Just Built a computer....think i failed...

Dec 10, 2007
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Hi All, i just put together my first home build computer and it won't work :(.

Its a
P6X58D-E mother board
i7 920
Corsair 650w psu

Anyone got any ideas at all? Can provide more info if needed.

The power light comes on on the motherboard, but when i press the button (mobo or case) nothing happens. Literally.

The CPU and other fans spin ABOUT AN INCH. No noises, nothing.

Ram is OCZ but the memok! light doesnt come on with a problem, infact it doesn't come on at all...

Is there something really obvious i missed?

I plugged in the mobo 24 pin, and the 2 x 4 pin at the top and nothing.

I can unplug every component and nothing happens.

Um. It's hard to tell what your problem is, not knowing how much you know about building PCs. Where is your video card? That mobo doesn't have onboard video, so...

Did you just try to wing it without doing any research or following some kind of guide?
Don't fret just yet, I've never built a PC which turned on right away perfectly afterwards. There is always something small you forget or tries to screw things up.

The fact the fans move but then stop suggests the power is being cut due to a problem it is recognising. Is the CPU fan properly plugged in? CPU seated and locked down? Did it go in smoothly or any pin bending issues?

Did you use the motherboard stand-offs? Can you see any cause for the motherboard shorting on the mobo tray? A short could potentially be the issue. Check for anything touching which shouldn't be.

Lastly, this is something I did to test my PSU (Corsair HX620) - you can short the PSU using just the 24 pin plug to run just your fans on your system. Unplug all devices from PSU except fans. Unplug all connectors to the mobo too. Using the 24 pin plug and an open paper clip connect pin 14 and 15 together with the ends of the metal. Then plug your PSU back in and turn it on. If all the fans work and the PSU runs without cutting out you know the fans & PSU are fine.

Picture and diagrams to do this safely here - http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=108208 (TAKE CARE!!!!)

edit: only follow step 1. Do NOT open up your PSU.
Ok, i'm no newbie, but i made a collosal error.

Would it be ok if we never bring this up again?


Machine up and running now :laugh:

***Slinks away***
I demand you explain or I'll abuse you. In fact if you do explain I'll be nice and lock this thread after to save you the humiliation.

Votes on what he did people? I'm thinking no hard drive.
Oh, man, if you don't tell us what the issue is, you are the biggest pussy on Earth, and I will **** YOU every chance I get.

(I really want to know, you see)

How could it be no CPU? I mean, he obviously had one, how could you forget to put it in...
He said the cpu fan spun, so I'm sure he had the cpu in there. Its gotta be a power problem. No power hooked to his video card maybe? Or maybe just not to the motherboard (though maybe to the fan pin, which would make it spin that little bit?).

@ Virus, are you actually threatening rape? Or did you mean to say "**** with you"
I think he had it plugged in (or PSU turned on), but then unplugged it (or switched it off), and forgot. When he turned it on, the power stored in the capacitors powered it up for a moment. ("Motherboard light was on, fans moved an inch when the computer was turned on")
The answer is in Asus's original reply. If it wasn't for him, i'd still be trying to get it working now...