Kanellos: The Greek Protest Dog


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score

Coolest dog ever, sticking it to the man.

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The first one in the spoilers is my favorite, the look on his face and the guys behind him just make it.
Did Krynn go to Greece recently?
Hopefully this Greece situation clears up. We have a week long cruise over there and like 5 of the stops are Greek cities, one of which is Athens.
**** yeah that's awesome. Yeah, cat lovers, keep dreaming your animal is awesome.
Guys can we sell Krynn and adopt this dog instead?
Hopefully this Greece situation clears up. We have a week long cruise over there and like 5 of the stops are Greek cities, one of which is Athens.
Most of the riots should be restricted to Syntagma Square. Since you have a cruise you'll probably get off the boat and they'll have a tour bus for you, so you'll probably hit up the acropolis and the temple of zeus and all of that shit. You shouldn't encounter any problems at all, the riots in Greece are never as widespread as the news makes them out to be
He wasn't in a private family home in the middle of the night, that's why he wasn't shot.
Most of the riots should be restricted to Syntagma Square. Since you have a cruise you'll probably get off the boat and they'll have a tour bus for you, so you'll probably hit up the acropolis and the temple of zeus and all of that shit. You shouldn't encounter any problems at all, the riots in Greece are never as widespread as the news makes them out to be

Well my dad told me a story yesterday about a European cruise line where the dock workers wouldn't let the ship passengers back on board, forcing the cruise line to put the passengers up in a hotel.

My parents said today that the ship has put the Athens stop "on hold."
Good thing it wasn't caged, or otherwise they might have shot him.

I don't get the whole Greece thing though. Your country is bankrupt, so the best thing to do is obviously to go on a strike..? You're pissed at the government cutting back on expenses, but the money has to come from somewhere, what did you expect them to do, really? There is no solution that doesn't hurt. You either work harder, longer (the average age of retirement is freaking 61) or for less money. Those are your options, pick one. But don't throw a hissy fit.
RIP the protest dog.