Just a quick question

It looks like the another version of the blackhawk with rockets attached and retractable gear. The chopper is in but with no rockets, winglets or retractable gear. The guns are good enough as is though so the rockets are no loss whatsoever :P
if you ask me as it is it kills too gooda already- should just have the .50 cal. s like the mec one. THe splash damage from those miniguns is rediculous (even though it might be realistic- i dont know)- you dont even need to hit near people to kill them.
J_Tweedy said:
if you ask me as it is it kills too gooda already- should just have the .50 cal. s like the mec one. THe splash damage from those miniguns is rediculous (even though it might be realistic- i dont know)- you dont even need to hit near people to kill them.

I think they should tone down the splash and either make 'em have ammo or make them overheat faster if they plan to balance it out a bit.
They shouldn't nerf the miniguns, they should just make the MEC/Chinese helo's better.
The mini-guns don't really have splash damage, since a minigun fires like 100 rounds/second it's just like a wall of bullets.. The phalanx (the gun on the battleship) fires 4500 rounds per minute. I think the choppers are fine how they are now.

I checked on the minigun on the attack chopper, and it says the AH-1G (cobra) used an XM-214 Microgun that had 6 5.56mm barrels, was electrically driven and could fire up to 10 000 rounds per minute. Correct me if i'm mistaken and the USMC attack chopper is not a cobra.
bvasgm said:
They shouldn't nerf the miniguns, they should just make the MEC/Chinese helo's better.

xcellerate said:
The mini-guns don't really have splash damage, since a minigun fires like 100 rounds/second it's just like a wall of bullets..

Trust me, in the game they definitely have splash damage- many a time i have been hiding round a corner and been killed, and vice versa- i have killed people round corners about 1-2m away from where im actually hitting. I agree that they should take that off.
Overheating faster + better mec/china helos. I'm sorry, but when the blackhawk just walks through maps when the opposing team is too stupid to shoot at it..its rediculous. It feels like to me DICE had a little pent up american pride when they made this *muwahha, USMC > *!!!* yeah.
CyberPitz said:
Overheating faster + better mec/china helos. I'm sorry, but when the blackhawk just walks through maps when the opposing team is too stupid to shoot at it..its rediculous. It feels like to me DICE had a little pent up american pride when they made this *muwahha, USMC > *!!!* yeah.

Yeah I kinda noticed USMC almost always beats China and while MEC have a greater chance of beating them than China, USMC still tends to win.

Confusing? Basically USMC > *
I like MEC more than USMC. Mainly because i fly attack choppers, plus they have that awesome plane...J-10 or something. The blackhawks just rock infantry but they are very easy to take down. I definitly seek them out when i'm flying, because i love getting potentially twelve points with minimal effort.