Just Finished Thread(Spoilers)

I enjoyed it.

Zombine annoyed me quite a bit, but still good.

Kinda wished we got a chance to fight a Stalker, though (well, aside from what we got, I mean).

Otherwise, good stuff. Now, the next wait begins *sigh*
I loved it. I was a bit worried that escorting the citizens at the end would be boring and tiresome-- boy was i wrong-- they changed it just enough each time for it to be a sweet part. I can't tell you how many times i died at the part just before the lift trap with all the trip mines and barrels, i kept hitting the trips grrrr.... but i still loved it!
Overall it was brilliant, abit short and I was annoyed at the lack of the GMan, but it was brillian in both gameplay and it's story.

P.S. TST_Devgru Seal i have sent you a PM.