Just a warning

so it's gone down :(, I was going to post goatse there :( under discuised links........ ;( im going to cry
Razor said:
Anyone post a link to the song?

It's not available anywhere, it was live on the HLRadio once, during an HLSource attack on HL2.net. Basically a guitar tune with Andy & Co singing "halflife2.net sucks" in as many ways as possible.
Tr0n said:
Half life source should be shut down...it's a disgrace to the hl2 community.

110% in agreement. That is just messed up and really should be shut down.
I say we all pitch in, buy the site and straighten it out!

that site makes me so glad we dont have picture sigs :thumbs:
Yeah, they're a bunch of kids over there, but I have to say, some of those siggys are fickin hilarious.

CrazyHarij said:
It's not available anywhere, it was live on the HLRadio once, during an HLSource attack on HL2.net. Basically a guitar tune with Andy & Co singing "halflife2.net sucks" in as many ways as possible.
Seems like someone's jealous of hl2.net. :D

I say we ether buy out the site (like kangy said) and make me admin :)...or just get valve to shut it down.
Or use it as an example towards anyone who says theres too many rules and moderators.
CrazyHarij said:
It's not available anywhere, it was live on the HLRadio once, during an HLSource attack on HL2.net. Basically a guitar tune with Andy & Co singing "halflife2.net sucks" in as many ways as possible.

Oh I remember being in IRC for that. I remember us talking about how stupid they are making themselves look, etc. Jokes on them now though. ;) :laugh:
Jangle said:
that site makes me so glad we dont have picture sigs :thumbs:
ditto, the forum layout over there was enough to make me sick, wasnt as bad as i expected from recoils post though. is any1 here a regular over there? :rolleyes:
Ugh, HL Source is awful. Haha rebellion, all the members are overthrowing Andy :P

His sites lost....it should be shut down. It says something when you start singing how much your rival sucks ;)
I like it here. For the most part mature people. We all have our moments, but overall, it's nice place. :)
Why doesn't he get new moderators? Maybe he likes the chaos
The sigs there are ridiculous!

Edit: My brothers a member of that hell-hole.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Following a trend of revolutionary moderators from another hl2 website I think... :angel:
teeheehee *evilgrin*

actually I looked through the site, and what I can make out is one mod got pissed cause he had no real power, started posting ickyporn, getting the others to, loads got banned, everyone went crazy, another mod was taken on which someone didn't like so he started up and basically carried on from there.. or something *shrugs*