Just step back for a minute...


Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Have you ever took a step back and looked at the biiig picture?

we've got millions of people hyped about the hl pheomenom... do you see anything LIKE it with other games? other games u just get the story "oh he's the admin, she's a scientist..." but like HL (as hl2 isnt out :p) is jsut so different, i mean we've all completed it at least 10 times :D and we still dont know the big picture!!

They've turned a "game" into a lifestyle, or cult or religion! it's fandabbie dozey :) just be glad you're part of it :)
lol Fandabby Dozie :D

I love that phrase :)

And yes it is rather a cult following ;)
"fandabby dozie" reminds me of Lorraine Kelly. That's a bannable offense!! :p
In that case knowing enough about Lorraine Kelly to be reminded of her ought to be punishable by death ;)
Chris_D said:
"fandabby dozie" reminds me of Lorraine Kelly. That's a bannable offense!! :p

omg I'm reporting you!! MOD ABUSE!
Knowing what's going on in this thread should be a bannable offense.
actually doom 3 is having the same effect in the gaming community :(
Star Wars Galaxies did, I can tell you that. Tell a star wars nerd "Star Wars Sucks" And he'll slit your throat
FoB_Ed said:
Star Wars Galaxies did, I can tell you that. Tell a star wars nerd "Star Wars Sucks" And he'll slit your throat

Tell him The New Trilogy Sucks, and they will probably shake hands with you and agree, Tell him the Old Trilogy Sucks, then you will have a problem
it must be something in the water, i genuinely care about this game...saying that i have stopped caring quite so much but that's bound to happen when no news is forthcoming.
You're right, I have never been this Exited for a video game before.
Me neither, this is all new to me... I have to say I'll try to stop myself getting this way about a game ever again, it's just heart-ache til the game comes out :p
No game I have ever played immersed me in the environment so much... GJ Valve. :)
FoB_Ed said:
Star Wars Galaxies did, I can tell you that. Tell a star wars nerd "Star Wars Sucks" And he'll slit your throat

SWG blows!

/me puts on a kevlar vest and helmet...
yeah , i thought about posting something like this earlier ... people have created a freaking relationship with this game ... imagine if HL2 just disappeared ... I think suicides would occur ... :cheers:
if HL2 just disappeared ... I think suicides would occur ...

yeah i suppose Gabe's untimely demise could be covered with that excuse....
"he's the admin, she's a scientist..."
can they get along in the suburbs?!

Sorry, It sounded like a stupid TV show tagline to me. Im crazy.
i too cant believe how excited i am for this game to come out. i catch myself imagining how cool it will be to go to the story on release day and buy it, and then promptly play it.
Really amazing given how little is really known about the game...
Some_God said:
No game I have ever played immersed me in the environment so much... GJ Valve. :)

I still feel Half-Life was more of a run and gun game the only thing that drives me and makes me want hl2 so bad is the ending.
"They've turned a "game" into a lifestyle, or cult or religion! it's fandabbie dozey just be glad you're part of it "

soon they will put subliminal messages in the game like "bomb pearl harbour" and stuff :p
Half-life is my favorite fps game
and will be forever my favorite fps game, until HL2 come
it's fandabbie dozey

lol this quote definitely should be filed under the classic posts folder of this site :p
but yeah.. i agree the following for the HL series is huge and so cult-like...i mean a word against Valve around here and its "burn him at the stakes!!1" posts.. :LOL:
Half-Life is the Star Trek of video games, haha.
Talking about hype: DOOM 3 is more hyped, actually. Even the mainstream mass media sites/channels posted news about release date and stuff... Too bad, though, it doesn't have much of a story.

About the characters and the believable world: Only Two other games that rival half-life in it:
1) Deus Ex (the first one) and
2) Anachronox.

The latter game did not get much publicity, but it's an awesome mix of adventure/RPG stuff with a blend of powerful characters and HHGTTG-style humor!
I don't think Doom 3 is more hyped, I've been talking to some of my friends who don't play computer games, and they've heard of HL2, but they never even knew Doom 2 had been released, nevermind Doom 3 ^^
groovy said:
soon they will put subliminal messages in the game like "bomb pearl harbour" and stuff :p
Hah, that's like in South Park. Chinpokomons said that the USA is the devil. And kids should bomb the Pearl Harbour. :E
I can't wait for Half-life Galaxies 3: Return of the Krankie!