Just bought Heroes Season 1 DVD...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
and it's pretty good. The unaired pilot is pretty good, but I'm glad they went a different route. In the unaired pilot, they weren't going to have...

instead of a man be the bomb that destroys New York...but instead terrorists plant a bomb, and the "radioactive man" be an Arab man with the powers be the one to detonate the bomb...

So I can see why the turned away. I think if they followed that path, it wouldn't have lasted as long. I mean, come on, how many terrorist shows do we really need. Yes we know, terrorism bad, 9/11 bad, Peace good...shit, if we wanted that, we'd just watch the election speeches.

All in all, though, the DVD rocks.
That does sound extremely corny... 'stop the bomb!' 'oh noes man is bomb' 'stop the man!'


Man, Season 2 woot.
It's finally on DVD? Shit, better add it to my netflix queue.
That pilot sounded like it would have sucked. I'm glad the series went in the direction it did.

Great series... loved every minute of it.
I heard they were gonna give Sylar long claws and pointy teeth and shit. I'm glad they took the route they did on that too. Zachary Quinto was absolutely amazing.

I loved the first season for the most part, but I had some problems with the later episodes. Still looking forward to the next Season though.
I'm enjoying it, but about two weeks ago (about the time of episode 7 being shown around here) I was really starting to dispair about where the plot was going. If they weren't introducing new characters with special powers to already add to the growing cast, they were following that stupid angst porn star around her house as she complained about her mirror self. STFU.

But, I just saw Homecoming (ep 10) and it was badass.
i always wondered if the nuclear guy was made of fusion or fission..
Homecoming was a really great one. I think you'll really like the Company Man and 5 Years Gone episodes. Definitely my favorites.

My biggest irks about the show when it came time for the finale were (Spoiled just incase):

- There should have been more people without powers. Why are Mohinder, Ando and Claire's Dad like the only people in the show who aren't "special", and meanwhile there's like 40 people who all have powers.

- I loved where Nathan's character went, and a lot of twists I didn't see coming (Linderman, Sylar/Mohinder), but the way they are making like half the cast be related really pissed me off. There's related, and then there's like soap opera related.

Peter and Nathan are brothers, okay fine. Their mother has something to do with Linderman and a guy Peter cared for when he was a nurse. Sure. Claire is Nathan's daughter. Peter's father had an affair and fathered Nikki/Jessica. What the frick.

The finale itself sucked pretty badly too.
Yorick, I hear you on that. The Finale did leave me wanting more...
but the whole them tying together thing is neat. Your sitting there, something happens, "OMG WTF?!?"
Great times. I'm about 1/2 way through Season 1, just passed Homecomming and 6 months ago, good episodes. I just love the story so much.
I heard that this was a prettty good show but i've never seen an episode and i was wondering if it would be worth the money to buy the first season.