Katamari damacy


May 31, 2004
Reaction score
who has this? I got it today. think it's well worth the $20

King of cosmos is such a weird guy. hell, so is the whole game.
Yup it's really cool. A friend imported it. Worth every penny imho. Great game if you want to introduce easy games & the japanese culture to girls too :)
Awsome game, totally worth the 20 bucks. Royal Rainbow!!
I'd get it buuuuuut, I can't afford it right now. I know it's only $20 but I just spent all my money on books for my classes :/.
I am bit interesed on that game cuz sounds funny

do is really funny?
<RJMC> said:
I am a bit interesed in that game cuz it sounds funny

is it really funny?
1) Fixed for proper english, assuming you care for that. I know someone in these forums wants people to correct him/her...
2) I'd like to know the same thing. I've heard great things about this game, such as "this is fun in a box", "it's like liquid fun injected into the bloodstream", and "I am so confused." Describe the gameplay!
1) Fixed for proper english, assuming you care for that. I know someone in these forums wants people to correct him/her...
In case you didn't know, <RJMC> is from Venezuala, and English is his second language.
Shut up.

Katamari Damacy looks bizarre...what's the point? o.0
Well, it's funny and very fun.

There is one cutscene that got me laughing, but I won't spoil what happens. the rest is mostly just king of all cosmos! he's such a strange character. his dialouge is classic.

also, you can roll up stuff thats upwards of 60 meters (60 meters is close to as big as a building in the game..)
I know one person that got 160! wow.
FYI, the biggest you can get is close to 900 metres actually. That's pretty big if you consider how you look at 60 :E
Wait..so..you build stuff and try to make it taller?.. or what?
Yes, very fun game, just watching the opening movie I knew I was going to love this game.
MiccyNarc said:
In case you didn't know, <RJMC> is from Venezuala, and English is his second language.
Shut up.

Katamari Damacy looks bizarre...what's the point? o.0

Well seeing what he meant totally went over your head I'll explain. There is someone else on this forum that asked for people to correct his English so he can learn it better since it was his second language. He was trying to help out, he was not trying to be an asshole. Next time don't be so quick to attack something you don't understand.
the biggest I got so far was 451 meters. I'm going to try and get enternal mode so I can get 900m. :)
some. it's $20 for a reason, it's short. I beat it in about 6 hours.

replaying it on the last level called, the world (since it's huge), has some replayablility. spend your whole time trying to collect everything on it. (get past 900+ meters)

i'm going to try that later..

oh yeah, and getting all of the presents.

I will be replaying it :)
Could SOMEONE tell me the point of the game?
It's sounding more bizarre by the minute..
Does it have any story?
I just heard that you are some litle thing that roll and colect objects like a magnetic thing and you pick since pencils to buildings, I am right?
The story is your father, the King of All Cosmos, has gone and broke all the stars in the sky. Nobody is happy with this so he passes the buck to you, his son the Prince, and you have to put the stars back in the sky by gathering any object you can with a katamari (The ball thing you roll around). When the katamari gets big enough it can be made into a star.

It's a screwy storyline, but the game is fun as hell.
basically, you can roll up everything you can see. around the last level, where you have to make the moon, you have to make a 300m katamari (it's..huge, thats all you need to know). I got to the point where I was just rolling around in ocean, I rolled up..everything! even clouds, rainbows, tornadoes. I got a 830m katamari. :rolling:
Sanius said:
even clouds, rainbows, tornadoes
:laugh: I must have this game!

And on another topic: Sorry if I offended you RJMC, but if it somehow makes you feel better, I found out that it's Gargantou that wants his English corrected. Sorry, again :)
http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=5484 <- download for the intro movie, in its bizarre glory.
Edit: http://media.ps2.gamespy.com/media/606/606672/vids_1.html <- Gamespy alternative

A few years ago, I was a bitter Squaresoft / Final Fantasy fan, bitching constantly about the european situation with their games, how they never bothered to release them over here and how Europe was just some kind of weird outpost to the big games devs. Then the situation improved and Europe got everything that the US ever got. A great emptiness pervaded my life: My bitching days were over.

Or so I thought. Fscking European Namco not giving us Katamari Damashii. A pox on you!
I actually wish I had a PS2..this game sounds bizarre and fun.
MiccyNarc said:
I actually wish I had a PS2..this game sounds bizarre and fun.
It is. You should hear the music. Japanese music on dope :E Pure ownage.

Edit: Oh and picking up live animals (in case you don't know, the katamari can pick anything practically. Some sort of superglue without glue :D) & later, even schoolgirls etc is so much fun. Rolling down a city street with people running around screaming is hilarious :thumbs:

The only real problem I have with it (haven't played much & I don't even own it 'cause of living in Europe) is that the diameter counter is a little weird. You can pick up fully grown elephants & the size of the ball grows by an inch or so. That's a pretty small big elephant ;) But it's gameplay related but still.