Judith Mossman question


Mar 13, 2008
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At the end of Half Life 2 we leave Mossman and Eli and chase Breen. At episode 1 we learn that Eli and Mossman had escaped through an escape pod. Inside the Citadel, on the mission to stabilize the reactor we find the video of Mossman talking about the "Project". Well my question is this: How could Mossman travel some distance, locate the "project" and report back -so that we could find the video waiting for us- in only a few hours? And what exactly did Kleiner mean by saying: "Quiet clever of her to hide the transmission in the hailing frequency" ? Wouldnt the combine discover the video easily that way (as they did)?

At the end of Half Life 2 we leave Mossman and Eli and chase Breen. At episode 1 we learn that Eli and Mossman had escaped through an escape pod. Inside the Citadel, on the mission to stabilize the reactor we find the video of Mossman talking about the "Project". Well my question is this: How could Mossman travel some distance, locate the "project" and report back -so that we could find the video waiting for us- in only a few hours? And what exactly did Kleiner mean by saying: "Quiet clever of her to hide the transmission in the hailing frequency" ? Wouldnt the combine discover the video easily that way (as they did)?

They never specify how long it's been since the explosion (probably a good while), and fyi the blueprints and ship info were hidden in part of her message unseen untill found and decoded by Eli.
No, she's not available.

*reads OP*
yeah, same answer.
They never specify how long it's been since the explosion (probably a good while), and fyi the blueprints and ship info were hidden in part of her message unseen untill found and decoded by Eli.

Ok that makes sense...But still it couldnt be more than a day, since a) the reactor was highly unstable b) Gordon was found under debris so he couldnt be there for long. Probably less than a day anyway. When I first went through that part I thought it was an old video.
I have one question about the Mossman video, and I think it'd be easier for me to ask it here instead of creating my own thread:

how did the Combine get that video? and more specifically, how did they get it before Eli (or anyone from the resistance) did?
City 17 is quite close to the forzen north (according to the map in RtB). Gordon could have been out for about 6 hours as Mossman reached the Silo and took a helicopter. Just thought I should throw this out there.
People. The resistance isn't populated by dumb**** who act on impulse rather than according to a carefully designed and thought out plan.

The trip to the Arctic to locate the Project was pre-planned and everything was prepared in the White Forest missile base. However, they could not make it before because of the total control of the skies the Combine posessed and getting there on foot wouldn't be wise, since it could draw the Combine's attention to the Project. So, everything was prepared, the Resistance was just bidding it's time.

When Gordon came, he became the catalyst for the Resistance's plans against the Combine. When the Citadel went down (and the entire Combine network along with it) the skies were safe again, as any long range scanning and tracking devices the Overwatch possessed shut down.

However, the team waited for a scientist who specialized in portals - Kleiner was too old, Eli too valuable, Alyx was unavailable, that left Judith Mossman. As soon as the pod landed in White Forest, Judith put on her winter gear and along with a crack rebel team boarded the Mi-17 and took off to the Arctic. Keep in mind that pods are quite fast, which means they would've arrived within an hour or so at Magnusson's estate.

Now, a Mi-17 has a maximum range of 950 km and max speed of 250 km/h. Logically, Mossman would have to get back with the codes for the Superportal, so the Kraken base and the Hyperborealis has to lie within c.a. 450 km from White Forest. The chopper would need little under two hours to get to Kraken.

Ergo, Mossman needs some four hours to get to Kraken from City 17.

Now, remember what time of day it is when you fight Breen? Yes, correct, it's the evening. You wake up at the base of the Citadel around early morning. That is MORE THAN ENOUGH time for Mossman to get to Kraken and into trouble.

Now shut up.
Let me guess... because it went through their software and hardware?

I mean,who said the Combine got that video?

... it was in the citadel. how did it get in there? Mossman wouldn't just send it to the citadel where the Combine could easily view it.
... it was in the citadel. how did it get in there? Mossman wouldn't just send it to the citadel where the Combine could easily view it.

She could have made use of the combine being distracted by the meltdown to send a message to where she knew the Resistance's most reliable member would be.

Alternatively, her message ended with an ambush by the combine. Perhaps they intercepted her message before she sent it and delivered it to the citadel, where by chance Alyx managed to find it?
She could have made use of the combine being distracted by the meltdown to send a message to where she knew the Resistance's most reliable member would be.
She didn't know Alyx and Gordon would be in the citadel. They decided to go in the citadel at last minute to stabilize the reactor.

Alternatively, her message ended with an ambush by the combine. Perhaps they intercepted her message before she sent it and delivered it to the citadel, where by chance Alyx managed to find it?
Okay, this is definately plausible. Actually, that's probably what happened. thanks :)