Just say here what you want

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HL2 shadows suck.. they bugg, flicker and overlapp objects..
valve had +5 years.. and they could not fix it..
HL2 shadows suck.. they bugg, flicker and overlapp objects..
valve had +5 years.. and they could not fix it..
You would worry more about the list of enemies and weapons, because there should be more
The guy who started this thread was probably in a very good mood. So am I.
I am the webmaster of Gutzy.com, a website about Israeli Punk/Hardcore.
Currently I'm listening to Useless ID, a local pop-punk band that got pretty famous worldwide and appears on the Rock Against Bush vol. 2 compilation, check them out at www.useless-id.com
In all honesty, a part of me died on Nov 2. The county I was raised to love, willingly elected to give it'self another four year prision sentence.

Just to draw another breath is all I ever asked, but, my entire existence is now in the hands of those who think breath is only of the flesh and that eternal bliss is more valuable a gamble as social commodity than human kindness in a world that can't prove the former and lacks the later.

Guilty by association is my only crime and the world will make those like me pay dearly for it.

Just my two cents, which won't go far to buy a gallon of gas in the coming years.
the future of warfare is remote controlled vehicles.. where do you think they'll go for the best 'operators'?
Teddy said:
I think that people should need licenses to use the internet. Cause otherwise it'll be overcrowded with fools who make stupid threads like this.

Pointless, yes.

shutup bitch, who gives a shit?? so what if somebody changes the subject once in awhile.
Man the dog in the design studio I work at had a syst removed from his stomach and he's been given antibiotics that are ****EN making him fart constantly, they're worse than the worst human fart you could possibly think of. I'm seriously feeling faint as a result of it. ****EN dog stop farting! Arrrrggg it stinks so baaaad, FUUUC...*drops on the floor foaming out the mouth*
dude, just because it's a post about nothing, doesn't mean it can't be classy..
i'm not impressed by track 2 of the hl2 soundtrack
on second thought, who am I?
say what you want.. no disrespect intended
:dozey: :angel: :naughty: :smoking:
:bounce: :bounce: :farmer: :borg:
:cheers: :bonce:
This thread is spam and should be closed/deleted.
really, the second track is just some generic stuff...
many people will have no idea what i'm talking about, don't worry about it. ok i need to get this off my chest.

i am f*cking TIRED OF STRAIGHT-EDGE FANBOYS. ok its cool to not do drugs and stuff but IT NEEDS TO END THERE. i dont want to hear you are straight edge every 20 minutes. as a matter of fact the very term, 'straight edge'(or 'edge', whatever you wanna call it) is so overused i will try to not say it again for the rest of the post so i dont punch myself in the face.

every day i am chatting with people online or on their blogs or something they start with the xxxhixmyxnamexisxixamxfrudgexxx. it doesn't get much more annoying than that. then they do the thing where instead of putting Xs in between everything they go xxxlookattheselyricsibetyouwillthinkiammoreedgenowthatiamsayingtheselyricscauseitmakesmemoredeeponlyitdoesntitmakesmewanttogetshotbyotherpeoplexxx

(im going to say it one more time)
yes. i said it.

again, i totally agree with the whole mindset, i'm just tired of being reminded that you're edge every chance you get to mention it.

congratulations, you're a xxxwad.

on a lighter note, 5 days 2.5 hours till i am playing!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After reading that I am curious as to what straight edge is. Please explain.
This topic is pretty useless and is more of a spam thread. If you want chat go to some of the threads in OT.
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