Just Played Episode 1 again...Sweet game

I once had Raising the Bar, but i lost it when i was moving. Really interesting book.
HL2 episode 1 and 2 is the best. Half life 2 itself(not episodes) weren't quite nice but I must say it still is the best game ever made!
I was so much amazed by HL2, and now about midway through episode 1. A little disappointed to find out that it's going to be a short game. And the "lowlife" so far is the toughest and most frustrated to play. Seems too many zombies to encounter. Like to get more puzzles, too.
The only thing I hate about Episode 1 is where you and Alyx are going down an elevator and 3 huge objects will fall, one by one down onto you. You'll get to see it for about 2 seconds before it crashes and kills you and most of the time it isn't enough for me to aim my gravity gun to punt it.
And the "lowlife" so far is the toughest and most frustrated to play. Seems too many zombies to encounter.

It's actually pretty easy to run around most of them except for the fast zombies.

The only thing I hate about Episode 1 is where you and Alyx are going down an elevator and 3 huge objects will fall, one by one down onto you. You'll get to see it for about 2 seconds before it crashes and kills you and most of the time it isn't enough for me to aim my gravity gun to punt it.

I thought that was epic and rather. It's not the game's fault that you don't have skillz.
That part got a lot easier for me when I realised that you can use the gravity gun's alternate fire to grab the falling debris before you punt it away.