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Dec 29, 2004
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Ive allways been interested in Katana swords and samurai's. Im looking to buy a real katana, not those very expensive ones, but those alittle cheaper, but still handmade. Also id need a video training kit. Does anyone know where i can get these, does someone over here have a real katana ?
Garfield you crack me up.

My brother has a few Japanese swords. Only one of them is expertly made and that cost too much money :x I can see why they're so lethal. My brother ordered them mostly online, but he bought the real one in France somewhere.
1. Do NOT use them. Your going to end up cutting someones hand off, never, ever, use cheap swords. The handle can snap since they all use copper/bass to hold them together, training swords are balanced corrently and use bambo on the handle, which splinters with over use, not snaps like metal would, the last thing you want is the blade to come off and hit something, or someone. If you just want them for display, buy the display versons, but do NOT use them.

2. If you want to learn to use them, first off, you buy a boken, not a real sword, Do no bother with videos, go take a class that will teach you alot better then a video. If you plan on doing Aideo (spelling?) then you can buy a sword if its a training sword, NOT a display one.

Dont do what kids do, go and buy a display sword because they just watched kenshin and end up slicing there own arms off. Please.

If you do end up starting classes, good luck with them, there very, very hard, after your first class you wont be able to move for a week, but there fun.
angry at girls, knifes now swords, hope your intentions are noble.
Ritz said:
1. Do NOT use them. Your going to end up cutting someones hand off, never, ever, use cheap swords. The handle can snap since they all use copper/bass to hold them together, training swords are balanced corrently and use bambo on the handle, which splinters with over use, not snaps like metal would, the last thing you want is the blade to come off and hit something, or someone. If you just want them for display, buy the display versons, but do NOT use them.

2. If you want to learn to use them, first off, you buy a boken, not a real sword, Do no bother with videos, go take a class that will teach you alot better then a video. If you plan on doing Aideo (spelling?) then you can buy a sword if its a training sword, NOT a display one.

Dont do what kids do, go and buy a display sword because they just watched kenshin and end up slicing there own arms off. Please.

There is no place to learn here where i live. Im not planning to use it in self-defense or anything like that. Just want to learn something pretty unique here. And i want a good katana but still not too expensive. Something about 130-250£ can you get a good for that and if, where ?
I must say that I do agree with Ritz's avatar sucking.

However, I do not agree with Garfield_ buying a sword.
jimbo118 said:
angry at girls, knifes now swords, hope your intentions are noble.

Can we please stop, i feel bad because you say those things on everythread :bonce: do it again and ill leave these forums or create a new account.
I am not a 13 year old kid wanting to buy a weapon to show-off or kill someone, cant you understand that im serious :|
Garfield_ said:
There is no place to learn here where i live. Im not planning to use it in self-defense or anything like that. Just want to learn something pretty unique here. And i want a good katana but still not too expensive. Something about 130-250£ can you get a good for that and if, where ?

130-250 would buy you a training sword. But you really shouldnt try to teach yourself, or with a video. There is no place near me, the place I go to I have to drive 4 hours round trip.

If you *must* learn it, then use a boken, and do it outside. Theres so many things that a video wont be able to teach you. Many times I thought I was doing it right, but I had a finger out of place, or my feet the wrong way, etc etc, videos cant correct you. Since you are useing a sword, or even a boken which is still can easyly kill someone if you where to swing hard enough, its not somthing that should be done without trained people to show you how. Not a tv.

edit: Shens you can get bent too.
Garfield_ said:
Can we please stop, i feel bad because you say those things on everythread :bonce: do it again and ill leave these forums or create a new account.
I am not a 13 year old kid wanting to buy a weapon to show-off or kill someone, cant you understand that im serious :|

Oh noes he'll leave the forum, ring DA ALARMBELLSSS


Garfield_ said:
Can we please stop, i feel bad because you say those things on everythread :bonce: do it again and ill leave these forums or create a new account.
I am not a 13 year old kid wanting to buy a weapon to show-off or kill someone, cant you understand that im serious :|
relax you know im joking. i dont mind what you do. :cheese:
Ritz is right, swords are not for screwing around with, get a boken if you want to play, other wise buy a replica and hang it on the wall.
My hands are a mess of scars, and thats with trained people telling me what to do ;)
Ritz said:
My hands are a mess of scars, and thats with trained people telling me what to do ;)


I don't train weapons, but do other martial arts. I never saw the appeal in swords and things besides the "cool" factor. Its not like i'm gona find a katana sitting on the sidewalk when I get attacked ready for me to use it :rolling:

But yeah, I can appreciate that not everyone does this kinda stuff for self defence (alone) :)

Saying all that.... I do own a pair of nunchuka and two escrima sticks :p
I do Iaido for a few reasons, 1 because it keeps me fit, 2 because it teachs you balance and discipline. and 3 because Ive allways been interested in history, including history of the samurais.
Screw what they're saying garfield...get a sword and go postal!
Ritz said:
I do Iaido for a few reasons, 1 because it keeps me fit, 2 because it teachs you balance and discipline. and 3 because Ive allways been interested in history, including history of the samurais.

Cool, I plan to start Bujinkan next week, I've been reading a bit about it, but I'm really excited about learning.
Ritz said:
I do Iaido for a few reasons, 1 because it keeps me fit, 2 because it teachs you balance and discipline. and 3 because Ive allways been interested in history, including history of the samurais.

Good points :)
Did anyone ever see that Home Shopping Network outake with the guy trying to sell samurai swords?

He picked one up and started talking about how it's made of super strong steel and would never break, and then proceded to demonstrate by turning it sideways and beating it on the table. Needless to say it wasn't as indestructable as he was bragging. Snapped in half and the broken piece flew back and stuck him in the stomach. He wasn't hurt that bad but he keeled over behind the counter and some camera guy ran back there and started calling for an ambulance before they cut to a commercial. Flippin hilarious.
ACLeroK212 said:
Did anyone ever see that Home Shopping Network outake with the guy trying to sell samurai swords?

He picked one up and started talking about how it's made of super strong steel and would never break, and then proceded to demonstrate by turning it sideways and beating it on the table. Needless to say it wasn't as indestructable as he was bragging. Snapped in half and the broken piece flew back and stuck him in the stomach. He wasn't hurt that bad but he keeled over behind the counter and some camera guy ran back there and started calling for an ambulance before they cut to a commercial. Flippin hilarious.

Thats what happans with display swords... Stupid idiot got what he deserved.
Ritz said:
Thats what happans with display swords... Stupid idiot got what he deserved.

Yeah, I've got a display sword myself, which has a dull blade, but I would still never consider beating it on a hard surface with the flat part of the blade.
I had a friend who was clearing out some junk and he had a display sword, he let me have it, after one week I had it so the blade could do a full 360 turn, without the handle spining, then afew more days before the blade could come off, and that was without spinning it around like a crazy person.
Ritz and swords... that doesn't sound like a good combination to me, dangerous.

Garfield, honestly how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you spam up the forums with threads asking constant questions, you make yourself seem like you haven't got a clue, don't buy a sword. Go and get a big stick and hit trees with it, same thing. The best bet would be martial arts, which actually has some practical use and will mean you don't have to travel halfway across the country to get taught it.
Good day
Fat Tony! said:
Ritz and swords... that doesn't sound like a good combination to me, dangerous.

Garfield, honestly how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you spam up the forums with threads asking constant questions, you make yourself seem like you haven't got a clue, don't buy a sword. Go and get a big stick and hit trees with it, same thing. The best bet would be martial arts, which actually has some practical use and will mean you don't have to travel halfway across the country to get taught it.
Good day

I expect to get serious answers because my questions are serious.
It doesnt broke if cutting a tree or something?
its meant to use right.
Well if you're buying something to show of, get a crappy katana and hang it on the wall, but if you're buying a user, and not willing to spend a stupid amount on a real katana, i'de reccomend buying a nice knife. Busse, strider, himalayan imports, and mad dog are all very good brands.

Imo anyway.

(that being said, i'm sure the one you just linked to isn't too bad :))
Garfield_ said:
Can we please stop, i feel bad because you say those things on everythread :bonce: do it again and ill leave these forums or create a new account.

Do it Jimbo, do it!!
ACLeroK212 said:
heh, I wanna see him create a new account, just so we can play "Guess who Garfield is now?"
Yea...then once we found it he would be banned for creating another account. :D
You guys suck, ill just ignore you.
RITZ do you know where i could get some free samurai videos, to see how it actually is.
I think your an idiot to be spending such a ridiculous sum of money on a sword when you have such little experience in using it and lack of funds at this point. I'd firstly consider trying to get a job. Getting a place that will take you on permenantly with good pay isn't easy at your age, without any experience. Secondly as someone said, maybe ritz, you'll cut yourself to pieces on this thing. I can only hope you get sufficient training before you start using any sword. You seem to lack self control when making these thousands of threads on girls, so you with a sword has got blood bath with self written all over it. Think about this before spending all that money and don't be stupid. I don't really like you Garfield but i don't want you hurting yourself.

Also i'm trying to work out your motives for this...i'm gonna take a guess that its something to impress people with...especially the ladies, but i could be wrong. (But i know im not :) )
Hectic Glenn said:
I think your an idiot to be spending such a ridiculous sum of money on a sword when you have such little experience in using it and lack of funds at this point. I'd firstly consider trying to get a job. Getting a place that will take you on permenantly with good pay isn't easy at your age, without any experience. Secondly as someone said, maybe ritz, you'll cut yourself to pieces on this thing. I can only hope you get sufficient training before you start using any sword. You seem to lack self control when making these thousands of threads on girls, so you with a sword has got blood bath with self written all over it. Think about this before spending all that money and don't be stupid. I don't really like you Garfield but i don't want you hurting yourself.

Also i'm trying to work out your motives for this...i'm gonna take a guess that its something to impress people with...especially the ladies, but i could be wrong. (But i know im not :) )

You are totally wrong, you do not know me. I would not dare to show-off my "home-made-katana skill" for ladies or my friends. Id train in privacy
Hectic Glenn is never wrong!

And yes, sharp swords make all teh white girls horny for meh!
Garfield_ said:
You are totally wrong, you do not know me. I would not dare to show-off my "home-made-katana skill" for ladies or my friends. Id train in privacy
Sorry i forgot you are a master samurai/ninja who falls off his bike

edit: correct permerga you say some funny **** on these forums, classic one liners. That above isn't funny, its just true hehe
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