted as constitutional without this giant conflict. But people will fight for what they believe. But once this movement gains momentum it will be unstoppable. We must be persistent, generous (to the other side), and patient.... people don't just allow others to roll over their views overnight. Radical changes take time.