Jump Height



I'm working on a Half-Life 2 mod and I've been trying to figure out how to modify jump height, but can't find any element in the SDK that might allow me to modify how high your character can jump.

Has anyone else tried anything like this? It seems like a fairly simple thing to do, but I can't figure it out (it doesn't help that I'm a coding noob).

(I wasn't sure where to best put this post, so I put it in the General Editing section too)
#define GAMEMOVEMENT_JUMP_HEIGHT			21.0f		// units
in gamemovement.h.

That took all of 2 seconds to find...
I did a search of the whole Game_HL2 solution for any mention of the word "jump" and nothing came up. I guess I made a mistake somewhere. Thank you for answering my question.
unfortunately VS seems to be case sensetive. Its incredibly frustrating when you search for something like HUD when what you are after is hud.