Just noticed something in a screen...

Wow, this is SO freakin old. This screenshot is pre-E3 2004. It was obvious then that it was a hovercraft of some sort and the E3 videos prooved it. What's the big deal?
It is old. This was discussed long ago in a VERY long thread. Some said it was an Icthyosaur, but nothing was ever confirmed.
We all know that he is shooting at an Itchy...
Well, after looking at the leak model (sue me :p) I can assure you that it IS the hoverboat. (maybe hoverboat is the wrong word though.. it's a swampglider or something.. well you all seen it in the new vids)
It is either the hoverboard or water craft thing, or it is a MP pic, a combine shooting at another player (gordon)
i reckon that is a slight glimpse of gordon but don't panic i'm sure he'll be ok.
Lol could one of the wacko's who thinks thats Gordon in the water please knock up paint and point his head out to me :)
it is freeman, valve just realized their mistake and tried to photoshop him out. UNSUCESSFULLY might i add.
conspiracy people make my chuckle, why would they be unsuccessful? What possible challenge would these artists face in doing something as simple as that?
EVIL said:
LOL... they are seeing things now, I bet we will have jumpers in a month or two
LMAO! Funniest thing i've read all day.
Its a hovercraft, no if, and, or but about it.
:) The Combine soldier is shooting at a bullsquid.

400TH POST! TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF AND CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...I guess no one caught that little b-bomb... oh well, poor barney...
it actually does look like gordon close up..but why would gordon be in the freakin water? haha
its called an airboat, a hovercraft is very large about 40 ft. wide and 75 ft. long.

also how can u guys see more than an airboat? your imagining gordon.
Impulse147 said:
its called an airboat, a hovercraft is very large about 40 ft. wide and 75 ft. long.

also how can u guys see more than an airboat? your imagining gordon.

Hovercraft can be any size. If it's a craft that hovers then it is therefore, A HOVERCRAFT! *awaits Nobel Prize* :rolleyes:
Impulse147 said:
its called an airboat, a hovercraft is very large about 40 ft. wide and 75 ft. long.

also how can u guys see more than an airboat? your imagining gordon.

oh yeah, and airboats fly otherwise we wouldn't be calling them "airboats"... :rolleyes:
Regarding the Gordon Theory: That's what I thought at first too. However, the size is way off. As stated, his head would be as big as an oil drum. The "face" is, in my opinion, an artifact of the JPEG compression.

Regarding the Hovercraft Theory: If it is a hovercraft then I judge it to be seconds away from crashing to that cement wall (it’s difficult to tell what is wall and what is reflection, especially due to the block compression, but if you zoom in close enough it does look like the boat is more or less touching the wall).

Regarding the Splash Theory: Until I came upon this thread I had always assumed it was nothing more than a splash. While I can sympathize with those who are not convinced that those two blobs are parallel pontoons, if you find the seam where the “splash sprite” jets up from the surface of the water and then look further down you will see a path of white water along the surface of the lake with follows the projected path of a boat. Either this white water is the residual disturbance from previous shots (unlikely since the other splash sprites would likely not have vanished that quickly), or it is the wake of the hovercraft.

My opinion: It’s the hovercraft. Why would Valve release a picture of a combine solder shooting at nothing?
Like I said before. If you think its Gordon then paint his features in because I sure as hell can't see him.

What I do see is the hoverboat...nothing more
you also can't see yourself in the mirrors so why would Valve release an average looking screenshot and let you see Gordon?
it definatly is too small to be the hovercraft, which is a few times larger than gordan. The dock is not that far away for the hovercraft to appear so tiny
the object behind the splash is............ your life... if you can claim it then you can go out and have fun.
Hahaha, some very spirited responses I see. It may be true that I'm seeing things, but believe me, when you have insomnia and an extremely slow internet connection you start trying to find anything to do to waste time until you fall asleep. So I either have no life, or was just bored as hell and noticed something, you pick.
Anyway, back on topic, from looking at the pic again, it probably is the hoverboat, even though I can't make myself see the rollcage thingy. It's just an oddly misproportioned pic I guess.
Subatomic said:
it definatly is too small to be the hovercraft, which is a few times larger than gordan. The dock is not that far away for the hovercraft to appear so tiny

Its not much larger from Gordon. Have a look at these 2 pics.
The first one is a shot from e3 2k4 vid. Note the size of the craft and also the distance from the top of the bridge: First picture

Now look again at this enhanced version of the original image from the thread starter. Note the blatent lack of Gordon Freeman:Second picture

Again, I wouldn't mind someone taking the time to outline Gordon because I still can't see him.