Just Rented Juiced..


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
And boy howdy do I love this game.. I love the customization.. I love the ability to watch a race or have your own crew member race for you. This game is amazingly fun and good.. I can't wait to purchase it.
I heard the controls/handling of the cars wasn't all that great; is this true at all?

How would you rate the graphics, gameplay, handling, etc?

The controls seeem simple enough to me.. As for the handling, at high speeds you can easily lose control, but I think thats obvious.. Sometimes when you are making a turn, you can whipe out, but it is very rare. I completed some turns before that I thought were perfect up until the spinning out part. That is usually a user fault though since you have to control the car's speed around turns and what not just like any other run of the mill racing game.

The graphics were moderate.. I do like the looks of the cars though. The surrounds like the buildings, trees, etc. were not so great. If I had to the game would get 7, but the cars would get 8.9.

Good selection of cars. In the career mode, you start with nothing and have to build up your respect from specific individuals and build up your cash so you can trick out your car. It is a little cheezy though.. I found myself in certain situations where I had no money whatsoever and when I went to repair my car, it said insufficient cash, but when I exited out of it, another screen popped up, and it usually says that a mysterious figure paid for your car repairs blah, blah, blah...

The gameplay is rather simple just like the controls. It is pretty much going from point A to point B while beating the **** out of your opponents. You have NOS just like you should in a street racer. So sometimes when you find you need a little help, all you have to do is hit Y or Triangle. From what I saw in the career mode, there are not that many actual modes of racing. I saw Style Contests, Circuit Racing, Point-to-Point, and Sprints. There may be more since I have only just begun. You can race others for the pink slip to their car. I made a brutal mistake when I raced a man for the pink slip of his car and lost dreadfully.. I had a great car too, but I just wanted more and took the risk and paid for it... literally by buying a new car..

All in all it is definetly a great game and is well worth the money.
I have the game and I really dislike the controls. The car always pull to the right or left making it harder than hell just to keep control.

Is it suppose to do that?
Shamrock said:
You have NOS just like you should in a street racer.

Sad part is, none of these games can get it right on how nitrous** works.
chu said:
I have the game and I really dislike the controls. The car always pull to the right or left making it harder than hell just to keep control.

Is it suppose to do that?
I did notice that also! I think after you wreck a little your car will start to lose its alignment. I mean if thats not the case then that is ****ing retarded for the car drifting right and left..

DiSTuRbED said:
Sad part is, none of these games can get it right on how nitrous** works.
Please elaborate.
Devvo said:
How do you mean?

Go into a car, hold the nitrous button down, SEE how your motor is doing after you're holding down a 100+shot, I bet holes in pistons quite easily. And even when you spray just one 100 shot, it does more than in the videos game, on certain cars. But on that game they are all the same, they all get the same boost.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Go into a car, hold the nitrous button down, SEE how your motor is doing after you're holding down a 100+shot, I bet holes in pistons quite easily. And even when you spray just one 100 shot, it does more than in the videos game, on certain cars. But on that game they are all the same, they all get the same boost.

Oh right, I haven't played the game you see.
Shamrock said:
I did notice that also! I think after you wreck a little your car will start to lose its alignment. I mean if thats not the case then that is ****ing retarded for the car drifting right and left..

It does this right off the bat with no damage to the car.

I tried taking to game back to EB but they have a no return policy for PC games because people can copy them. I suppose you can't copy XBOX games to your XBOX. :rolling: