Just saw Zeitgeist!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score

A few things to say, first of all, is most of it true, or just random made-up crap? The religion part I believe, 9/11 and the government parts I wasn't so sure.. Is all the stuff he says based on fact?

If it mostly is true, I must say 'tis quite trippy to watch. Lots of info at once, basically telling you that everything around you is a lie..

Also, if it is true, I would rather die then get micro-chipped!:sniper: All your money and stuff is stored on that chip, and if you screw with the government, then POOF! Your dirt poor, and basically useless... That's weird..

There is also that one world government thing. That's the thing I want to know most about, is that mostly true?

Well done movie, however, I must say!
I - I don't think much of that is true. I might be wrong though. Oh god, who knows?
My brother has wanted me to watch this for a while and i still havnt got to it for some reason...

He loves it tho.
I watched a couple of minutes of it while my roommate was watching it. It looked like shit to me, and he agreed after watching the whole thing.
It is boring at some parts, but it is, after all, a documentary, pretty much. I watched it in school while I was supposed to be learning some stupid Flash crap, so I had the time... Alot of it..

EDIT: I should also add, you may get turned off by the 'low-budget-ness' of it, but it IS an internet movie, remember that. (even with the low-budget-ness, I still thought it was really good..).
Its more of a 'conspiracy theory' than anything else and as such i didnt really pay much attention to most of its claims. Take all of the claims this movie makes with a pinch of salt
The religion part is very interesting, then it's just ****ed up.