Just a thought.


Companion Cube
Sep 20, 2006
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If everyone in the world were Catholic, and acted Catholic, (ie. Charity, alms to the poor, etc.) would the world be a better place?
If everyone in the world were Catholic, and acted Catholic, (ie. Charity, alms to the poor, etc.) would the world be a better place?
No, we would see the fall of Science and reason. Secular values of Freedom and liberty would fall and be replaced with a totalitarian hell hole of corruption and thought crime.
Yes it would be a happy gumdrop land of love and fairness.
With Catholics questionable moral values and ideology the world would be thrown into the new Dark Ages. I fully agree with Solaris.
If everyone in the world were Catholic, and acted Catholic, (ie. Charity, alms to the poor, etc.) would the world be a better place?

what a retarded question.

sorry but it just is.
It'd be a better world in our mind because we'd all be Catholics and believe in the same thing.
Depends what you mean by that.

If we all just adopted the catholic IDEALS, then yes, the world would be a better place.

If we all ACTED like catholics, then no, the world wouldn't be any better off.
No. While I do think there is certainly a denomination that can be quantitatively considered Catholic, I've still yet to come across a precise, exact definition of what being Catholic entails.

So you'd still get people killing each other over perceived false gods and whatnot. Religious groups would inevitably break off and go their separate ways, and secularism would gradually creep back in, bit by bit. There's no barrier in place to prevent this from happening, and we'd eventually reach a state of the world not too dissimilar from our current one.

Morally? We would all think everything is grand. But objectively, we'd be worse off.
See, if everyone all believed in one thing, it doesn't work.

Because people are mostly retards.
Oh yeah, forgot that our scientific progress would be slowed down to the speed of a glacier. Honest science would be replaced with its pseudo variant. Sounds like fun. What a utopia!
You don't know what Catholics believe, don't assume that we still think that science is bad.
Maybe that's not what you believe, but it's damn well what you're supposed to believe.
You would still get heresies and whatnot, so basically you'd get the middle ages, where everything stands still.
You would still get heresies and whatnot, so basically you'd get the middle ages, where everything stands still.
Actually, the Middle Ages was a time where great changes and achievements were made, far more than during the antiquity.
Well, I will never be religious so this would never happen :p If everyone else was Catholic I would have probably gone insane and started my own personal vendeta against the whole human face. Probably end up been a terrorist.
You don't know what Catholics believe, don't assume that we still think that science is bad.

Oh, but you do. That's why you hate evolution and stem cell research.

But see how I predicted this? You talk about Catholic ideals and then make the observation that Catholics don't have a uniform position on it. In your hypothetical world, people would be killed over such differences.
Is the banning of condoms a Catholic ideal? If so... enjoy your AIDS. And your whoppingly huge population.
Is no sex before marriage a Catholic ideal? If so... enjoy your abstinance (unless you're already married D:).
Is banning stem cell research a Catholic ideal? If so... enjoy... other peoples' lack of new stem cell treatment? Damn, this isn't working.

As for charity, I'd rather you helped people because they need help than because your god tells you to.

Meh. The simple fact that everyone would be living a lie is bad enough for me.
Human conflict cannot be avoided or supressed. No matter if everyone was Catholic, Atheist, Conservative, Liberal, rich, poor, intelligent or stupid. There's going to be something people don't agree on.
seems to me that the majority of catholics cant live as catholics so where does that leave the rest of us? I'll never understand how someone can willingly give up everything that matters to something they've never even experienced in any way shape or form .."I have faith in god because ...ummm ...just because, he has all the answers, who am I to even ask for answers? if god wanted them known he would have told us by now" ...sorry that might work for the dim witted but I'll have none of that ..the only person who tells Stern what to do is Stern ..and possibly Mrs Stern
Is the banning of condoms a Catholic ideal? If so... enjoy your AIDS. And your whoppingly huge population.
Is no sex before marriage a Catholic ideal? If so... enjoy your abstinance (unless you're already married D:).
Is banning stem cell research a Catholic ideal? If so enjoy other people dying from Diabetes, Parkinsons, cancer, heart disease, many other diesases and old age.
As for charity, I'd rather you helped people because they need help than because your god tells you to.

Meh. The simple fact that everyone would be living a lie is bad enough for me.

Why do you need religion to simply treat people with respect and just behave in a more empathetic manner? Seems more like common sense rather than a set of religious beliefs. But, for the most part, it seems that is exactly what's lacking on this planet.
Human conflict cannot be avoided or supressed. No matter if everyone was Catholic, Atheist, Conservative, Liberal, rich, poor, intelligent or stupid. There's going to be something people don't agree on.
I think I have t disagree here, sure people will always disagree over things, but it only religious disagreements that lead to such horrific violence we see. No wars start out of literay disagreements, or over disagreements on taxation or anything like that. Wars are 99% of the time motivated by religious bullshit or a conflict of self interest, socialism would remove the latter.
I think I have t disagree here, sure people will always disagree over things, but it only religious disagreements that lead to such horrific violence we see. No wars start out of literay disagreements, or over disagreements on taxation or anything like that. Wars are 99% of the time motivated by religious bullshit or a conflict of self interest, socialism would remove the latter.

And socialism isn't something everyone will agree on. Taxation? American Revolution was started because of ridiculous taxes. 99%? What're you, insane? Maybe 40% at most. Just because we would no longer believe in religion doesn't mean we'd suddenly stop our own theological/philosophical/metaphysical disagreements. And that'll lead to conflict.

Wait... stem cells stop old people from dying? What about Bush? D:

his liver will take him from us waaaay before he'll benefit from stem cell research ..there's only so many iraqi chidren he can harvest livers from before it stops working .. and there's no cure for a sniper's bullet