Just got back from playing CS:S...

I forgot to mention this:

If you get blown up by a grenade, your body will ragdoll realistically and your weapons will fly out of your hands and make clicking sounds on the ground when they hit it. You can also press the drop weapon button (default g) when you look up into the air...your weapon will go up into the air as if you threw it and come back down into your arms...so you can juggle all of your guns lol :cheers:

I'm going back there tomorrow! :D The one in my town is always empty. Yay for me! :stare:
ktimekiller said:
they got that from svencoop i sware

Lol, I think they got it from physics.

But I know what you mean :D

edit: and I have a question:

With the scope shader effects, can you see enemies as they come up behind you from your scope?
how was the flashlight?

was it like the HL2/doom3 flashlight?
or was it like the old 1.6/cz 'light?

duz ur whole body light up when its on like 1.6/cz?

EDIT: thought of another q.. ;)
when u walk over a dead body, do u step up like its an object?
or do u kinda just walk thru it like its not even there?
nw909 said:
With the scope shader effects, can you see enemies as they come up behind you from your scope?

The unzoomed scope shows what can be seen through the scope, not behind the player
if someone is dead on the ground and you go up and shoot them or knive them, does there body move around
u know those cables that r hanging up from houses and stuff ? well can u shoot those and would they move realstivcally like shown in the hl2 videos?
Fred777 said:
how was the flashlight?

was it like the HL2/doom3 flashlight?
or was it like the old 1.6/cz 'light?

duz ur whole body light up when its on like 1.6/cz?

EDIT: thought of another q.. ;)
when u walk over a dead body, do u step up like its an object?
or do u kinda just walk thru it like its not even there?

I don't know about the flash light, I didn't use it.. I didn't walk over any dead bodies. You probably go through them.

Silent_night said:
u know those cables that r hanging up from houses and stuff ? well can u shoot those and would they move realstivcally like shown in the hl2 videos?

I didn't try that, but I will tomorrow.

VeZ said:
if someone is dead on the ground and you go up and shoot them or knive them, does there body move around

Yes, the bodies move and they stay on the map until the round is over just like CS. Blood also sprays out of their bodies. The blood wall decals are very well done.
yessss thanks so much ive asked this in 2 other threads and got no reply

yay ill have fun with that heh..
Are any boxes breakable? They look static, migth be on purpore to preserve certain gameplay aspects.
Was there any Ambient Music in the De_dust map? like a radio or something?
More than anything, did you run into any bugs? If so what were they?
Joeslucky22 said:
Was there any Ambient Music in the De_dust map? like a radio or something?

There is a helicopter noise every now and then...and deserted town sounds.
I thought I heard a radio or some sort of music/singing in one of the videos over by bombsite B (non-CT-spawn) towards the back. Maybe I'm just tired and am confused.
EC said:
I thought I heard a radio or some sort of music/singing in one of the videos over by bombsite B (non-CT-spawn) towards the back. Maybe I'm just tired and am confused.

It's possible. The speakers in the Cafe weren't that great...I might not have noticed it especially if it's quiet. :stare: Or I just didn't notice it because I was too busy being amazed at the purdy graphics and physics. :D
Actually, it was fairly loud, like the radio in cs_italy.
Peks said:
Are any boxes breakable? They look static, migth be on purpore to preserve certain gameplay aspects.

I believe there were some cardboard boxes that would have little sprites where pieces of the box come off. There were glass bottles that could be broken. The pieces of the bottle would fly all over the place. I think it breaks into like 5 pieces...it's a cool effect.

Metuo said:
More than anything, did you run into any bugs? If so what were they?

There was a bug that allowed you to get on the roofs...but I won't explain how you do it. It is a clipping issue with the map that will be fixed in a patch tomorrow. The only other bug I caught was a full-on freeze. The people could still chat and stuff, and the voice comm worked, but nobody was able to move or shoot. People were calling it the "Matrix Freeze Bullet Time Bug." :D
Few questions:

1) When a grenade or an explosion hits you and you still live, but lets say it takes a large chunk of health out. Do you get pushed away by the force of the explosion? What does it look like when this happens to a live person, do they look kinda silly like they did in HL1 (legs as if running backwards in the air) or do they ragdoll or play a cool animation?

2) To test whether you can shoot grenades and change their direction you can use the following method: A grenade should be able to move (if it is indeed physical) in the game if when it lands and you shoot it, it moves around. Should the grenade be unable to move when you shoot it, or the shots go right through it, it means you can make them change course in mid-air. You could also maybe attempt throwing a frag grenade at a deployed smoke grenade to see if the smoke canister gets blown away by the explosion.

3) Do bodies leave blood dragmarks if they slide on a surface? Let's say a guy gets slammed into a wall by gunfire or an explosion and the corpse drags against the wall for a bit in a vertical fall, would they leave a dragmark as they do so?

4) Do bodies roll realistically if they are killed on a slope? If the body falls perpendicular to the slope (so as to make it possible to rall like a barrel) does it happen or do they just slide like in other havok enabled games?

5) What does headshot blood kinda look like? :)

Can't wait to play it... although my monitor just died on me (posting this on an ultra-bright 800x600 squished resolution... ****). Have fun.
1) Is there.. the hl2 "EYES"?!

2) Is there ... the hl2... "voice lip synching"?!
Rico said:
Few questions:

1) When a grenade or an explosion hits you and you still live, but lets say it takes a large chunk of health out. Do you get pushed away by the force of the explosion? What does it look like when this happens to a live person, do they look kinda silly like they did in HL1 (legs as if running backwards in the air) or do they ragdoll or play a cool animation?

2) To test whether you can shoot grenades and change their direction you can use the following method: A grenade should be able to move (if it is indeed physical) in the game if when it lands and you shoot it, it moves around. Should the grenade be unable to move when you shoot it, or the shots go right through it, it means you can make them change course in mid-air. You could also maybe attempt throwing a frag grenade at a deployed smoke grenade to see if the smoke canister gets blown away by the explosion.

3) Do bodies leave blood dragmarks if they slide on a surface? Let's say a guy gets slammed into a wall by gunfire or an explosion and the corpse drags against the wall for a bit in a vertical fall, would they leave a dragmark as they do so?

4) Do bodies roll realistically if they are killed on a slope? If the body falls perpendicular to the slope (so as to make it possible to rall like a barrel) does it happen or do they just slide like in other havok enabled games?

5) What does headshot blood kinda look like? :)

Can't wait to play it... although my monitor just died on me (posting this on an ultra-bright 800x600 squished resolution... ****). Have fun.

1) I'm not entirely sure, but when a grenade goes off by someone and they live, it plays an animation that is like the one where you shoot another person and they kind of move their head and torso down a bit in pain. If a grenade goes off by someone and they die, they do some of the coolest ragdolling you'll ever see (there is even friction so that if you die on a slope, you don't slide down it like in UT2K4.) There is no running in the air thing like in the original CS.

2) The grenades will usually explode within seconds of hitting the ground. This depends on how far you throw it. If you throw it at your feet, you have more time, but that will kill you. There is no "cooking" just like CS1. The actual throwing of the grenade is physically simulated, I will check on movement tomorrow. Most of the things you have asked weren't tested by me yet. I'll test them tomorrow.

3) The blood comes out in decals on the walls and floor. For every bullet you put in him, it spits out 1 or two differently shaped blood decals. Grenades leave a bloody mess. Bodies don't leave blood dragmarks. But trust me, you will be satisfied with the quality and quantity of blood in this game. :D

4)Yes, the bodies do roll because there is realistic friction simulation in the source engine. Let's say you kill a guy on some stairs and he falls backwards, he will land on his back and stop moving because of the friction invloved. If a grenade blows up and knocks a guy into the air and he lands on a slope, he will roll and flip realistically. Or he will just remain motionless. :D

5) Headshot blood is like any other blood, 1 or two different decals for every shot you take at his head.
jhero said:
1) Is there.. the hl2 "EYES"?!

2) Is there ... the hl2... "voice lip synching"?!

1)No. The models are not complete yet. The game consists of only two character models: Phoenix and SEAL.

2) No, the mouths of both models are covered in black masks.

These will probably be in the final version. Lip synching will not work for voice chat because it requires a text document as well as an .mp3 or a .wav to tell the character what to say...so you will probably see lip-syching in the final version when they say "Fire in the hole." for example.
Moto-x_Pat said:
...so you will probably see lip-syching in the final version when they say "Fire in the hole." for example.

hehe, according to the many videos i saw, this will be quite welcomed! In all videos, i swear i hear "fire in the hole" like at least 15 times! :D
jhero said:
hehe, according to the many videos i saw, this will be quite welcomed! In all videos, i swear i hear "fire in the hole" like at least 15 times! :D

Lol, same here. Do they have any other voice commands in the beta?!
Moto-x_Pat said:
I forgot to mention this:

If you get blown up by a grenade, your body will ragdoll realistically and your weapons will fly out of your hands and make clicking sounds on the ground when they hit it. You can also press the drop weapon button (default g) when you look up into the air...your weapon will go up into the air as if you threw it and come back down into your arms...so you can juggle all of your guns lol :cheers:

I'm going back there tomorrow! :D The one in my town is always empty. Yay for me! :stare:


where do you live, by the way? :dozey:
Well of course their will be lip synching for the voice chat in CS:S... It's in HL1 right now even, so it will probably be a little better than just a moving jaw up and down :P Looks funny in HL1....

How is the quality of the voice chat? Is it like Ventrilo quality? CS1.6 quality? Somewhere in between? Will it be worth using like it is clear and easy to hear or will people still use like TeamSpeak and Ventrilo to get clear voice sounds?
Iced_Eagle said:
Well of course their will be lip synching for the voice chat in CS:S... It's in HL1 right now even, so it will probably be a little better than just a moving jaw up and down :P Looks funny in HL1....

How is the quality of the voice chat? Is it like Ventrilo quality? CS1.6 quality? Somewhere in between? Will it be worth using like it is clear and easy to hear or will people still use like TeamSpeak and Ventrilo to get clear voice sounds?

The quality of the voice chat has increased. It is much clearer and easier to understand. It is almost as good as ventrillo. I think it is worth using over other voice chats that require a server and everything.

HeAdAcHe_BR said:

where do you live, by the way? :dozey:

I live in a city in California. A small town that just happens to have a Cyber Cafe that is never crouded and has CS:S. I walked in there today for the first time and said: "Do you guys have Counter-Strike: Source?" and he's like "Yeah, we have that, come in the back and I'll get you set up." I was like "w3rd dawg!" :D
Dude hopefully I'll go to a cafe today with my bro and I will do a small write up in this thread or something. :\
Thanks for answering all these questions Pat. A lot of good info here. Oh and good luck playing today in the Cafe. Represent your boys at HL2.net forums for us!!!
Okay, I just got back from playing it again. The freeze bug has been fixed as well as the grenade jumping bug.

Some questions I didn't answer before:

1)No, grenades of any kind cannot be moved by the player once they hit the ground.

2)No, the telephone wires do not react physically to gunshots or grenades as of right now.

I can also say that CS:S and the source engine have the most realistic ragdolling in the game industry. Bodies react perfectly to grenades, gunshots, and knives. The hit detection system is nearly perfect. The sounds are great, the animations are fluid, and the explosions look great. The physics are just soooo good.

Even though I was playing on a relatively low-end system (P4 1.7 GHz, GeForce 4 MX 440) the game ran at a suitable framerate even on the highest settings with no AA and resoltuion set to 800x600. Valve has done an excellnt job so far and they are very serious about getting CS:S perfected. The game is constantly being tweaked. The wait to connect to steam and then get on the game is very long because of the tweaking that Valve is constantly doing.

I am really looking forward to the finished product and I think it's going to be a winner. :D
I played CS:S yesterday and my life has never been the same... and thats just to sum it up. :)
They should make it so you can pick up dead bodies and barrels and bottles etc. and throw them and stuff...then my life would be complete.
Moto-x_Pat said:
Even though I was playing on a relatively low-end system (P4 1.7 GHz, GeForce 4 MX 440) the game ran at a suitable framerate even on the highest settings with no AA and resoltuion set to 800x600.

What do you mean by "suitable framerate"? How much FPS? There's a chance it will run on my Celeron 1.8 Ghz maybe :bounce: I hope :/
My life would be complete when I get 3 girls to do "it" with me at the same time...

"it" being to play CS.... :O
omg! there is not a single computer cafe with cs:s here in Serbia!!!


/i'm going to kill someone!!!
Silent_night said:
would u say the graphics r at doom 3's level?
Not even close, but doom was a run and gun with pretty graphics
the damage for the nade is pretty much the same if your standing right next to it expect to walk awya with 20-40 hp and if your standing on it dont hope for more than 25. damage for weapons are the same as well although there were a few differences, might have been due to the bullet hitting a wall first. not sure netcode seems to be a little different and if its not then it was the comp i was on. the movement seemed sluggish(strafing) but i wont know for sure until i get it on my comp.