June news?


Feb 22, 2004
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I was wondering if we are going to see some big news from Valve in the comming month??
Valve has set the release date to "mid summer" and we are abuot getting there! In my head it has been mid summer since April :p

Do you think so too, or do we have to wait a nother month??
Possibly. I doubt that we would get any new info now, since its coming close to the release.

p.s. "Mid-Summer", I'm pretty sure Valve said "Summer" release.
Valve said they would release some information on multiplayer details a few weeks after E3. They probably won't, but at least we have something. :)
p.s. "Mid-Summer", I'm pretty sure Valve said "Summer" release.

In the GameSpy interview with Doug Lombardi he says "mid-summer"...

I'm still hoping for interesting news in the comming month!

Edit: But what... The people at Valve keep saying deffirent things constantly :S
doesn't summer officially start june 22 or so, and end september 22?
My guess is august.
Quote from Rick Ellis :
*** We mark Summer's start and end somewhere between Jan 1st and Dec 31st...

so the game probably gonna ship at September :sleep:
They did give some hints in the mails they answered, but this really reminds of last year... :(
the summer season started may 21st didnt it?
Summer = June, July, August.
May is in spring....and September is in autumn.
I think the "official start date" of seasons only really applies to spring (march 21st)....but who knows what crazy calendar Valve have in their office. I'm going to take a hopeful guess and say some time in july.
I don't think they'll release any later than august. They messed up once and they're being really careful now to what they say. Who knows, maybe they're giving themselves a buffer and we'll get it earlier than we/they expect. They did say they were just polishing it up now so how long could that take?
....but who knows what crazy calendar Valve have in their office. I'm going to take a hopeful guess and say some time in july.

Ha ha, they also got a different view on alphe/beta stages :p

i'm taking a cynical POV and say summer - 2005

OMG, thats crazy :S Don't understand how you can be so pesimistic !
KagePrototype said:
Valve said they would release some information on multiplayer details a few weeks after E3. They probably won't, but at least we have something. :)

Yeah, they also said that the SDK would be released some time in May, before E3 ;)

Allthough later they stated that it wouldn't be out before HL2
personally its gonna be in july and if its not released in july i put money on it that we wont see it till september like last year!
I don't think they'll release any later than august. They messed up once and they're being really careful now to what they say. Who knows, maybe they're giving themselves a buffer and we'll get it earlier than we/they expect. They did say they were just polishing it up now so how long could that take?

That's the way I like it :LOL:
Yeah, but havn't Valve learnt a great lesson with the last release date. If it's such a big mistake as they say?!?!
riTuaL said:
I don't think they'll release any later than august. They messed up once and they're being really careful now to what they say. Who knows, maybe they're giving themselves a buffer and we'll get it earlier than we/they expect. They did say they were just polishing it up now so how long could that take?
we still dont have a clue about HL2's multiplayer (and dont mention CS:S, HL:S etc.) so dont expect from Valve a release date.

IMO, we'll see the game before or at September :|
Kifpe, you live and learn mate ;)

The date was solid last year, and they said the game was sure to be done - likewise this year...dunno i want it to come out, tho i just don't want to get my hopes up like last year.

Therefor i'll take the pessimistic approach - that way i'm sure not to get disappointed.
most of june is still spring and september is not a fall month.

summer to some people is when school gets out...or whatever else you base it on...which is fine...whatever...but summer officially starts on june 21st and lasts until sept 21st. the actual summer solstice is around the 22nd and the autumnal equinox around sept 22nd...

so either way mid-summer is the end of july-start of august...don't get your hopes up for a june (or even july really) release :eek:
Maskirovka said:
most of june is still spring and september is not a fall month.

summer to some people is when school gets out...or whatever else you base it on...which is fine...whatever...but summer officially starts on june 21st and lasts until sept 21st.

Never heard that before but whatever (strange how it's not marked on calendars whereas spring is....but who cares). STILL.....Valve probably count September as summer even if I don't! I'm still being optimistic and saying July (which is summer as that's when school breaks up:))!!
Hey, I wasn't saying that i hoped for a release this comming month but if we were going to see any big news...

Therefor i'll take the pessimistic approach - that way i'm sure not to get disappointed.

Ok, I see your point, but then I take the optimistic role :D
I think if you're expecting a July or August release, you're dreaming. It will be September, if not later.
iamaelephant said:
I think if you're expecting a July or August release, you're dreaming. It will be September, if not later.

Well we can dream. Nobody likes a pessimist (even if they're probably right). I have a feeling it will be no later than August...but that's just a hope.
I love to be hated....i'm so pessimistic, it hurts my eyes.. :D

I still just think you all should take valve's so-called release information with a HUGE grain of salt.

This summer is quite frankly turning out to be almost exactly like last year, granted we had a hard set date back then - but none the less this time around it all seems strangely familiar.

Just don't expect it to be out anytime soon, sorry if you feel i'm being too pessimistic - but its just my take on things.
I have a feeling it will be no later than August...but that's just a hope.
When i hear "mid-summer" I also think July August

Yeah, but havn't Valve learnt a great lesson with the last release date. If it's such a big mistake as they say?!?!
And what I ment with this was that I don't think Valve would go out and give a new release date and THEN blow us all off again. That would be too stupid and they must have got more clever!
I'd love to have the game by mid-summer but I'm thinking it will be more like September. My guess in the HL2 Lotto is September 15h 2004. Put in your bets, polls close the day they announce a firm date, winner gets a cookie!
I'm betting they won't set a release date untill last minute, I know for a fact they won't want to miss another set time for release. Theres no way they could, it would be devistating for the game and the company, not to mention the community.
If I were them, I would be trying to get HL2 into the best shape I could, but I would want to get it out the door before September (who wants to miss their release date by a year for the original and for the sequel :p?)
Rhymeandreason41 said:
I'm betting they won't set a release date untill last minute, I know for a fact they won't want to miss another set time for release. Theres no way they could, it would be devistating for the game and the company, not to mention the community.

If I were them, I wouldn't set a release date until I saw the game in the store. Much better to undershoot than overshoot it:

Gabe on some summer Wednesday:
<long interview preceding>

"Oh, and, um, you guys might want to check out your local video game store, we released a new game yesterday."

*sound of 1 million geeks going "WTF?!?!?!!", followed by the sound of 2 million geek feet to the mall*
Just for reference purposes, the summer 'season' begins June 21st and ends September 22nd. Then again, the entertainment business summer 'season' seems to be from May 1st to October 30th-ish.