Karen O and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs thread


Dec 4, 2004
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This thread is for all the "The Yeah Yeah Yeahs" fans and also for guys who think Karen O is super sexy!
For those of you who don't know who Karen O is this is Karen :
Their new album is out in the autumn - yay!
She's releasing a new song soon - yay!
Karen O makes me feel funny inside... :naughty:
karen o is teh secks but i've never really seen her face...
The ultimate dragged-through-a-hedge-backwards-whilst-pissed-but-ready-to-f*ck-you-senseless-and-make-you-feel-mildly-but-deliciously-intimidated-and-then-rock-like-a-motherf*cker-in-an-awesome-band rock godess.
And a friend of mine who met her told me that actually she was really really nice, which only makes her more fantastic.
I hav some song of that band and they are very cool

someone can post a pic of that karen o? I dont remenber her
Meh - it's not a bad song in itself, but her voice isn't suited to something like that. It's better than that song. Yes.
I wouldn't be surprised if that song being used in that ad isn't something to do with Karen O and Spike Jonze being a couple. Lucky bastard.
I don't really like teh Yeah Yeah Yeahs and since my opinion is more important then yours I figured I should post it ;)
:laugh: Oh Fat Tony!, you are a wag! The simple fact of the matter is, I'm afraid, that you're wrong, and that the YYYs rule. In summation: You're wrong. Sorry old boy, that's just the way it swings sometimes. ;)
:O I challenge you to a duel!
/me slaps el Chi with a glove