Just got done playing with Erik Johnson...


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, i know i said i was gone, well after this i am but it was cool cause ive had ErikJ on my list for about a year now and all of a sudden i get on steam and he is in a 5/22 TFC server. So we played together...here is the convo..

me: Hey Erik, how is Team Fortress 2 coming along? I'm doing to hear something.
ErikJ: The ninjas will come in here if i talk about it.
me: ahhhh fine

Lol, it was cool though, to bad i didnt get any info though, that sucks! Well anywho, you all have fun playing HL2 and god bless!
Oh, hes on again now, Erik Johnson, is his steam id. Any TFC fans out there, go out and thank him for everything he's done and enjoy the last few hrs before HL2! I'm finishing up some school work, might work on college essay :( and then playing TFC!
You were playing with Erik's johnson? That can't be right.