Just Released: Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory BETA

The beta just went public, figured everyone might wanna know
edit: is it supposed to start downloading after submitting info? or do i need to wait for a key?
:| What now? It's been released to the public since a long time ago... it's just that you need to be a subscriber to fileplanet.com
Icarusintel said:
f*ck, no wonder it's not downloading
me = noob now

;) But, I think it was mentioned that it should be released to everyone like after a week or something, but it has been a week since it's first release...
It says "Open to the Public" and PUBLIC Beta, so I thought maybe it was the real deal, the real McCoy
:dozey: Yeah, it's a little tricky... because if it's only available to subscribers only, it's still a 'public release'. But, hell I dunno what the hell is going on, I am not too sure if it is or is not available to everyone as of right now.
Fileplanet said:
ll FilePlanet users now have the incredible opportunity to participate in UbiSoft’s next chapter in the Tom Clancey series -
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. This multiplayer, closed beta is a FilePlanet subscriber exclusive and offers you a chance to preview one of 2005's most anticipated games.

That is a conflicting statement... 1st...whee everyone gets it. 2nd...just subscribers get to play. WTF.
Just tried it. PT with new levels.... WOW..... What a disappointment IMHO.
Icarusintel said:
so it shoudl be downloading even though i'm not a subscriber? yes or no?

Well you got further than I did. I can't get past the "enter your info" screen. I submit but it keeps bringing up the same page.
Yay no more keys! Isn't that awesome guys?

EDIT- Hmm...just noticed I'm past 1000 post, awesome.
Everytime I fill out he form I hit submit and all that happens is the page refreshes.
:thumbs: Keep filling in the information, it'll give you one eventually. Fileplanet even tells you to do that.
ailevation said:
:thumbs: Keep filling in the information, it'll give you one eventually. Fileplanet even tells you to do that.

I got a key now :P Took a bazillion times :P
Mates, come join me at my server later, GargaServer.
It's DM, the new SCCT map, alternate mode, every equip on except grenades and mines for the mercs, time is "infinite".:p
Hum... I just went to fileplanet, went to the download, public servers had no wait. Then did "sign up for beta" and got key first try.... no problems :)

oh yeah, and im downloading at like 1.03MB/s cause im at uni ;)
Just finished playing for an hour or so. Still fun :P People on this aren't nearly as good as people on Xbox Live for PT. I was kicking ass and teaching people how to play (as I figured out controls myself).

At one point my teammate spy was distracting a merc by running around front and I came in behind to break his neck. Because my teammate had his shock gun out and I killed him (apparently he didnt read the "AmishSlayer has broken X neck") this merc thought that I shot him with some kind of lethal pistol :P He didn't believe me when I told him there was just a shock gun.
lol had the same prob too,finally got my key,then it said 'signup',i was like ****,then i saw 'public servers'downloadin now,pretty quick too,hopefully actually setting up and playing wont be a chore,any tips amish,never played sc online?so excited :laugh:
well just started playing the boring tutorials,wish they'd let me play,the light beam problem with ati cards still hasnt been solved,(x800xtbtw)although maybe its meant to look like that,i maxed out res to 1600/1280,graphics really aren't that impressive looks very splinter cell 1 tbh,of course i havent played the map so i expect it'll be better but i have a feeling all those screenshots released were more 'concept art' than ingame,controls are still clunky aswell
Pretty much PT with some better animations, although the coop moves are the coolest thing I have seen in a game.
Ok let me explain guys, the Mercenaries VS Spies uses the same coding as SCPT, and same engine as far as I know, the co-op mode tho, which uses the SCCT missions uses ethe SCCT engine, thus it has really nice graphics, ragdolls and all those fancy effects, yes it's sad that the SvM didn't get the SCCT "coding" but hey that's how it is and we can't change it.
oh ok gargantou thats a relief,just played my first game,the graphics really blew tbh i was a merc,why does everyone with a mic sound like squeaky voice teenagers? :dozey: ,need to play more to get used to it,didnt know the map at all,anyone think the sound quality was poor?
Come join me at my server in a few hours, mics are turned off :p
Yes, the sound quality is really poor, especially when using mics.
GargaOne is the servername, same as my nick.:P
ill look you up ;) :naughty:

oh yeah how do you check your ping when plying?it wasnt beside the players name like usual
finally got a key this morning on the first try, and i tried it like 10 times last night, ain;t that about a b, can't wait to start playing
Ubisoft sucks.

They blocked my account for some unknown reason. When i haven't even done anything wrong to begin with. The only thing i can think of is getting NoCD patches for all the games i legally own (SC: PT, Far Cry, Pacific Fighters) and even then i didn't even play them online so how the heck could i be blocked for nothing? Bah, what a crock
jimbo118 said:
really bummer man,can you not just create a new 1?i had to
Yeah, at least i can do that. Just need to go about creating another hotmail account or email. Oh well, i'll fix it.

(But i'm still ticked off that i never got to play SC: PT online because they shipped the Australian versions without a CD Key for some odd reason)
well, I got a key but for some reason I cant downlaod off of fileplanet. I click on one of the public servers to downlaod and nothing happens. Anyone else having this problem?
Sparta said:
they shipped the Australian versions without a CD Key
:laugh: Damn publishers. You really missed out.

I just got my key. It was a bitch to get it thanks to the convoluted login procedure at Fileplanet. But whatever, at least this is a public beta , rather than a "public" beta.
agree with searonox the controls were very clunky and awkward,spies just use vents all the time
lol, you get used to it, atleast I did, but I can honestly not wait for the SP co-op.. Mmmm... Co-oooop..
"disappointing. if 'chaos theory' is like this, we're still waiting for splinter cell 2

:-[ "

got this off eurogamer.nets comments on the beta,very valid point,
Doesnt seem too good then... i've wanted to get into a SC game. i guess il wait.
So many people seem to be glazing over the fact that the SvM is pretty much completely different from the SP and Co-op. Don't go rating the whole game just because of SvM. It's absurd.