Justice Without Her Blindfold Is Just Vengeance

It isn't contradictory...
It's possible to take account of abuse etc. affecting mental stability without being emotional.

Depending on how it is used. In this case he was using it in a manner where he wants the listener to feel bad for the kid.

He is trying to say 60 years for rape is too long, so he tried to use the fact that the kid was a victim in the past as an excuse to get in lesser time.

In a blind justice there is a set amount of time for the particular crime. So, let's hypothetically use the penalty for rape of children 10 years or younger by a teenager or older is 60 years . The boy found guilty, no more, no less time - 60 years.
No, it's not a lie. I learned it in my Psychology A-level, thank you very much. Unless of course the education system is just a massive government conspiracy to feed people lies. Yeah, that seems more likely.

Piaget's stages of intellectual development

That page claims the uppermost stage of development at 11-15 years, but our textbooks said 12.

Piaget got the order right, but not the timing. Piaget's work is still the basis of developmental psychology, but parts of it are still flawed. In fact, the timing of the developmental stages is different for every person. In some cases even infants have been shown to understand things like object permanence and conservation, and very young children have been shown to have a theory of mind. The one thing piaget did get right, however, was the order of the developmental stages, which is the same for every person.

Even so, piaget did experiments with reasoning ability, not actual neural development. Neurons continue to be pruned and paths in the brain continue to become more efficient through the teen years and into the 20's. In other words, a 13 year old will understand the concept of conservation or object permanence or a theory of minds better than a 7 year old, but he will not be as fast or effective as an adult in applying that concept to moral questions. His scemas will be chained to his limited experience and understanding, and the adult, who has much more experience, an efficient, pruned brain, and years more social conditioning will be much better and much faster at solving ethical problems and applying moral reasoning to a situation.
Now clearly the justice system we have is woefully inadequate, but the bullshit pussyfooting liberal approach is NOT the answer. The reason our society is so dysfunctional is precisely because of estrogen-driven social policies and rights for criminals. Kids can do whatever they want because there are no repercussions for them - they have all the power, and they know it. Their sense of unwarranted self-entitlement and no responsibilities carries straight on into adulthood, and we end up with the crime- and chav-infested country we now live in.
You're barking up completely the wrong tree. People must be held accountable for their actions.

hell yes. agreed