Just Cause


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
The teaser website is up now http://www.justcausegame.com/.
GTA+Far Cry+Boiling Point=Just Cause
A less science fictiony "Crisis" if u will.

Developers website http://www.avalanchestudios.se/

San Esperito, a tropical paradise turned hell, where life is cheap and brutality is the law. The rule of the dictator Salvador Mendoza is as ruthless as it is corrupt. Power is divided between the military, drug barons, police and oppositional guerrillas.

Things are about to blow up soon. They just need a push in the right direction. This is where you come in!

You are Rico Rodriguez; flamboyant agency operative extraordinaire and go-to guy for regime change. Your mission: topple El Presidente Salvador Mendoza, infiltrate the guerrillas and the drug cartels. Shoot, drive, aviate, explode and fight your way through twenty brain-sizzling levels in a limitless world fo high-octane no holds barred free-roaming action gaming!

Things are about to get hot in San Esperito, very hot.
Why do we have to be flamboyant? lol. I can just imagine playing as the guy from the soup nazi episode of Seinfeld, "look a this, ees absolutely gorgeous!". Sounds pretty cool though.
Now I can finally live my dream, and blow shit up as a flamboyant Latin American.

From a inside source for the company :) Its for all systems. I have been recommended not to get the PS2 version as they are having problems his best suggestion was the PC version. Very cool game.
JNightshade said:
Now I can finally live my dream, and blow shit up as a flamboyant Latin American.

Obviously you haven't played Total Overdose. It's a total rip-off of all the GTA kinds of games. It's cheesy as hell and set in Mexico, and shit blows up real good. It's also some of the most fun I've had playing a game. It certainly isn;t intelligent, but it's fun, and that's what counts.
ElFuhrer said:
Why do we have to be flamboyant? lol. I can just imagine playing as the guy from the soup nazi episode of Seinfeld, "look a this, ees absolutely gorgeous!". Sounds pretty cool though.


EDIT: looks good
It's PS2, XB and PC, and ontop of that, they're working on an unannounced XB360(And PC I assume) game based of their engine.
Anyway, I'll definitely be buying this, ESPECIALLY as it's being developed by fellow Swedes, I just have to support their efforts, even if it turns out like shit(I've seen Swedish interviews tho, not translated into English sadly, on TV etc, inside look into the company) and both the game and the engine does look awesome.:)
this sounds exactly like Boiling point, hopefully it wont be as buggy. BP was a lot of fun, hoping this is the same
ewww steven segal


songs from the crystal cave? wtf?


asian experience? mmmmmmm Tibetan Goji Berries much better than North American Dingleberries