Just got my PS2...

No...i got mine mainly for the fact it was a DVD player. Although, i did want GTA 3 which was also a major factor.
Gta Double pack, Devil may cry, Rez, ICO, Gran Turismo 3, Metal Gear Solid series and the FF series..
yeah pretty much get GTA3, GTAVC, and MGS: Substance. Everything else is lame, unless you like racing then get GT3
God forbid he get Ratchet and Clank 2, Prince of Persia, Final Fantasy, or ICO.
PS2 has more games than either X-Box of Gamecube....you've got dozens and dozens of good choices.
I'd get the GTA games, and believe it or not, a big chuck of the Good PS2 games are the "Greatest Hits" games for $15 - $20 a piece. Most of the games are cheap now which is a good thing. If you like racing then wait and get Grand Turismo 4. Also you may want to check out the "Jak" games and the "Rachet And Clink" games. They got high reviews. Prince Of Persia was really good game. WOW theres a LOT that I can name. Any of the Final Fantasy games are awesome. Those are a small list of PS2's amazing games. you may want to check out www.gamespot.com or www.ign.com and look up some PS2 game reviews. Good Luck On Selecting Your Games!
=)PoLo(= said:
Gta Double pack, Devil may cry, Rez, ICO, Gran Turismo 3, Metal Gear Solid series and the FF series..
All good choices.
One thing though, if you like Metal Gear Solid, make sure you get Substance, not sons of liberty. Substance includes Sons of Liberty, plus tons of mini missions.
Sly Cooper is a great sleeper hit. Its a tad on the easy side, and kinda short...but the time you spend playing it will be some of the best console gaming you've probably had in a while. BTW its platformer
Also get Bauldurs Gate: Dark Alliance, Imho its a VERY good game... also the eye toy is pretty cool.