Just got a PS3 - game recommendations

Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
If anyone else wants one, my local Game are doing a PS3 Slim 320GB + Uncharted 3 + Battlefield 3 for £249. It seems like it's in-store only for the free Battlefield 3.

I got these platinum/preowned games while I was in there:

Red Dead Redemption
Heavy Rain

I forgot to check for Final Fantasy 13. Any other games I missed?
in before MW 2.2

on a more serious note, Metal Gear Solid 4. but only if you like cutscenes
Dark Souls, Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls, Shadow of the Collosus/Ico Collection, The Last Guardian (soon).
As with every PS3 thread! Do not get Resistance 1, even a pack of knives in the ass is more pleasing, seriously, worst game ever...
in before MW 2.2

on a more serious note, Metal Gear Solid 4. but only if you like cutscenes
I don't do CoD.

Heavy Rain is like one big cutscene, so I'm ok with those. The thing that's hardest for me so far is MGS4's controls.

Dark Souls, Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls, Shadow of the Collosus/Ico Collection, The Last Guardian (soon).
I mostly bought it because The Last Guardian will be coming out soon'ish. I already have Ico/SotC for PS2, but I'll check out Dark Souls.

EDIT: Just remembered Valkyria Chronicles. It looked fun from youtube videos I watched.
MGS HD Collection, Uncharted Collection, MGS4, ICO/Shadow of the Colossus, Demon's Souls, and Little Big Planet 2