Quite alright, but a lot of advertising. Sometimes the (third-party) servers will simply stop uploading to you and you have to restart the download :|
The site itself is very good, and the comment system is very good.
NEWGROUNDS.COM: What?: User-submitted flash movies Cost?: None. Other?: Yes, the audio portal (sound/music samples), also free. Comments: Very good voting systems, and over time, when you voted on enough movies, you'll unlock certain games on your account (often made by Wade and Tom Fulp, the creators and owners of the site).
Very high quality flash movies, and bad movies are first filtered through loads of honest volunteers, so stick movies called "LOLOLOLOLOL SECHS" have about 0% chance of getting through. Stuff that still gets through can be removed later on by democratic voting by users. The comment system is absolutely great, the search function is great and the sections are very good, although they aren't updated very much.
The only problem with the site is the large of amount of advertisements for Hentai. It isn't a problem for me, but others might be annoyed