Kameo:elements of power review up at gamespot

sounds good, there hasn't been a huge amount of [good] adventure games in awhile.
Hmm, yeah, dunno about this one. Feels like a letdown after all the hype. This quote in particular sums it up for me:

"Kameo feels rather disjointed at first, and it's not a particularly long game, but it ultimately provides a rousing, memorable journey that'll be a fine way to excitedly spend some of your first hours with the new Xbox."

Not exactly the stellar praise one might've expected. Its essentially saying its an okay way to waste some time until better games arrive for the system. I still am not sure why the next gerneration was necessary--this, in particular, did not need to be a next-gen title.

EDIT: The IGN review is up as well. 8.4. Some quotes:

"A tight package that deserves praise but is less than breathtaking. The story is simple and not very engaging."

" Kameo is a fine example that the best is yet to come."
yea 10 hours to finish just isn't my type of game anymore, even if the game is completely fun.

I had high hopes for this game, high expectations.

Disapointing. The ultimate rental perhaps.
Hahaha, now the anti-360 sentiments on this board are undeniable. Kameo gets a solid score and people throw around words like "disappointing" and "waste your time". I don't think it's possible for you people to lay it down any more nice and thick.
Im disapointed that the game is not longer is all. Ive seen videos of it and it looks more fun than any game i've ever played. but im not paying $50 for it, if the thrills are over in a weekend.

I would get Perfect dark or PGR3 or something. I would pick it up for $30 or less, but still, at $50, I'd rather pay $6 to rent it for 2 days and finish it.

I guess that could be said about any game though. They need to come out with more games that you would want to play for months or years on end.
Icarusintel said:
wow, $60 for a ten-hour game with no multiplayer.... no thank you

Do you always get charged $10 over retail price for games you buy?
tranCendenZ said:
Do you always get charged $10 over retail price for games you buy?
Is this one of the $50 games?
Product search results for kameo buy
Kameo: Elements of Power - $49.99 - Buy.com
*edits last post*
As to be expected. The developers are rushing to get their games out on launch, so will have to deal with short games for a little while...also the Disks don't have too much space on them.

EDIT: This has nothing to do with the topic, but if you put money on the stock market, it's a good time to invest in Microsoft shares.
dream431ca said:
As to be expected. The developers are rushing to get their games out on launch, so will have to deal with short games for a little while...also the Disks don't have too much space on them.

EDIT: This has nothing to do with the topic, but if you put money on the stock market, it's a good time to invest in Microsoft shares.

PFFT the discs have 9GB!

I challenge you to name 1 game ever made that uses more than 9GB not including all the mods and modded maps and expansion packs you have downloaded or purchased

Don't forget it CAN use 2 discs
Absinthe said:
Hahaha, now the anti-360 sentiments on this board are undeniable. Kameo gets a solid score and people throw around words like "disappointing" and "waste your time". I don't think it's possible for you people to lay it down any more nice and thick.
I was simply stating that what they were essentially saying was that it was a nice way to waste some of your time while waiting for better games to release. There's a big difference between a game that is a waste of time and a game that can be used to waste your time. If you are using it to waste your time, then its not a waste of time at all.

And I sincerely hope there are some really terrific PD0 reviews up soon--that is one game that, if done right, no one can say anything nasty about unless they are deranged. :rolling:
VirusType2 said:
PFFT the discs have 9GB!

I challenge you to name 1 game ever made that uses more than 9GB not including all the mods and modded maps and expansion packs you have downloaded or purchased

Don't forget it CAN use 2 discs
I remember reading somewhere that the current DNF build was 9.3GB or something like that :P
Pretty good news for x360 fans.
Sure, it is short, but that seems to be its only downfall (according to this reviewer). The bit about the savesystem was nice. The savepointnightmare of previous consoles is one of the reasons I'm a pc-fanboy. If you have the ability to rent games then that is obviously the best coice, but otherwise I would say it is probably worth the cost.

JellyWorld said:
I remember reading somewhere that the current DNF build was 9.3GB or something like that :P

You just made me soil my [lie]clean[/lie] underwear... ;(

Is it just me or do video game ratings seem terribly inflated? I don't see a reviewer giving a movie 4 or 4 and a half stars out of 5 while calling it

"A tight package that deserves praise but is less than breathtaking. The story is simple and not very engaging."
or saying
" Kameo is a fine example that the best is yet to come."
I've been following Kameo's development for years now. Initially on the GC, then the Xox, and now on the 360. Not because it looked particularly impressive, but because of a strong (and misplaced?) faith in Rare.

The reviews don't make Kameo sound that great, and, after all this time, anything less than stellar isn't enough for me.
Warbie said:
I've been following Kameo's development for years now. Initially on the GC, then the Xox, and now on the 360. Not because it looked particularly impressive, but because of a strong (and misplaced?) faith in Rare.

The reviews don't make Kameo sound that great, and, after all this time, anything less than stellar isn't enough for me.

oh cheer up. The game looks insane fun. Nothing in life is perfect--You gotta take the good with the bad. Just wait till the price comes down a bit

Just think of it as an orgasm. Awesome while you experience it, but you wish it could last forever.

And what is DNF? In racing this means Did Not Finish. is this an acronym for a specific game?
You're a loony, Virus :)

In a good way.
VirusType2 said:
PFFT the discs have 9GB!

I challenge you to name 1 game ever made that uses more than 9GB not including all the mods and modded maps and expansion packs you have downloaded or purchased

Don't forget it CAN use 2 discs

Yes they do...then why are the developers complaining they need more space?? The graphics sure take up a lot of space. If you read about how developers are having problems with certain aspects of the system, you would understand. Plus using two disks is gonna cost the developers more money, hence, you'll have to pay more money. And using 2 DVD's is not to practical for games. All they need is compression, and I hope the X360 provides it.
dream431ca said:
Yes they do...then why are the developers complaining they need more space?? The graphics sure take up a lot of space. If you read about how developers are having problems with certain aspects of the system, you would understand. Plus using two disks is gonna cost the developers more money, hence, you'll have to pay more money. And using 2 DVD's is not to practical for games. All they need is compression, and I hope the X360 provides it.

Well I've heard that creating a CD ROM costs a few pennies. I should think that a DVD would be no different. So really, I don't think that is going to mark the price up.

Speaking of costing more money; each Blu Ray disc is rummored to cost $10 each. So... would you pay $10 extra dollars to have 1 Blu Ray disc or $.06 for 2 DVD's? Not to mention the additional cost of the drive itself.

I mean, is swapping a disc out that incredibly laborous?

And why is using 2 DVD's not practical? I've done it for RE on the game cube. No problem.

Oh, and I'd gladly read any source where developers are complaining they don't have enough space had you provided one.
wow, the sports games aren't doing well over at Ign either. They gave NBA Live a 7.8 and madden an 8.0. I think ill just wait till they come out with some good games before I buy this console.
VirusType2 said:
Well I've heard that creating a CD ROM costs a few pennies. I should think that a DVD would be no different. So really, I don't think that is going to mark the price up.

Speaking of costing more money; each Blu Ray disc is rummored to cost $10 each. So... would you pay $10 extra dollars to have 1 Blu Ray disc or $.06 for 2 DVD's? I mean, is swapping a disc out that incredibly laborous?

And why is using 2 DVD's not practical? I've done it for RE on the game cube. No problem.

Oh and I'd gladly read any source where developers are complaining they don't have enough space had you provided one.

Ok. Here's one link:


and another:


EDIT: The gamecube uses Mini-DVD's..about 2 or so Gig's...so you would need an extra Mini-DVD for some games. And like you said before, and I quote:

I challenge you to name 1 game ever made that uses more than 9GB

So what you are saying is that 9Gig's is enough. That's true. But read the links above and see why some developers don't like to use 2 disks...especially on a next-gen system. (On a next-gen system, you should not have to swap disks..if it's really a next-gen system.)

EDIT#2: And Bare in Mind the XBOX360 will make use of High Definiton graphics. If Microsoft wants this, they had better increase the disk size. 9Gig's is nowhere near the amount of space for High Definition graphics. The disks that use HD graphics (Or HD movies) are called HD-DVD's and the size of those disks are close to 23Gigs. Sony will have no problem as they are using blu-ray disks which can go up to 50Gigs.
JellyWorld said:
Is it just me or do video game ratings seem terribly inflated? I don't see a reviewer giving a movie 4 or 4 and a half stars out of 5 while calling it
I totally agree, but its pretty easy to figure out what they mean though,
1-6: crap
7: ok
8: pretty good
9: great
10: zomg
VirusType2 said:
And what is DNF? In racing this means Did Not Finish. is this an acronym for a specific game?
Unfortunately, yes, its an acronym for the PC vaporware project of the decade, Duke Nukem Forever. We should see it someday, but no one is saying anything definite yet. Eerily similar to your racing reference :).
(On a next-gen system, you should not have to swap disks..if it's really a next-gen system.)
Thats such a silly thing to say.

ok so Xbox360 is not next gen. its here now. On my next gen system I'll get one that has 20 USB ports too.

They are saying pre-rendered cut scenes use alot of space on a disc.

Anyone else besides me hate these things? Im playing FFX and all the sudden its movie time, and all the characters look much different. The characters are almost unrecognizable in some games. That completely takes me out of the immersion. How about rendered cut-scenes like HL2

EDIT#2: And Bare in Mind the XBOX360 will make use of High Definiton graphics. If Microsoft wants this, they had better increase the disk size. 9Gig's is nowhere near the amount of space for High Definition graphics. The disks that use HD graphics (Or HD movies) are called HD-DVD's and the size of those disks are close to 23Gigs. Sony will have no problem as they are using blu-ray disks which can go up to 50Gigs.
MS is not increasing the disc size, and they don't need to.

In short, while i agree we are going to need larger discs for high defenition movies, this doesn't NEARLY effect video games in nearly the way it effects movies.

At the moment i have no problem swaping discs for games with lots of movies. Remember computers games are still mostly using CD-Roms. At least Xbox360 has dual layer DVD ROM.

the real problem is with high def movies. I'm just not convinced Blu Ray is the answer
The thing is, neither HD DVD or Blu Ray is here yet. I'm glad I didn't have to wait to get "next gen" gaming. its here now, ya know?

HD DVD dual layer is 30G and blu ray Dual layer is 50G. easily enough for all 180 episodes of sinefeld. Is this really necessary? over-compensating for a small penis? Do you know how much of a bitch that would be to "seek" for a particular scene on a home movie?

Im not sure The PS3 will be using Dual layer blu ray or not

The reason I have such a problem with blu ray:
Blu-Ray discs require an entirely new manufacturing process with transition costs borne largely by duplicators (unless Blu-Ray backers devise a subsidy system. That, along with other issues, is expected to delay the introduction of Blu-Ray discs until sometime in 2006, which could hand a major advantage to the HD-DVD format. (add hard return here) "In this kind of battle, the guy who is out there first and cheaper is going to be the winner," says Fariborz Ghadar, director for the Center for Global Business Studies at Penn State University. "The more expensive and later one is going to be the loser." (The Blu-Ray camp contends that it will bring manufacturing costs nearly in line with HD-DVD during the next year. Parsons says that HD-DVD's cost advantage will amount to only "pennies" per disc over the Blu-Ray format). (add hard return here as well) "Unlike Blu-Ray discs, HD-DVD discs can be manufactured with similar equipment in the same plants that make current DVDs," said Jodi Sally, vice president of marketing for Toshiba America Consumer Products digital audio video products.

and compatability problems?
"The studios will be the kingmakers here," he says. Ultimately, consumers may struggle to figure out what kind of players and media to purchase during the next couple of years. "The most important benefit to the consumer is that the HD-DVD players that we'll be introducing to the market this year will be fully backward compatible with the current DVDs that are already in consumers' homes. With the Blu-Ray formats' backward compatibility isn't so simple," adds Sally.
If i had all the answers I wouldn't be here
VirusType2 said:
Thats such a silly thing to say.

ok so Xbox360 is not next gen. its here now. On my next gen system I'll get one that has 20 USB ports too.

They are saying pre-rendered cut scenes use alot of space on a disc.

Anyone else besides me hate these things? Im playing FFX and all the sudden its movie time, and all the characters look much different. The characters are almost unrecognizable in some games. That completely takes me out of the immersion. How about rendered cut-scenes like HL2

MS is not increasing the disc size, and they don't need to.

In short, while i agree we are going to need larger discs for high defenition movies, this doesn't NEARLY effect video games in nearly the way it effects movies.

At the moment i have no problem swaping discs for games with lots of movies. Remember computers games are still mostly using CD-Roms. At least Xbox360 has dual layer DVD ROM.

the real problem is with high def movies. I'm just not convinced Blu Ray is the answer
The thing is, neither HD DVD or Blu Ray is here yet. I'm glad I didn't have to wait to get "next gen" gaming. its here now, ya know?

HD DVD dual layer is 30G and blu ray Dual layer is 50G. easily enough for all 180 episodes of sinefeld. Is this really necessary? over-compensating for a small penis? Do you know how much of a bitch that would be to "seek" for a particular scene on a home movie?

Im not sure The PS3 will be using Dual layer blu ray or not

The reason I have such a problem with blu ray:

and compatability problems?

If i had all the answers I wouldn't be here

Is it really silly to say that?? A next-gen system should be past the days of multiple disks and beable to hold all the information on one disk. IMO of course.

Microsoft will need to convert to HD-DVD if they want real HD graphics. HD graphics take up much more space than convential graphics, making it nearly impossible to make game on a convential DVD.

I agree Blu-ray has a lot of Bugs and is clearly not the best choice...yet. There will be a day when we need Blu-ray, or some other named brand of disk, to hold all the information..but right now is not the time.

But the real reason why this is such an issue, is because the developers are making a fuss about it. I certainly won't interest you with my opinions but at least hear the developers for what they have to say. They are the ones that are developing games..and if they need more space...I say give it to them. That way the developers will make the games they actually want to make, and the gamers (us) will get what we want from the developers. We are always asking more from the developers and these technical issues will be a slight draw back for them and us.

EDIT: and if you think I'm not an XBOX360 fan...you might want to know, I pre-ordered one 3 months ago and it's all paid for and ready to pick up on Nov.22. I personally can't wait to try out most of the features with XBOX Live and the new interface. But I am a little concerned about the disk size. Other than that..I can't wait :D