just got the game, some textures are missing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike521
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hi all, I just installed HL2 and everything looks awesome. But after playing for a bit, some of the textures disappeared and got replaced by glowing white surfaces.

it happened almost exclusively on things that were supposed to be metal. for example those little flying things that come and take pictures of everyone -- they had their textures when I first started playing, but after 15 or 20 minutes the textures disappeared.. has anyone seen this?

I'll attach a screenshot

also, is there a way to play without having to put the CD in the drive? I can see that getting really annoying.

thanks in advance


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ummm I did buy the game.

I don't see anything on the page you linked to regarding playing without the CD in the drive

edit: or about the texture issue but I'll see if I can post a question there, thanks
you don't play without the CD in the drive, period. Vivendi made it a requirement for "copy protection".

Tis one of the reasons I bought through steam. As far as the texture issues go, I'd certainly recommend reinstallation. It should fix it.
you mean buying through steam allows you to not have to have the CD in the drive? or you bought through them cause you were happy about it?

think I found a fix to the texture problem on that help page, people were getting shiny hands when playing counterstrike and the support people said it was specific to nvidia cards, and gave some commands to fix it.
nope that fix didn't work.. submitted a question to valve support. what a pain in the ass.
it does that to me on some things not alot but i dont think of it as a big problem
yea I validated them earlier... everything looked fine.. still no success, then I reinstalled, and still no success.

giant, it happens to me on just about every metal texture... those weird gizmos that look like door locking mechanisms, the things that take pictures of you, random pipes along ceilings.. ugh
no really it only does it on the combine controls panels u know the ones in the citadel
I had texture problems too but mine was more of a texture corruption not missing textures. You can try typing mat_reloadtextures in the console it might cure it temporarily.

I fixed my problem by reducing my AGP speed from 8x to 4x, and I have not had any texture problems since.
I updated my nforce and geforce drivers and that seems to have solved the problem. weird that it wasn't broken when I first started the game but then got glitchy. hope these drivers are good for my other games, I was very satisfied with the ones I was using
The objects that have texture corruption in your screenshots are all models, not world geometry. So that narrows the problem.
the textures arn't missing, they are just much brighter than the rest. if you look carefully the textures are there.

looks like somthing to do with reflective surfaces as you say it happens with all metal surfaces.
yea... well it's fixed now anyway so I'll happily forget about it