just wanted to ask you fine people, about RAM


Nov 18, 2004
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I want to get more ram, i have 512 and would like more, how much can I get, how much should i get, what kind should I get, and how could i found out what kind of ram my mother board supports (RAM - SDRAM, DDR, Rambus DRAM?) I don't have a manual for my comp, its custom.
2 gb RAM is just for showin' off, 1 gb is all you need to play all games today and at least a year ahead. Unless it's really slow. Check the name of your momma board and then google for it, it should tell you you fsb speed and what speed you cpu supports, also check the nubmer of slots on your motherboard.
DDR is the shit you should get btw.
DDR2 is better, but it depends on how many RAM slots you have. Most newer ones have 3+. Mine has 3. Older ones have two or sadly one.
yeah their all right i have 4 slots and i have 1.5 gigs of ddr samsung ram
To answer your question about how much ram you should get depends on what you are using the computer for. 512 is fine for most things 1 gig is a good amount to go for.

Without knowing what make and model motherboard you have your other questions can not be answerd. If you know the person/company that put the computer together ask them, if not you can download a programe called So-Soft Sandra (think that is the right name). When you run that programe it should give you the make and model of your motherboard.

Then check out the web site for the make that will then give you how much and what type of ram you can use.
Don't get DDR2 unless your board supports it, putting the wrong type of ram in will stop your computer from booting up.
I have a intel D865PERL board it supports DDR and SDRAM, I but there is still all kinds of ram, whats best if I want 1 gig of ram.
Buy a 512 stick of DDR 400. Your current ram should be 400mhz as well. If your asking for brands, theres plenty of good ones, just dont get the uber cheap stuff.
You will need to check the ram you have now to see what speed it is, you have two options buy 1 stick of ram the same speed or buy two new ones to give you 1 gig. You still need to check with intel what speed ram your motherboard supports, if it only supports a speed lower than 400 putting 400 speed in will not make it work at that speed.

You will only get the operating speed your board is rated at, go for DDR and not DDR2 if your board supports DDR2 it would say so.
freeman2 said:
You still need to check with intel what speed ram your motherboard supports, if it only supports a speed lower than 400 putting 400 speed in will not make it work at that speed.
He said what his mobo was. It supports 400mhz DDR ram. (no DDR2 or Dual Channel)
f|uke said:
(no DDR2 or Dual Channel)

I went from 512 megs PC2700 to 1 Gig Dual Channel Corsair 3200 and I went from 70 FPS in the HL2 Stress Test to 83 FPS. That was nearly a 20% increase from just ugrading ram. That result really surprised me.