Just bought Starcraft


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I'll play it when I get home (In cyber-café). Any tips?
I'll play it when I get home (In cyber-café). Any tips?

Well for Zerg you'll want to get loads of them. Their cheap, they die quick, so get hundreds (not litterly).
With Protoss, you'll wanna do the exact opposite, as they are expensive and strong. Playing the campiagn will give you a good introduction to each unit one-by-one. Build expansions. Resources are critical, but unfortuantly that means your gonna have to defend your expansions, and defences need resources...it keeps going round. :rolling: If I think of more, I'll put 'em down...Good Luck :thumbs:
Never stop making the SCV's/Drones/Probes. That's the biggest problem most people run into whilst playing the game.

If you ever have over 1000 of any resource, you don't have enough shit built. Always try to keep your resources down to 100ish. That way you know you're not wasting time.

The best defence is the best offense. Learned that one, and it was the best lesson ever taught to me.

Try not to amass one huge horde of a unit. Mix and match. If you're terran, get some marines, few vulters, and some firebats. Try to learn what units are effective against what...here's a quick breakdown:

Firebats are good against little/unarmored units. IE Zerglints/Zealots/marines and buildings.
Vultures are good for the same thing.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask me...I used to play this game too much. :(
Also be sure you have the expansion Brood War.

The story is great in both Starcraft and Brood War. Obviously play Starcraft then Brood War. Play the campaign first, that will help you get use to the game and how to play the Terran. Also in singleplayer be sure to press + on the numpad twice to make the game go at "fastest" speed. No one on battle.net plays at a slower pace.

After you've done a few missions for the terran, update the game to the latest patch(just go into battle.net, it will auto update). The patch shouldn't take that long and will self-install once it's done. Then go play a few custom single player games. Experiment with the races and find what suits you best. They are each radically different from one another. Once you've gotton use to a race go on Battle.net.

Click on Join and find a game like 2v2 or 3v3 BGH(Big Game Hunters, a very common map). You'll probably get called a noob but your teammates should help you out on what to build. After the game is over save a replay and watch it. You can see what, where, and when people build certain things.

If you ever get bored of Starcrafts gameplay(like in a few years), then go on battle.net, click join, then change the filer to Use Map settings. Join games and check them out, Cat and Mouse games are ADDICTING. There is just about every game type imaginable. From RPG's to Movies to Obstacle Runs(Bounds) to Altered Starcraft to Diplomacy to Risk to LOTR to well.... Anything you can imagine. Yes even maps that look like a naked girl, there are those to.
He does have a point, broodwars story is awesome. I hated the game play on Bnet though. I always hated how you had to run up the tech tree to get buildings/people that detected cloaked/burrowed things. I was a fan of power then tech. Oh well.

After you get done with the campaign, you should be pretty well familiar with everything in the game. When you play on bnet, don't expect to win all the time...hell, I stopped winning recently. Then again, I can't find a good map, all there is are the damned big game hungers maps. god they piss me off. "Lets expand!" "WHAT WHY WE CAN TURTLE HERE AND BUILD LOTS OF CARRIERSEARERSS LOLOLOL!"

On a side note, whats everones fave races? I love the Zerg. I love getting an army of zerglings and watching them slaughter the enemy! (or vice-versa :()
Starcraft is a game that is easy to get into, but impossible to master.

As Cyber said, don't expect to win all the time on less your name is Lim Yo-Hwan (SlayerS `BoxeR`)
"Known to Koreans as the "Terran Emperor", Boxer is the most popular Starcraft player in Korea due to his highly creative play. He is also probably the most successful (with the possible exception of Nada), having won the World Cyber Games (WCG) twice and having won the OnGameNet Starleague (OSL) twice. In 2006, Boxer is still going strong, ranked 14th in the July 2006 KeSPA rankings."

Starcraft = Huge Sport in Korea.

Also Wikipedia has a long article on Starcraft's gameplay.
On a side note, whats everones fave races? I love the Zerg. I love getting an army of zerglings and watching them slaughter the enemy! (or vice-versa :()

I really don't have any favorites. I pick random. Protoss used to be my favorite, since I had an awesome strat *7 pylon 9 gate* and massed some zealots and kicked some ass. But really, I could play under any race. Zerg are great if you don't micro-manage anything, if you are the great micro would be protoss.

I guess my least fav is the terran, because if you don't build bunkers, it's tuff to hold guys at bay without massive micro.
I'd also like to note, Starcrafts online community still stays strong. During the day it has around 25,000 - 50,000 people playing, during the night that number is usually is at about 100,000.

My brother rocked with Zerg. Protoss were mine though. I could do some damage with them. Although I know how to micro in 2v2 with terran.
Nice little article :) And Roimhaire, you should read the adobe manuel, because it has all the abscstory in. Trust me, I played the campiagn before reading the manuel, and couldn't make neither head nor tail of what was going on.

I've still never read the back story, and I get it... :(
I've still never read the back story, and I get it...
Reading the backstory tells a lot. It plus the secret mission in brood war sets up a insane cliffhanger ending that demand the story be continued.

Knowing about the Xel'Naga, the motives for each person, etc.. all contribute and add to the storys greatness. I mean the secret mission informs you of..lets not spoil it for roimhaire. Then the backstory along with the secret mission makes you wonder if the Xel'Naga will have a large role in Sc2. Either way the Starcraft Universe is going to change forever and is foreshadowed at the end of Brood War and made obvious in the secret mission in Brood war.
Also, if possible, try to get hold of the demo too. It acts as a prolouge to the campagin.

Back story + demo + SC + BW = Story of mindblowingly fantastic preportions!

My favorate race would be terrans, not because I'm any good with them (or any of the races really... I tend to play custom games like tar pits or evevolve when I do actually play.) but becuase I simply love them in the cut scenes. As soon as that first marine steps into veiw, you know they're all gunna die a terrible, terrible death!
Starcraft is so awesome. You know you've got a good game when they still sell it, after it being released in 1999.

I own everyone with Zerg in Micro maps, I used to be a Terran man, but now for some reason I'm not as good with them as I used to be.. I've always rocked with Protoss, but I have no patience to build Carriers, a couple of times I dominated on micro with Protoss with nothing but a few cannons for defense then carriered everyone :D. Now I just build Zealots/Dragoons/Archons, and they never know what hit them, if it's a big map, I'll just hold off them until I can build like 50 Carriers. Also, I think Archons are too underestimated, 5 Archons mixed with 15 Goons can destroy 15-20 Carriers, I usually like to have Archon accompaniment when I use Carriers, just for safety.

With Zerg, just build Guardians as fast as you can, then you'll own. If you've got the expansion, get Lurkers and Spores for defense.
Money Map Cave? Not my style.

Archons do kick ass though, but Terrans can easily take em out with an EMP. But vs Zerg I find them pretty good if used correctly with other units.
Money maps are for noobs, I made a few different variations of Micro Cliffs, Micro Islands, etc.

I HATE money maps. I don't know why people play them.
Money Map Cave? Not my style.

Archons do kick ass though, but Terrans can easily take em out with an EMP. But vs Zerg I find them pretty good if used correctly with other units.

Zerg? Spawn broodling...

100 minuters and 300 gas wasted. Archons are ok if the person is teching THE WRONG DIRECTION, like cracklings or mass hydra.
Zerg? Spawn broodling...

100 minuters and 300 gas wasted. Archons are ok if the person is teching THE WRONG DIRECTION, like cracklings or mass hydra.
Haven't played the tvb\melee in a while forgot about broodlings.

Archons are good if used in a good combination. By themselves, no no.

Money maps are for noobs, I made a few different variations of Micro Cliffs, Micro Islands, etc.

I HATE money maps. I don't know why people play them.
Oh good, you scared me there for a seconnd.
Archons are good if used in a good combination. By themselves, no no.

That's why I said to use about 15 goons, send in the Goons first so they get attacked, and while their fire is directed at the Goons, send in the Archons!
That's why I said to use about 15 goons, send in the Goons first so they get attacked, and while their fire is directed at the Goons, send in the Archons!
I know that line of text was directed at Cyber
Ah, really 15 goons get raped by zerglings. They take, what 1/2 or 3/4th damage from goons for being light armor. Mass crackling on them, gg goons.

I've found a 3-1 ratio of zealots+goons + a couple High Templars are a good compination for most ememies. If they start going air, definately need scouts, because scouts are the air gods.
one questiong it was confirmed that stuff about blizzard making a anouncement in the 2007,possibly starcraft 2?
Blizzards RTS team hasn't announced or released anything since they made Wc3:TFT. The RTS team has been hiring level designers and low polygon designers recently. I'm not saying theres any proof, however theres obviously an RTS in the making and i'd say theres a good chance its Sc2.

The RPG team is obviously making a game to, the Diablo team(RPG Team) is hiring to make an RPG game.

The Console team has Sc:G on hold and is obviously making a game as there hiring to.

So there are 3 unannounced games, with at least one game annoucment in 2007. That game will probably not be the console game as they only halted Sc:G development recently, so the console team would be in way to early of development ot release a game. Diablo 3 is probably what the RPG team is making. So in 2007 I believe we can safely assume Diablo 3 or Sc2 or perhaps even both will be announced.
So in 2007 I believe we can safely assume Diablo 3 or Sc2 or perhaps even both will be announced.

I can safely assume I would shit my pants if that happened. I love that game. I still have little 2v2 lan get-togethers with my friends.
starcraft 2 anouncement will be huge

I'd compile a little handbook for you, but now is not the time. Perhaps later.

I'd compile a little handbook for you, but now is not the time. Perhaps later.

I was only waiting for the Korean to walk in and say something Koreany like, "I KNOW ALL ABOUT! CHING CHANG CHUNG! >_<"

Because they really do.. :(
Do you really have starcraft tournaments on TV?
This article is worth a read if you have that quesiton.

"The computer game StarCraft has an active professional competition circuit, particularly in South Korea. The two major game channels in South Korea, Ongamenet and MBCGame, each run a Starleague, viewed by millions of fans. Starting in about 2002, pro-gamers started to become organized into teams, with large South Korean companies like SK Telecom and KTF sponsoring them. StarCraft is also the most popular game competition in the annual World Cyber Games, the largest computer game competition."

Also worth a read:

"He is the most popular Starcraft player with a fan club of almost 600,000 members and a DVD compilation of his greatest games released in South Korea."

"This success has brought him the highest salary of professional gaming, exceeding an annual income of 300,000 US Dollars per year, excluding prize money and endorsements."
To get 300k a year to play a video game throw in prize money and endorsements. Suck my balls and call me a bitch.

Wanna know how serious every second is on a tournament level?
During a live match, he suddenly asked the game observers to pause the game. The problem with Kang Min was that he had to blow his nose and asked for a tissue. Not surprisingly, the commentators laughed out loud because of this incident. Ever since that incident, he has been affectionately known as 'Snot Toss'.

btw I was reading Wikipedia some more, and theres on Blizzard Game I never new about.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shattered_Nations Was cancled early in development I guess. Sounds similar to Warzone 2100.
Ah, really 15 goons get raped by zerglings. They take, what 1/2 or 3/4th damage from goons for being light armor. Mass crackling on them, gg goons.

I've found a 3-1 ratio of zealots+goons + a couple High Templars are a good compination for most ememies. If they start going air, definately need scouts, because scouts are the air gods.

Archons have splash damage, and zerglings bunch up, as do air units, that's why they are good against mainly air, but zerglings, too, although you'll lose alot of goons, maybe 7 against lings..
Play this map. It's called 7v1 Insane computer. You build insanely fast and comps are insanely strong.

Nuclear launch detected. That was 9 nukes on those pieces of shit.

just more ownus el yo
Ooohh yea, I used to always play 7v1 Insane Comps, good times.. Took a good chunk of my Starcraft play-time. Only beat it like 3 times.. so hard.
I might reinstall to play this wiht you, and be your teacher. :D
Oh man, I want my old Ghost avatar now.

Archons have splash damage, and zerglings bunch up, as do air units, that's why they are good against mainly air, but zerglings, too, although you'll lose alot of goons, maybe 7 against lings..

Heck, even Spawn Broodling works against the goons. Get about 5-6 queens, and the rest as a 6-1 ling/hydra combo, and when its a battle, broodling the archons/whatever goons you can spare...and well, that was a fast battle. If the archons are up front, keep the units away until the queens desimate them.

Like I said, this game is a Micro machine :p
I'd start playing sc agian but with school, soccer, and an insane gf, I don't think i'll be able to.
Bah. Everyone I know who has Starcraft lost the disc, so I can't borrow it... :x